L257 Member


  • I had a lot of success using a "12wbt" type system. I walked almost every day (about 3km at a brisk pace), did some youtube workout clips each week (love step aerobics), and some arm and core strength workouts with dumbells (my legs carry my body weight so they're pretty strong already), drank plenty of water, got plenty…
  • NikkiSixGuns- sorry to hear about your morning sickness returning, that must be disheartening! As far as diet/exercise/lifestyle I think one of the hardest things about pregnancy is learning to trust your body. In the modern world we don't really 'listen' to our bodies, we make our menstrual/hormonal cycle fall into a…
  • Oh yeh and I'm currently nuts for anything sour/tangy so a lemon is like, a perfectly normal lunch for me, haha.
  • I'm 28wks and eating an average of 800cals a day. Some days are blowout days where I don't eat more food, it's just richer (or I don't eat solid food and just drink juice all day) and they're around 1300. I also have plenty of days where i only eat around 400cals. I am obese (155cm and around 135kg) and I have thyroid…
  • Hi everyone, I'm 28wks with my 3rd bub, due June 18. :smile:
  • Hi, I'm due in June and discovered during a recent scan that i have a large dermoid cyst on each ovary, approx 6x7cm. I haven't been given any instructions about changing lifestyle or exercise, just warned that as pregnancy progresses and space in my pelvis is reduced, the cysts may get squished and be more sore. Dr says…
  • Yep, love it on toast or in a cheese&vegemite sandwich. When I was younger I used to put it in my cheese and salad rolls in place of salt&pepper
    in Vegemite. Comment by L257 January 2015
  • OP- stop talking about pastries, you made me crave one and so I ate one and now it's your fault if I get fat and die! YOU KILLED ME! I think you don't go far enough because you haven't looked at the bigger picture, not only should we boycott and socially isolate our pastry chef friends, but also anyone working in the field…
  • I love breakfast foods but I hate eating in the morning plus I have to wait until at least an hour after I've taken my meds so my breakfasts tend to be a bit simple and preferably eaten with one hand (I work from home from 7am and have 2 small children). I prefer to keep my brekky high protein and low carb (egg, yoghurt…
  • We had okonomiyaki for lunch the weekend before last!! It is so tasty and filling but it is also so easy to make- I really recommend you try making it yourself and that way you can control exactly what's in it.
  • oops- double post! :embarassed:
  • I still go to the park at the end of my road for my early morning run (hahahaha run- that was a good joke- more like jog/shuffle). The cold just makes me move faster so I can get home quicker, haha. And I like that it's still dark so no-one can see me! But I have to have everything ready the night before so I can just get…
  • I don't think you have an eating disorder. Like you, I meal plan and shop for a week, I even make some meals ahead and I pre-log my foods. I'm too busy NOT to meal plan and pre-prepare food! It's to do with time management and organisation, not the food. I think they way to tell if it is becoming problematic is.... if you…
  • I started this around two weeks ago but then I hurt the palm of my hand and my wrist so now I'm just 'treading water' by doing modified pushups (on my knuckles and tippytoes, against a wall at a 45 degree angle). I'd love to follow this thread and jump back in when my hand is healed. I only do them on my knees though as I…
  • Hi, yes, add me please, I'm in need of motivation,inspiration!
  • Reaching my goal weight will be reward enough and meeting my daily/weekly goals gives me a huge sense of satisfaction but I'm all for little 'rewards' along the way to keep me motivated when I'm losing focus and starting to fall 'off the wagon' There's a great little chinese massage place near me that does great…
  • I would say no, 1) if you always do this activity then it is already contributing to the weight that you are now and you will need to burn EXTRA calories to lose weight. 2) if this is a regular activity it should be already accounted for in your BMR/TDEE (when you joined MFP you should have put your activity level as…
    in Housekeeping Comment by L257 May 2013
  • Man eater- Nelly Furtado Around the world- Daft Punk Banquet- Bloc Party (definitely my favourite) They all have a strong steady beat but then the melodies on top kind of cycle in a way that really gets my adrenaline pumping and helps give me an energy kick
  • Sorry my earlier comment seemed a bit blunt- I had to go and deal with a toilet-training toddler. Whoever said the weight would drop off you is a bit naive. Like I said earlier, getting your hormone level balanced will just make you like everyone else and they're not all skinny. You may lose a little weight initially but…
  • Broccoli stems (once you've cut off the florets, peel away the outer layer of the stem- it comes away easily- and eat the soft, sweet, slightly nutty inside) Unfortunately my two daughters also love it so I always have to share.
  • It can be hard to get your levels balanced and what might look right by the numbers might still not be quite right for you. Not only that, but in my opinion, balanced thyroxine levels will only bring you back to 'normal', back on par with the general population. And they all struggle to lose weight too.