

  • Thank you for sharing your story! You look great. My story is very similar and you inspire me to keep pushing myself. I started out at 216! My current weight is 169. My goal weight 145. I would like to be friends, I want to see you reach your goal!
  • I have extra holiday calories to burn off too. I consumed way too much food and alcohol and not near enough exercise. I just finished doing P90X Yoga for 90 minutes. I will be going to the gym at dawn and I have hi noon Yoga tomorrow. I don't feel so bad but I do feel a sense of urgency to get going again! I was feeling a…
  • I just started doing Yoga about 3 weeks ago. I love it and I feel the results. I was very surprised by how intense it was for me. I have toned up a lot thanks to Yoga.
  • I hear you! When I started out I was 224 pounds and could only shop at big girl stores. Now I have lost 47 pounds and a few sizes but I still think of myself as a big girl. I have seen a couple pictures of myself lately and it is surprising to me. Maybe seeing some pictures to compare old weight/new you would help you put…
  • Welcome back! Slow has been my pace but it has been consistent and I am really happy about that. I am all in too so if you want to add me as a friend, I would be happy to support you :-)
  • Thats never happend to me but I was thinking maybe try hitting refresh or log off & then back on again. I hope this helps.
  • I like Just Dance 2, there is a feature on there called Just Sweat that I use weekly. Its a fun workout!
    in Wii Comment by ayj73 April 2011
  • Welcome to MFP! This site has really helped me. I would like to be your weight loss buddy. I have lost 44 pounds so far. I have 29 pounds before I am at my goal weight. I am so grateful for MFP! I have never been this succesful at losing weight. I look forward to getting to know you. I am happy to offer any help I can.
  • OK, so I have been lousy at updating but I have been pretty devoted. I Have consistently burned over 5,000 calories a week, i am drinking 96 oz of water Monday- Friday, I also wanted to restrict my weekly intake to 8,400 which is 1200 calories a day. I do great Monday-Friday but my weekends are not so good. They have…
  • OMG! not embarrasing at all, what an accomplishment! You ROCK! You look terrific.
  • You have worked hard and you look great!
  • The desire has to come from within. You said you know you have to start again but your not motivated, what changed? You could start today with a small goal of 20 minutes of walking and build up from there. Everytime you meet your goals you will feel good about yourself and that will motivate you to do more.
  • Day 2 and once again I was succesful with 2 of my 3 goals. I drank plenty of water and burned over 1,000 calories today, but again I am over my 1200 calories. I will keep trying my best to remain within 1,200 calories. It is a challenge, working out hard makes me hungry!
  • 1st day of LENT challenge! I met 2 out of 3 of my goals for today. I burned over 1,000 calories, drank plenty of water and just barely went over my daily caloric intake of 1,200. I am off to a good start.
  • OK, I am taking the Lent Challenge! These are my mini goals... 1. Burn at least 5,000 calories a week. 2. Drink 96oz of water a day. 3. Consume no more than 8400 calories a week.
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