Black Girls ROCK! Challenge



  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I have written and deleted several things here. Good luck in your weight loss. I just wish everyone could be happy. I am Cgoo****'s Mom, and I see her jumping in here to try and make sure nobody's feelings were hurt. It is just difficult when a topic like this has been bashed to death over the last 20 years, and some us us feel like both sides should have to play by the same rules.

    I agree with the poster that said (paraphrasing) I am starting a group to deal with these issues because in my race, a higher percentage of women have it, and pay homage to them that way, without excluding other people according to their race.

    I simply would not start any group that was a White's Only group.... first of all it wouldn't cross my mind, and secondly I would not want to end up on the news accused of being racist.

    You have a terrific idea here :) In todays world though, some people are overly sensitive....maybe think a little harder about the wording. This would make a terrific conversation on a friendly over-wine-and-snacks kind of basis, but when reading it, you can't really hear the intonation and whatnot in people's voices.

    I hope you and your group achieve your goals and become healthier people :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Look at it this way, we're too old to do the freakin challenge. I wish you ladies well.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Look at it this way, we're too old to do the freakin challenge. I wish you ladies well.
    Hahaha thats funny, yes I am too old too.
  • Lillyofthevally
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    quite touchy there. I don't believe she is being racist at all in the fact that she does have a point that a lot african american/canadians do have more health problems than us white folk. I believe she is doing a wonderful thing by trying to help those in her culture to regain their health, and in the end help to to achieve a longer lifespan.

    I will leave the racism thing out of this, because I really think it is unnecessary.

    I agree that AA/C have more health issues but it's the point that if a white person were to start a "white" group we would never hear the end of it and our account would be reported if not deleted all together.

    I think it's a great idea to group together a single nationality that has health issues... but i also think the door should be open to ALL races if they are sharing the same health issue.

    I personally could care less, but I just hate hearing the repercussions when a "white" person tries to do something that singles out other ethnic groups.

    Regardless of your race... good luck to everyone trying to lose weight.. It is in fact an up hill battle but we can all do it if we put our minds to it!

    My thoughts exactly; Blacks can be racist and discriminating, (or profoundly sound like it) while white folks would be sued. This concept needs to change.

    I'm not going to change my concept because I feel as if I doing a good deed for my community and I have no guilty conscience about it some I'm going with my gut feeling. As I said before sorry if you are offended, but you can't speak for all black, whites, hispanics, asians, and every other race out there. People are still individuals.

    Please understand, that is exactly my point, I'm not offended at all, people are of many races, So it should not be a problem when any one group, (say white) separates themselves from other races for any "good" reason.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Wow, Really??? I think this thread is very much NOT racist. Good luck ladies on your challenge. I think we are all here for encouragement:flowerforyou:
  • blazin_j
    Too much drama. The reality is there is only 1 race - the human race. We're all one family. Let's celebrate our diversity rather than drawing meaningless dividing lines.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I understand both sides of this discussion... when I read the topic title I was a little taken aback. And for some unknown reason I clicked to open the topic... thank goodness I did, because after reading the intent of the thread I get it. I'm part American Indian - diabetes and alcoholism are very prevalent with people of my heritage... I would love to help American Indians. I think it's awesome that the OP is looking for people of "like" backgrounds and I wish this group luck in their goals.

    That being said, I don't recommend anyone start any topics with the title, "White Girls ROCK!" I doubt that it would go over well. Maybe one day we really won't have color barriers.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    #(stand for TEAM; the girls that are actually participating in the challenge)

    #BlackGirlsROCK! when I said is officially closed, I mean for entry. There are 7 girls participating. Please make your first entry, thanks.
  • revjackie04
    revjackie04 Posts: 6 Member
    The thing is...the white race CAN do it....any group etc started is assumed to be open to whites UNLESS something is said to the contrary. These young ladies are not doing anything wrong by saying Hey...we want a group of like minded, similar origin or cultural concepts people to get together and support teach other.

    BTW....did any white girls apply and get rejected???? If not....then it's not exclusionary...just identifying the intended audience.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    awalk YOU GO GIRL AND YOUR 7 entries! We are here to support one another on a weightloss/get healthy journey no matter our age, race, sex, or whatever. (BTW white girl here!) I guess if it came right down to it I could be offended by the 5'7"-5'8" group, or the 20's group, or the "not that heavy girls trying to lose weight," or any group that I can't fit in. I am really sorry that it had to get brought to this point and I enjoy your positive attitude! An attitude that we as a nation need to have more of. You go girls, much success to you all.
  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member
    I'm too old - can't enter
    I'm not female - can't enter
    I'm not black - can't enter

    What can I do... I can follow your progress, encourage your efforts and be inspired by you over coming challenges and helping your peers with problems specific to their lives/culture/backgrounds etc.

