Black Girls ROCK! Challenge



  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I think this challenge is racist and sexist for not allowing purple men to participate not to mention age discrimination, I mean come on the health issues for 98 year purple men has gotten out of control ;)

    LOL - now that's funny right there!

    Ladies - Good luck in your challenge. I'll be following to see how you're doing and to cheer you along the way (and umm.... to steal ideas).
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    First day's challenge--30-45 minutes of cardio + nothing but water.

    :) I think I can handle that.

    I'll quote this post later tonight with my end results.

    So ready to get back in the gym !
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    So I'm not sure when the other girls are going to make there first entry, but if it's just the 3 of us then it's just the 3 of us.

    1. Get 30 minutes of cardio at least 5 out of 7 days this week. If you already have an exercise plan STAY ON IT! Just add 30 mintues to what you are already doing. Share what you did out of those 5 days. Tell us what you type of cardio you did as well as how many calories you burned.

    2. Drink strictly water this week! All 64 oz. per day. I know some people do protein shakes for breakfast. Only allow yourself to drink other things if it is a mean replacement.

    I would like everyone to post something every day if possible, but I know things come up. I work and go to school so I understand that life gets a little hectic. If you have any concerns about this week please feel free to ask me.
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    1. mandypooh
    2. SW: 185
    3. GW: 155
    4. Strength: Determination
    Weakness: Fear
    Randon: I am positioning myself to recieve the blessings God has for me and my family
    5. Becoming a healther person, mother, and daughter so my family will follow.

    Suggestion for weigh in ??? Thursday

    I did read the posts and everyday in life someone may have a negative opinion but that does not have to stop you from staying focused on what your goal is as long as it is all in good intentions! Thanks for considering me a candidate****Yay
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    This week's challenge might not be a challenge for me, lol
    I already workout 45-60mins a day, everyday. And I drink 130oz of water a day.

    So to make this challenging I will change to 60-90mins of cardio.
    I am getting TurboFire today so that's what I'll be doing. If i still need more
    I'll do my Jilian Michaels Shred DVD.

    For water, I want to learn to drink my water throughout the day and not
    just at meals/while I workout :)

    *Dont stop, get it, get it* lol
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    This week's challenge might not be a challenge for me, lol
    I already workout 45-60mins a day, everyday. And I drink 130oz of water a day.

    So to make this challenging I will change to 60-90mins of cardio.
    I am getting TurboFire today so that's what I'll be doing. If i still need more
    I'll do my Jilian Michaels Shred DVD.

    For water, I want to learn to drink my water throughout the day and not
    just at meals/while I workout :)

    *Dont stop, get it, get it* lol

    Great that's was the plan that you increase. I work out for more than 30 mintues a day too. Some people don't work out. Also, as the challenge goes along the workouts, eating habits, and other things will get harder :happy:

  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    First day's challenge--30-45 minutes of cardio + nothing but water.

    :) I think I can handle that.

    I'll quote this post later tonight with my end results.

    So ready to get back in the gym !

    :) I also work out 30-60 minutes a day regularly--but I haven't in almost a month! So when I went back, it was like I was right back at 0, lol.


    I did exercise. 60 minutes of cardio--30 on the ellip (my favorite) & 30 on the bike (because I haddd to watch the 16 & Pregnant finale on, don't judge me!).

    :) I also drank the required water, so today's challenge has been met.

    Hope you guys are doing good today!
  • LGIFitness2K11
    1. kendaelise
    2. SW: 173
    3. GW: 145
    4. Strength: Pushing every workout to the limit-- Weakness: Looking for validation from others regarding my weightloss when I can clearly see the progress on my own....
    5. I want to become a healthier and happier person so I can feel like I am in my 20s instead of my 40s!

    Sorry it took me so long to post!! :):)
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    First day's challenge--30-45 minutes of cardio + nothing but water.

    :) I think I can handle that.

    I'll quote this post later tonight with my end results.

    So ready to get back in the gym !

    :) I also work out 30-60 minutes a day regularly--but I haven't in almost a month! So when I went back, it was like I was right back at 0, lol.


    I did exercise. 60 minutes of cardio--30 on the ellip (my favorite) & 30 on the bike (because I haddd to watch the 16 & Pregnant finale on, don't judge me!).

    :) I also drank the required water, so today's challenge has been met.

    Hope you guys are doing good today!

    Great job!
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    1. kendaelise
    2. SW: 173
    3. GW: 145
    4. Strength: Pushing every workout to the limit-- Weakness: Looking for validation from others regarding my weightloss when I can clearly see the progress on my own....
    5. I want to become a healthier and happier person so I can feel like I am in my 20s instead of my 40s!

    Sorry it took me so long to post!! :):)

    No problem. Just make sure you come back more often and let us know your progess and how this weeks challenge is going for you.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Although today didn't start out perfect for me, I did do 90 minutes of cardio I did alot of jogging/running, and I burned 660 calories.

