Rewards for working out/losing weight



  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Fake boobs!

    Woooo :laugh:

    Though that was my final reward. Along the way I didn't really "treat" myself with food (I had everything I wanted in moderation) but I did love getting a new pair of jeans or a dress when I needed the next smaller size.
  • JasmineOravec
    JasmineOravec Posts: 88 Member
    Massage Therapy! It feels like SUCH a reward for my mind and my body. :)
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    I do not reward myself with clothes. I am not a mannequin.

    If losing weight, gaining muscle tone and feeling better about myself are not sufficient rewards, I feel like I must have something wrong with my priorities.

    I hope you find a way to celebrate sometimes, though.

    Let me also say (for those who seem a little judgmental about using food as a motivator) that I'm on a tight budget. I can't afford to treat myself to "expensive" splurges (massages, new gadgets, money in a jar - I'll use it for emergencies). Having a food treat occasionally is an adequate, budget-fitting way to celebrate a milestone for some of us.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I don't reward myself with food because I'm not a dog.

    However, every time I go to the gym, I save a dollar in a jar. (=

    Okay, if someone never ever "rewarded" themselves with food-reward being beyond the scope of eating for survival, I don't think they would need to lose weight in the first place.

    Everyone has been there, I'm sure a majority of us have used food to celebrate or comfort ourselves at one point.

    Doesn't make anyone a dog, it makes them human.

    Though, congratulations on never rewarding yourself with food (and never having to lose those pounds piled on by a Ben and Jerry's therapy session.)
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    My favorite reward is buying new panties at Victoria Secret ....every five lbs I lose I buy their five pair special. And last time I got to buy a size smaller...really awesome reward and your SO will like it too ;)
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I don't reward myself with food but I do workout 5x/week so I can have more food. I don't see it as a reward as much as I see it as tasty fuel though :p

    Yep nothing wrong with seeing 5000 calories burned at the end of the week and going and spending 300 of them on ice cream (ice cream is an awesome after workout treat).

    I like food, and it makes me happy and as long as I work out, I am ok with occasional food rewards...

    Not a dog (though I love them), more like a cat, I will decide how I get rewarded. (I totally adore Cats ;)
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Seeing that scale drop and feeling better, both health wise and about myself, is more than sufficient reward for me. I don't need 'treats', I'm not a child.
  • VistaJerry
    VistaJerry Posts: 45
    I don't reward myself with food because I'm not a dog.

    However, every time I go to the gym, I save a dollar in a jar. (=

    Okay, if someone never ever "rewarded" themselves with food-reward being beyond the scope of eating for survival, I don't think they would need to lose weight in the first place.

    Everyone has been there, I'm sure a majority of us have used food to celebrate or comfort ourselves at one point.

    Doesn't make anyone a dog, it makes them human.

    Though, congratulations on never rewarding yourself with food (and never having to lose those pounds piled on by a Ben and Jerry's therapy session.)

    Ben and Jerry's is therapy all right.

    And I found that it was easier to not treat myself or reward with food, it would only fuel my craving. Seeing my body change was enough.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have two pairs of size 18 capris for summer. Buying size 16 jeans for fall would be a GREAT reward!!!!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    At my next goal, I'm getting my belly button pierced and a new bikini. At the end of summer (which should be after I reach my goal weight) I'm buying a whole new wardrobe.

    Those are really big motivators for me. I don't do workout rewards though.

    I think eventually I got to the point where progress was motivating enough, but in the beginning setting little rewards for yourself can be a good way to stay on track. I'd chose things like a new nail polish, workout clothes, just something small that I want.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    if you don't enjoy the food you're eating, your workouts, whatever your plan is. then it's not sustainable.
    you don't have to love everything all the time, but if it's really hard to stick to, then it won't work.
    rewards like in the OP don't work for me.
    I've tried them before but i never get very far.

    the motivation has to come from within and just preferring to be ON plan.
    when i'm stressed I don't want to deviate from what I'm doing.
    while still having the flexibility that is needed when life happens.

    ETA: my progress is my reward. not necessarily being a different size, but feeling more energy, happier, stronger.
    I can look at specific numbers over time and see how much I'm improving and the potential in the months to come.
    I don't need a reward to congratulate me for doing my workouts. I need them for my sanity. they make me feel accomplished.
    Even if I had a bad day, at least I lifted, which almost always makes me feel better.
  • L257
    L257 Posts: 21 Member
    Reaching my goal weight will be reward enough and meeting my daily/weekly goals gives me a huge sense of satisfaction but I'm all for little 'rewards' along the way to keep me motivated when I'm losing focus and starting to fall 'off the wagon'

    There's a great little chinese massage place near me that does great neck&shoulder massages- $20(AUD) for 20 mins so that's one I use. Also cheap, cute little stationery items and hair accessories and things I don't need at all but make me smile.

    I don't use food as a treat but even if I did, that wouldn't make me a dog. It would make me a human being with a weakness. But aren't we all?
  • rdrettig1
    rdrettig1 Posts: 62 Member
    I don't really reward myself with anything specific. Just feel amazing when I reach a weight goal or a fitness goal. There are so many rewards already. Like when I actually get to wear a bikini for the first time in six years. Or I can do a pull up! Or when I can go hiking and not be the last person in line praying someone else wants to take a break so I can rest! LOL
  • Sid1988
    Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
    i have rewarded myself with a month away to Thailand at the end of the year.

    It is my motivation to keep me going and it's also my reward for all my hardwork. it's a win win situation :)
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I do not reward myself with clothes. I am not a mannequin.

    If losing weight, gaining muscle tone and feeling better about myself are not sufficient rewards, I feel like I must have something wrong with my priorities.

    That sounds a little harsh. Yes, the main reward is what you see when you look in the mirror, or when you look down at your body and you're happy with what you see. I think, for the purpose of this post, though, the OP wants to know what alternatives you can do whilst on a weight loss journey that will act as a milestone.

    So, like another poster, I have a tattoo which needs finishing, and my artist isn't available until September. For me, it'll feel great to be able to lie on the table with my top off, not feeling bad about myself. The tattoo itself can be a reminder of what I achieved.

    As for not wanting to buy clothes, I think the best thing you can do after a weight loss journey is to show off your new body; you should be proud.

    Also, sorry OP, I didn't actually answer your question. Definitely try not to reward yourself with food. It's counter-productive, and chances are you'll get the guilt-factor after, like so many others do.

    I like the underwear suggestion. The more you lose, the slinkier you'll feel. I like T-shirts, so this weekend I bought myself a nice new size 12.

    I also go to the cinema after a gym session, as it's right across the road.

    Little, tangible things, like clothes, a DVD you want. Hell, even get a whiteboard and give yourself a tick or a sticker for a good day will still give you that warm fuzzy when you hit your goals :)

    Good luck!