Rewards for working out/losing weight

I've noticed that extra food, treats, a "free weekend" have been major motivators for losing weight or working out hard. What's a good motivator/reward for working out... I want to stop using food... it's slowing down my weight loss.


  • tptouchdown
    tptouchdown Posts: 30 Member
    I don't give myself 'free' weekends but I don't stress if I go over my limit at times. I don't try to make up for this by cutting back, I just resume the next day. I have found even those times that I allow myself to stray, I eat better than I used to. It isn't about always making the best choice, it is about continually making better choices.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I don't reward myself with food because I'm not a dog.

    However, every time I go to the gym, I save a dollar in a jar. (=
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    New clothes always does it for me! Make up, if you're into it. Treat yourself to something you've been wanting to do...a new book, a movie you want to see, downloading new music. There are tons of other things you can use as rewards.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    My rewards are non-food oriented. When I get below 300 pounds, I'm going to have an hour and a half massage at the local Massage Envy. Unhealthy eating got me in this predicament. I want to break the habit of emotional eating and food-oriented rewards.
  • I have some rewards that are food (usually treats like Starbucks coffee or Coldstone icecream) but some of my other rewards are going to be albums that I've been wanting to buy and giving myself $15 to spend at the thrift store for new clothes!

    Sometimes, rewarding myself can get expensive, so I've got my boyfriend to help me out, too! He's gonna surprise me with something once I reach certain goals. :)

    But my biggest reward is gonna be getting my first tattoo!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I have a tattoo booked at the end of the month. I'm also looking for new shoes. And I just got a bunch of pants that fit (well, they fit a few weeks ago anyway). Food has become less important for me. If I want ice cream, I eat ice cream. Food isn't a reward. Some would argue that sitting for 4 hours and paying someone to permanently (and painfully) etch a design into my skin isn't a reward either but it is to me.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I do not reward myself with clothes. I am not a mannequin.

    If losing weight, gaining muscle tone and feeling better about myself are not sufficient rewards, I feel like I must have something wrong with my priorities.
  • justjennnie
    justjennnie Posts: 39 Member
    Reward yourself with something that makes you feel beautiful- whatever that may be. For some women that could be clothes, a haircut, makeup etc. Pamper yourself!!
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    I don't give myself 'free' weekends but I don't stress if I go over my limit at times. I don't try to make up for this by cutting back, I just resume the next day. I have found even those times that I allow myself to stray, I eat better than I used to. It isn't about always making the best choice, it is about continually making better choices.

    ^THIS 100% - I've found personally my best route is to make a daily effort to do my best. If things don't pan out 100% perfect, it appears I'm still doing better than in the beginning, so I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again asap. If food is motivating you, but you're not progressing as quickly, maybe adjust "how much reward food" you allow yourself?
    For example - "If I do good all week, Friday/payday I'm getting the #1 combo at chick fil a woohoo!"
    changed to - "If I do good all week, Friday/payday, I'm getting the KID'S MEAL at chick fil a! woohoo!"

    Maybe that'll help. :)

    I can't reward myself with clothes, haircut, makeup, etc - because I buy myself that naturally all the time (I'm a bad makeup hoarder lol) I do find truthfully that promising myself a bit of a yummy food treat to be helpful. :)
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    I'm thinking of putting $100 in a jar for every month that I lose 6 lbs or more. This money will be used for a cruise, including a spa day! Oh, yeah.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I do not reward myself with clothes. I am not a mannequin.

    If losing weight, gaining muscle tone and feeling better about myself are not sufficient rewards, I feel like I must have something wrong with my priorities.

    Good for you.

    Some people here aren't at a point where they feel enough better that its sufficient motivation on its own, or maybe they haven't seen a change in a while. They want a way to keep their motivation levels up. Periodic rewards can help with that. Nothing wrong with their priorities - they're doing what they need/want to do so they keep on the right track.

    And besides - if they put in the work, and can afford to treat themselves, what is wrong with that?
  • tammigee13
    tammigee13 Posts: 18
    I want to get a couple new tattoos when I get to a lower number...or my body looks how I want it to... =)
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    I have some ideas for goal rewards... like at 30 lbs, I want to get a new piece of Tiffany silver jewelry, I'm thinking bangles or some earrings. Nothing wrong with a little extra motivation, and practicing delayed gratification is good for more than just getting healthy.
  • slendercurves
    slendercurves Posts: 49 Member
    I don't reward myself with food because I'm not a dog.

    However, every time I go to the gym, I save a dollar in a jar. (=

    You don't have to be a dog to reward yourself with food. No one will imply that you are superficial or greedy for rewarding yourself with money. Everyone's motivators are different.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't reward myself with food but I do workout 5x/week so I can have more food. I don't see it as a reward as much as I see it as tasty fuel though :p
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I only have one real reward planned for when I reach my goal weight. A tattoo that I've had the art designed specifically for me, and it's been waiting to be inked for some time now. I want to wait until I reach my goal so it will be my big gift to me.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    u arent a dog dont "treat " yourself with food
  • Blueyedtine
    Blueyedtine Posts: 52 Member
    I'll be a mannequin! Haha. Definitely clothes or jewelry for me! It reinforces the loss too since you want to be able to stay that size!
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm planning on getting a new yoga mat fpor me 175 lbs goal met (it's been over a week, but I have earned that one
    at 170, I'm getting running shoes that are actually good for running.
    in the long run, if I can get to 160, and stay there I'm rewarding myself with a tattoo... I'm not sure how long I have to maintain the weight to feel like I have earned the tattoo... I keep sabotaging myself at 170 and getting chubby again.
    My final reward, and I hate to admit it, is once I figure out the food, exercise, life balance, is that I REALLY want Chinese food. I need something to strive for, and at this point I can't see candied meat fitting anywhere in my life but some time down the road I will like to eat some ginger beef and chow mein again
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i might do a reward when i hit onderland next week
    like buying weights, exercise dvd, getting manicue, getting eyebrows waxed, buying clothes whatever