    Black girls rock!! :)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I wonder how it would go over if I did an all white girls group. I think you are being racist.

    OMG, i think this was a little out of line!!! Good luck with your Challenge!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Look at it this way, we're too old to do the freakin challenge. I wish you ladies well.

    LOL, Yeah E i feel left out cause im 34!!! "I keed, I keed!!!" (Quoting Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) Good luck again!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I'm too old - can't enter
    I'm not female - can't enter
    I'm not black - can't enter

    What can I do... I can follow your progress, encourage your efforts and be inspired by you over coming challenges and helping your peers with problems specific to their lives/culture/backgrounds etc.

    Black girls rock!! :)

    Well said!!!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Wow, I didn't think this thread would get a bit of negative feedback, but...

    - - -

    1. You all can call me Missa.~
    2. I weigh 248.
    3. My goal weight for this challenge is 220, I guess. :]
    4. Strength: I have great concentration, which is best when you need to focus.
    Weakness: I am addicted to pizza. omg.
    Random: I'm a big geek. I love the Internet, technology, & I'm using it to my full advantage for this weight loss (like MFP!).
    5. My motivation...I guess just to lose more weight. :P To be able to shop for some new clothes, because I hate the ones I have.
    *Wednesday--I'm only saying that because the other challenge I do weighs in on that day & I can just do everything in one swoop, lol.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, I didn't think this thread would get a bit of negative feedback, but...

    - - -

    1. You all can call me Missa.~
    2. I weigh 248.
    3. My goal weight for this challenge is 220, I guess. :]
    4. Strength: I have great concentration, which is best when you need to focus.
    Weakness: I am addicted to pizza. omg.
    Random: I'm a big geek. I love the Internet, technology, & I'm using it to my full advantage for this weight loss (like MFP!).
    5. My motivation...I guess just to lose more weight. :P To be able to shop for some new clothes, because I hate the ones I have.
    *Wednesday--I'm only saying that because the other challenge I do weighs in on that day & I can just do everything in one swoop, lol.

    Thank God! Another team member replied I was gettting kind of scared. Hopefully the others will post their first entry, but just a snick peak of the challenge.

    Tomorrow, you should do at least 30-45 minutes of cardio. Please document what type of cardio you did. Also ONLY water nothing else.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow, I didn't think this thread would get a bit of negative feedback, but...

    - - -

    1. You all can call me Missa.~
    2. I weigh 248.
    3. My goal weight for this challenge is 220, I guess. :]
    4. Strength: I have great concentration, which is best when you need to focus.
    Weakness: I am addicted to pizza. omg.
    Random: I'm a big geek. I love the Internet, technology, & I'm using it to my full advantage for this weight loss (like MFP!).
    5. My motivation...I guess just to lose more weight. :P To be able to shop for some new clothes, because I hate the ones I have.
    *Wednesday--I'm only saying that because the other challenge I do weighs in on that day & I can just do everything in one swoop, lol.

    Thank God! Another team member replied I was gettting kind of scared. Hopefully the others will post their first entry, but just a snick peak of the challenge.

    Tomorrow, you should do at least 30-45 minutes of cardio. Please document what type of cardio you did. Also ONLY water nothing else.

    I'm taking it easy the first week.

    *ONLY water to drink all 64 oz tomorrow.
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I wish you much success. There are certain health issues that affect certain races more than others. Just like certain issues are more often seen in a certain sex and not another and we target those individuals to help them if we can and that is what this site is supposed to be about but I guess there will always be people around to put down any effort just because that is the type of people that they are.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    She asked on another thread if this would be appropriate to post, and I replied that I didn't think anyone would get offended so she should go ahead and post.
    We talk about periods, constipation, birth control, boobs,....all KINDS of things on these threads...and there are groups only for 20s, only for seniors, only for pregnant chicks... I can't join any of those, and I am NOT offended by them, so why should I be offended by this one?

    She isn't doing it because she is racist, there's plenty of white people on her friends list...she's doing it because she wants to address particular issues that are most common in her race.

    Frankly I am disappointed with this community (those of you who replied negatively). We are here for support and encouragement for people to get healthier. and if this group makes those 7 beautiful black women get stronger and healthier and improves their lives in any way, then I say bravo.
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    I think this challenge is racist and sexist for not allowing purple men to participate not to mention age discrimination, I mean come on the health issues for 98 year purple men has gotten out of control ;)