    Just to let everyone in on what I am doing. The reason why I asked for all the information from you is because I'm going to do an excel sheet for the group so people can see how work and effort they are putting into the challenge. I know that this is the first week and it is pretty easy, but I just want everyone to warm up with a good feeling. Sometimes when you know that you can exceed past a goal it gives you an extra boost.

    Also, I don't think that everyone has made a suggestion for the weekly weigh in so if you haven't please do so.

    *NOTE: If you didn't know, your accurate weight is in the morning after your first pee.

    Please stay encourage, and don't take this little challenge lightly because in the end you will see amazing results.
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    First day's challenge--30-45 minutes of cardio + nothing but water.

    Well I actually only got in 30 minutes of cardio and that was on the wii fit (hula for 10 min, step for another 10, and jogging for 10) I had alot of other things thrown at me today but I do feel good that I did not give up and at least got in 30 min. I definately have had my share of water ONLY today (10 cups) but I feel great about the future of this challenge. Well I will check in tomorrow!
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    I am sorry ladies I did not get any cardio in and I am over my calories for the day. I will definately make up for it tomorrow. It has been a long day. GN
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    @mandypooh Aww. :[ Glad you're not discouraged from it. I'm pig-eating today, too--it happens !

    Day Two !
    I've got 30 minutes of cardio, & still, nothing but water.
    Could have made better food choices, but I'm just crazy with cravings.
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    I am sorry ladies I did not get any cardio in and I am over my calories for the day. I will definately make up for it tomorrow. It has been a long day. GN

    Don't worry, this weeks challenge only requires you do to a cardio workout 5 out of 7 days this week. (Ladies remember that our weeks end on Wednesday because that's the day we started).
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    Today I was literally a beast in the gym! It started out with Zumba, then on to Kickboxing, from there I hit the elliptical, and then to the track for a 1/2 mile jog, had an average heart rate of 175! Wanted to cool down some so I hit the weights, and got a good 15 min. strength workout in. Worked on the biceps and glutes! My total carloies burned today was 790, if my math is right.

    Because I did so much working out a drank 88oz. of water. I'm still thirsty so my number may increase.

    I thought about it and because we started on Wednesday I think that weigh-ins should be on Wednesday.

    Also, when you post your excerise log please let me know the amount of calories you are burning because I have an excel sheet that I'm making and it will soon be out after the first weeks progress.

    Most important key is to stay motivated! Also, try to find a buddy to workout with. Sometimes when I have someone working out with me I think my endurance last longer! Although I didn't have a buddy today I pushed as if I had one. All days won't be good days, but as long as you recognize it and fix it.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    @awalk--you really kicked butt yesterday ! It was really inspiring !

    & I agree wholeheartedly. Before my friend transferred to a new university (cry), she worked out with me. It was like we could push each other. Even though her skinny little self didn't need to lose weight, lol! But she was really supportive (still is) & it was just much more fun going to the gym with a buddy.

    Buddies work! :']


    Day Three !

    Today I worked out for 30 minutes doing a brisk walk. I burned 214 calories. I weighed myself (for fun), & I gained like .4 lbs. Blahh. Hopefully I will have lost some by our next weigh-in, but it looks like I'm doing that "maintaining" thing I got stuck at before the holidays.

    So yeah! I thought I would work-out some more tonight, but I'm just tired.

    Hope today was good for everyone else.~
  • awalk105
    awalk105 Posts: 29 Member
    So today hasn't been the best. My computer has a virsus so I can't do anything. So I have to use my phone for everything. I can't even get onto word. I worked three shifts and I'm super tired, didn't plan on that btw. So sad to say I didn't work out, but tomorrow is a new day. I know I'm going to make up for today and meet my expectations for tomorrow as well.

    Had a little bit of temptation problems today. My boyfriend surprised me at my job and took me to dinner wanted to get some fruit punch, but I stuck with my water. As soon as I find out how any calories are in a chicken burrito my food log will be complete and ill know if I went over my calorie intake today.

  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    This week has been ok exercise wise :)
    Jilian Michael's Shred, 30mins, 360cal. (I was mad I finished a little after midnight so I didnt even log it for the day, lol)
    Turbo Fire Day 1: Fire 30/Stretch 10: 45mins, 400 cals (man, it was hard, paused it & couldnt finish)
    Finished the Fire 30 class: 20mins, 200cals
    Went to my Belly Dancing class: 25mins, 213cals
    TurboFire HIIT 15/Stretch 10.......
    Jilian Michaels Shread........

    *Oh, stuck to between 100-120oz a day*

    I'm about to do both workouts and be back with the cals burnt!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I truly wish your thread success!!!!
    Me Too!! Good Luck Ladies Can't wait to see your before and afters! :flowerforyou: