Lost my desire!

I have lost my desire to exercise… I don’t know what happened but about 2 weeks ago I just STOPPED! I realized today that it’s been 2 weeks and I have not broken a sweat. I know I need to start again but I am just not very motivated. Any good pep talkers out there that can get my butt moving again?! PLEASE HELP!


  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    you have to just put it on the schedule and force yourself to do it....
    there are no excuses....there are not easy answers....you just have to do it....you can't make this journey a success for life if you dont change this part to and make working out a constant part of your life....it is not just something you do to get you where you want to go....you have to do it forever...find something you like and just do it....
  • lisapickering
    Find something new to do... a new class, a new routine, a different sport! Find something that you love to do.

    Think about the body that you want, a dress you want to wear, a bikini??

    Start again TODAY!!!!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    It takes 21 days to form or break a habit. As the other post said "JUST DO IT", and force yourself for a full 3 weeks. You will soon realize that it has become a habit you don't want to break!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    When I lose my motivation (which happens a lot- like a cycle) then I make sure when I get home, or wake up, or for you- when you get home from work- change immediately into some workout clothes. When I do this- it is a huge reminder that I need to get my butt up and moving!

    Even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes... get started and once you start back up- you'll want to keep going. I am usually slow to get started but once I do- I feel so good that I really want to keep pushing it!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Bluiz is right. You just have to do it. Do you remember how you felt after your workout? Tired, maybe sore, but you felt Great. Like you accomplished somthing. Even though you didn't weigh any less than an hour ago, you felt smaller. Not so much like a lumpy slug. That feeling alone is worth the effort it takes to get started. It's what keeps me going to the gym when I'd really rather take a nap after work. I've even considered staying home and cleaning house rather than working out. But, I know how I feel on the days I go vs the days I don't.

    The hardest part is just starting. Once you start moving, it's not such a big deal to keep going. Some days all you can do is force yourself to start and talk yourself through every minute. Picture the clothes you can wear when you get to your goal. Imagine how good it feels to be really fit and healthy. This isn't about just dropping pounds, it's about becoming healthier and living a better life.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Find something new to do... a new class, a new routine, a different sport! Find something that you love to do.

    Think about the body that you want, a dress you want to wear, a bikini??

    Start again TODAY!!!!

    i agree find something you enjoy, swimmming, dancing , walking it does not have to be in a gym! JUST GET OF YOUR BUTT and move!

    Good luck on your journey..
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    The more you do it, the more you want to do it.
  • ayj73
    ayj73 Posts: 15
    The desire has to come from within. You said you know you have to start again but your not motivated, what changed? You could start today with a small goal of 20 minutes of walking and build up from there. Everytime you meet your goals you will feel good about yourself and that will motivate you to do more.
  • ♥♥YoungMrs♥♥
    I agree with PPs..if you just tell yourself you're going to work out for 10 or 15 min..youll prob end up going longer. It works for me. Good luck babe..
  • traceytoo
    traceytoo Posts: 163
    I hate exercise, it's a real chore ... but a necessity, my advice would be .. whatever you do, however much you do it, make it realistic enough for real life .. if you exercise 2/3 times a day 7 days a week, you'll never sustain it .. this is real life, so make the exercise fit into it, don't fit your life around it otherwise, you'll never last ... start slowly, pick up to what feels like a maintainable level and then keep it there :bigsmile:
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I know what you are going through. I was working out everyday but my rest day, I was eating better then I ever did. Then I went on my vacation/Honeymoon and made the choice to stop during that time. What came out of it? I broke my new habit and now I find it so hard to go back to it.... I also will say JUST DO IT....and Ill take the same advice!
    Lets just do it!
  • mariskip
    mariskip Posts: 2
    I know it is not easy to work out sometimes, but you have to think about one thing.. without exercises the diet is not working..You need both to see the results.
    I guess you should try to do something different, but I dont believe in exercises if you dont feel good with it.. I mean MUST do, with no pleasure doesnt work either.
    I ride my bike everyday, doesnt matter if it is raining or the sun shines, for me it is a need now.
    It is the first thing that I do after breakfast, when I ride for one hour or more, I feel just great to start my day.
    You have to find something that give you pleasure, and it will make you feel good about.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Go take a 10 minute walk. Once you get started, you will feel good about it and that 10 minutes will soon push to 15, then to 20, 30, etc.

    There are days I do not have the motivation and tell myself, okay, just 15 minutes to at least get the heart pumping. Those 15 minute walks have at times turned into my best runs, as the blood starts pumping and I start feeling good and push 'just for another few minutes' which has turned into full 30-45 minute workouts.

    As another poster said, it takes 21 days to form a habit. You have not yet broken your habit. Quick, get up and get moving. You will fall right back into it.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I've had a similar problem. Starting today actually, its what I call tough love for myself. I need to remember, results dont show up overnight. They dont show up by talking about it only. While you can definitely just lose weight by dieting, your body wont define itself. You'll also lose at a slower rate. Every time I get to my car after class, I will remind myself excuses are excuses, and no longer will I let 'aw, Im just not in the mood' be a suitable answer. Im going to be my own biggest bully until its routine again ;)
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    Please find something new that interests you. You can NOT just stop! You've come to far to give up now! Even if you have to put in 30 mins twice a day doing something anything!!!
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    you CAN DO IT girl! just force it. you know you have it in you! so just get back on that horse and go for it. make yourself. as hard as it is sometimes, you just have to force it. i'm doing that right now...once i get going, it's not that bad. it's just getting yourself to that treadmill or whatever it is you workout on and just DO IT!!! :-)
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    When I lose my motivation (which happens a lot- like a cycle) then I make sure when I get home, or wake up, or for you- when you get home from work- change immediately into some workout clothes. When I do this- it is a huge reminder that I need to get my butt up and moving!

    Even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes... get started and once you start back up- you'll want to keep going. I am usually slow to get started but once I do- I feel so good that I really want to keep pushing it!

    This is what helps me when I'm feeling like I'm gonna wuss out--change immediately into workout clothes, and you're almost there! If you sit around in your workout clothes you know the whole time you should be up and moving.

    I'm not one for inspiration quotes at all, but something I read in someone's forum signature really has stuck with me: "Disciple is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." What do you want most? I bet it's to feel good and be healthy!
  • carrie_lebel
    Do you have a small goal I. e. jeans you want to fit into, a trip, a new shirt.
    Do you have a picture that you would like to work towards. A picture of a toned celebrity or a body that would inspire you. Try standing in front of the mirror and in journey bra and panties and jump up and down and see what wiggles and work towards getting that firm. Hope this helps.