Michy737 Member


  • I would love to join! :)
  • ^Thats impressive! What about building the lego Millennium Falcon while watching Stargate SG-1 snuggled up in my Hogwarts blanket? That's what I did instead of watching the super bowl! Next will be the lego X-Wing! I also have a deathly hallows sticker on my car, I'm active on two RP forums and my animals are all named off…
  • I forgot to check in last week... but I have lost and gained the same pound over the last few weeks. I know it is because I am being lazier and not eating as well. Here's to getting back on track! 1/1: 193.7 1/7: 191.0 (-2.7) 1/14: 189.8 (-1.2) 1/21: 190.7 (+0.9) 1/28: 189.7 (-1.0) 2/4: 190.1 (+0.4)
  • 1/1: 193.7 1/7: 191.0 (-2.7) 1/14: 189.8 (-1.2) 1/21: 190.7 (+0.9) I gained weight this week. Didn't surprise me, I have given in far too many times to cravings. Hopefully I can get myself back on track and end the month better.
  • I gave into a craving yesterday and went a little overboard... :(
  • I wish that I would just get my act together. Being fat is so easy, I am struggling having the drive to keep going. I wish I had the discipline and motivation to just keep it up. But this is a marathon, not a sprint, so I can't sweat the small stuff and just power through!
  • My goal for this week is to really watch what I put in my mouth. I can't say that I can go completely chocolate free (especially seeing as I had a piece of cake at a party yesterday), but I really want to watch the junk food, cause just a little can easily cause me to eat a lot.
  • 1/1: 193.7 1/7: 191.0 (-2.7) 1/14: 189.8 (-1.2) Yay! The 180's (barely - but it counts)!
  • I am a military brat. My dad was an Air Force officer, now retired. I wish I had half his drive and motivation. At 59 he still continues to run 5 1/2 miles a day on top of other active activities. He is within probably 10 lbs of the weight he was at when I was born! I am glad that he has continued to work on his health as…
  • I really enjoy playing Super Mario Bros. My husband and I have finished everything in the game like 5 times now. They really need to come out with another one!
  • I got back to the gym this week after being sick for awhile. Still having to keep it low-impact because I am still coughing, but it felt good to get back. Hopefully this week I can step it up next week!!
  • My wish is that everyone, myself included, can get through the flu season unscathed. It has been really bad here and I am nervous that I will get it.
  • My goal is to curb my sugar cravings. I am totally addicted to sweets! I need to watch how much I eat, especially because even just a bit can cause me to end up going nuts.
  • Starting weight Jan 1st was 193.7, Current weight 191.0. I have to say I was surprised. I could have done a lot better the past week. With school on break and my schedule not normal, I was very lazy with exercise and ate too much junk food. Plus I have been finishing a sinus infection which has made staying sedentary all…
  • I've played oboe for 14 years and teach privately. I teach K-8 general music. While oboe is my primary I have all played flute for 12 years and have dabbled in all the woodwinds. Being a instrumental music education major pretty much forced you to at least have the basic understanding of everything. Jack of all trades,…
  • Hi, I'm Michy. I am 25 years old and from Texas. I have been overweight since I hit puberty, but I can only blame a bit of that on hormones, the rest is from chocolate. I have tried many times to lose weight, but always failed and went back to eating junk food. I have been married for four years and my husband can be both…
  • I'm always looking for people to motivate me and to help motivate in turn! Feel free to add away!
  • I am a total nerd! I enjoy writing fan fiction and enjoy playing on a Stargate RPG board. I also love movies and TV shows.... though just sitting on the couch watching the tube doesn't do much for the weight loss. :-)
  • My goal is to try to walk the dog everyday. It would do us both some good to get out in the fresh air and she would probably be less hyper if she got a good walk in. Even just a short walk everyday would do me good. I use a fitbit to track my steps daily, so my goal is to always try to get 10,000 steps a day.
  • I am a very lazy person. I have been known to sit on my couch watching TV in my PJs all day long. This causes me to both not get any activity and then sit and eat out of boredom or habit. Even things that I consider to be fun I don't always feel like getting up and doing. This has been a struggle for a while, and I can…
  • I wish for more confidence in myself.
  • My goal for 2013 is to get healthier in every aspect of my life, not just losing weight. I want keep a healthier home life, a cleaner, more organized house. I just want to be a happier and more successful person than I was in 2012.
  • Howdy! I am Michy from Texas. Happy New Year!!! Here's to a great 2013 with lots of goals being met. 52 pounds is very close to what I need to make my weight loss goal. 2013 is the year to do! My husband and I would like to start a family in 2014, which means I have one year to get my life and health on track so we can…