Backfire at Night- HELP

I always seem to do well all day long but then Bam, when it gets night time, I have the urge to eat and sometimes mess up all my hard work. Does anyone else have this problem and has anyone solved this problem? I think it is more mind over body, so I need to make a game plan to prevent it. Any tips are appreciated.


  • pedailey
    What has helped me mroe so recently with my late night "grazing" is forcing myself to go to the fridge and grab a glass of water first and then start poking around. I only want to eat because Im bored and typically after a few seconds and a few gulps of water I convince myself its not really worth it.
  • CarolHudson11
    Same for me. I will eat like crazy after the boy is in the bed if I'm not careful. I do the same thing as pedailey....grab water and realize I'm just bored and walk away from the fridge.
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    I did this twice this week. I find it's worse when I don't have enough fiber throughout the day. Try adding beans or whole grains to some of your earlier meals. Also, eating every few hours really works best for me (although it can be hard to do). If I plan to eat a little before bed, I can usually make it till morning. If all else fails, do NOT eat carbs at night, only protein. That will limit you nicely. Who wants to cook a whole chicken at 10:00 p.m.? Its embarassing. But oh so easy to eat the same amount of calories in handfuls of cereal.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I have the same problem! Someone suggested to me to find something else to do. Write a blog, knit, read, scrapbook, write...ANYTHING. Just to get your mind off of food.

    And if you do feel like you really need something, have some fruit/vegetables, or something else low-calorie. I try to have the 100 calorie packs around, and I usually have 200+/- calories left at the end of the day so this doesn't throw me over.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    I chew gum, drink tea or have whole wheat lightly salted popcorn. - sometimes have a glass of almond milk then i brush my teeth to remind me that im going to be so no more food.
  • ababygrace
    Thanks. It's good to know that I'm not alone on this issue. I will try the water thing or even hot tea.
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Same problem here, I usually study from midnight to about 4 or 5am and I always need something to munch. Usually I grab a diet coke or a cup of coffee with non fat milk. Not very healthy but at least I'm not reaching for a bag of potato chips. :blushing:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    me too! of course my hubby doesn't help he likes to stay up late and usually ends up snacking. I'm trying real hard to break that. I've planned some low cal snacks
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    Story of my life. I usually try to make sure I've got some calories to spare so that I can give myself a little snack. My favorite late-night snack is Chocolate Cheerios, because they're chocolatey, crunchy, and if I eat them one or two at a time I can make them last a long time. Would it be better if I didn't snack at all? Of course! But I know that I am a hardcore late-night snacker, so I figure rather than torture myself and eventually give in and stuff myself with bad stuff, at least I can keep it guilt-free!
  • blazin_j
    Same problem here. I'm told you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper, but I've been the other way around. I used to skip breakfast entirely, eat a late lunch, then gorge once the sun went down. I was eating more calories after the sun went down than all day long.

    I'm trying now to change my cycle by going to sleep earlier (to avoid the cravings) and in the morning I eat a banana or make a smoothie. It's quick and it seems to be helping to cut down on the late night snacks. Give it a try!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I normally eat popcorn at night....if I just want to chew or bored & can't sleep, I go brush my teeth or drink a cup of hot rooibos tea :)
  • ababygrace
    Thanks again everyone. I will try all these tips and see what helps the best.