Tuesday - Goals



  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    My ultimate goal is to be 140-150 pounds. Right now Im 198. I want to be healthy also, not just thin. I dont want food to have a hold over me like it currently does.

    But, taking this one day at a time, my goal for today is to get to bed and be happy about my food intake for the day. And not be starving!!!
  • sexymommy73
    sexymommy73 Posts: 23 Member
    My goal this year is to feel better. I have been waking up with a pain in my hip and in my heel for a few weeks now. I will be forty in six months. I do not want the aches and pains to be a part of my life until they really have to. I need to lose weight..it is no longer just a want it is now a very necessary need. At this point a number is not that important to me. I just need to start actively doing something to achieve my goal.
  • Today my goal is to get to the gym first before everything happens like grocery shopping house cleaning etc. Me first!!!
  • asusundevils22
    asusundevils22 Posts: 11 Member
    I am making smaller goals this year. I would like to lose about 5 lbs in January. I am also not eating sweets currently. That helps me lose faster and I feel so great without sweets!

    My major goal for 2013 is to be CONSISTENT!! I will not let myself down this year. Slow and steady...
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    My goal for 2013 is to take care of myself.
    1-This means eating healthy, eliminating the foods I'm allergic to while focusing on eating more fruits and veggies.
    2- making time to get exercise everyday and enjoying / being proud of what I can do! Focus on the future not the past
    3-I really really really want to finally get to my goal weight---32 lbs to go :)
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    Log faithfully.
    Go to the gym a minimum of 3 times per week.
    Walk / Run 30 miles per week. Working my way to 50 miles per week.
    To just lose and keep it off.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    Well, to start, my goals will be to log everything I eat, and to exercise 3 times a week, including at least 2 weight-training sessions. While I gained nearly 5 pounds over Christmas, on the positive side, I've so overdone the sweets thing that none of it is appealing to me at all right now!
  • My goal is to continue to learn how to eat responsibly and workout with Bob and Jillian 1-2 times a day at least 5-6 days a week.
  • Michy737
    Michy737 Posts: 25 Member
    My goal for 2013 is to get healthier in every aspect of my life, not just losing weight. I want keep a healthier home life, a cleaner, more organized house. I just want to be a happier and more successful person than I was in 2012.
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    I probably can answer this better after I talk with my doctor but I believe I will be going lower carb starting soon.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    My goal for 2013 is to finally take the diet I have been on and off for 30 plus years to a permanent life style.
  • Cocooma
    Cocooma Posts: 13
    This is the year I'm really gonna do it. My goal is to lose all these extra pounds this year. I really want to be fit. I've been holding onto my old clothes (from 50 pounds ago) because "one of these days" I will fit into them again. Well, its' time to make it happen and not just thinking it will happen naturally. My first goal is the bathing suit I bought 4 years ago - and never wore. Here I come tankini!
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    2013 resolution/goals

    1. Log faithfully - good, bad, and the ugly.
    2. Get to wonder world and stay there.
    3. Exercise at least five times a week.
    4. Dr. Oz suggestion.... Smile daily
    5. Run a 10k

    This weeks goals:
    1. Exercise - geez... Get my lazy butt off the couch at least three times this week.
    2. Drink more water... At least eight cups
    3. Take a daily vitamin
    4. Simle :)
    5. Eat at least 3 vegetables a day... You may be thinking that is easy but I am at none right now.
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Just typed this up and then had in internet snafu. Sorry if this comes through twice.

    I'm totally looking forward to connecting with people on here! I love the format of the group. Here are my goals:

    1. Complete the Couch to 5K running program and then continue to run 3X/week.
    2. Run a 5K race.
    3. Log my food and exercise everyday.
    4. Be out of the 200's by April 1.
    5. Hit 180 by December 1.

    There are a couple of things I want to reward myself with.
    1. I want to knit myself a fair isle sweater. At my current size the yarn would be too expensive!
    2. Next winter I want to rock the skinny jeans with boots look. I'll buy them for myself if I hit that December goal!
  • reerazzle
    reerazzle Posts: 81 Member
    2013 resolutions.

    1. Aim to lose 1lb a week
    2. Get my blood sugars under control, I.e achieve a fasting BG of under 120 and abpn A1C of 6
    3. log in every day, good or bad.
    4. Drink more water
    5. Exercise 4 to 5 times a week.

    Look forward to having your support!
  • My resolutions for 2013.

    * Lose at least 52 pounds - more would be better, I want to lose 150.
    * Work harder to get 80g protein per day. I don't do so well with protein.
    * Get a minimum of 64 oz water daily. I really have trouble with water.
    * Get at least 30 mins of exercise daily. Most days I get none lately.
    * Log my food, water and exercise daily.
    * Learn something new. I'm thinking stained glass class perhaps.
    * Spend quality time with my Husband.
    * Save some money.

    I have more but these are the top for now.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    Everyone has such GREAT goals!!! I look forward to working with you all!
  • crbf
    crbf Posts: 58 Member
    My goal is to keep a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising regularly. Hopefully by doing this I can lose some body fat!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I have a list of goals that I just posted on my profile, mostly to remind me of what I want to do on this journey.

    Here is a portion of that goal list, what I want to accomplish in 2013:

    My immediate goals:
    Eat healthier
    Eat smaller meals
    Eat more often
    Move more (slow walking)
    Lift very light weights (3 pounds)
    Regain some energy

    Short-term goals:
    Conquer my fear of increased heart rate and breathing
    Use the treadmill (3-4 times week)
    Walk a flight of stairs without stopping to catch my breath

    Mid-term goals:
    Reach 199 pounds, taking me out of the MORBIDLY obese range
    Look forward to exercise
    Crave healthy food (as opposed to processed junk)
    Be healthier
  • veggibus
    veggibus Posts: 34 Member
    I've been really bad at taking my vitamins. So, my first goal for the new year (and specifically for this week) is to get back on track with taking my vitamins daily and on schedule.