

  • You do not need to loose anymore weight!!! Your BMI is underweight! After having children it is tough to get rid of that midsection, eat plenty of protein to help build muscle and work on your abs and overall muscle, and please eat.
  • Oh, also forgot...when you stretch your leg (usually when you get a cramp) you tend to stretch with your toes pointed (this contracts your calf muscle, so to get rid of a leg the opposite....flex your foot to stretch the muscle in your calf (Flat foot, toes pointed towards your knee). It hurts like the ****ens…
    in Leg cramps Comment by Robin9 June 2009
  • Banana's are a good recommendation, but they don't have as much potassium as rumors say they do. A food HIGH in potassium are pistachios! Also, tooooo much protein can also cause cramps. Watch your electrolytes as well, and water intake and you should be great. Feel better!!
    in Leg cramps Comment by Robin9 June 2009
  • Congratulations!! I am not far behind you! I can't wait until I get there myself, so I can only imagine how excited you must be, I know I would be ecstatic, so I am sure you are too!! Congrats and keep up the good work!!
  • Thanks!!
  • One more question....Interval training is not on the list to choose from, I did this for 40 minutes on the elliptical including a 5 minute warm up and cool down using a 1:2 ratio. Since we burn more cals interval training vs the consistent speed method (the way mfp calculates) should I add more time to the counter (like 15…
  • I hope i see these kind of soon after starting it did you notice anything??
  • Thanks for the input, I tried this today and I will continue it. I feel great! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Thanks, I love peanut butter! Great idea.
  • I have heard about this plateau...when should I expect one? Halfway through? Almost at my goal? after 20 lbs or so?? Just an idea when to expect it so I don't get flustered. Thanks!
  • Dark chocolate is a good suggestion. It is very very hard at first to by pass the sweets. MFP made it easier for me because I always input EVERYTHING I eat, and when you put in a sweet WOW those numbers made me not want to eat it. Even a little nibble of something here and there can add up real quick. So if I am making my…
  • Does drinking water really make that big of a difference? I drink water but not the recommended eight glasses. Would that make that big of a difference?
  • This is week three for me, but technically the beginning of week two since I started this site. I started a week before I found this site. I have been exercising 5-6 days per week on the elliptical at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes (now 40 mins). I have stuck to my daily caloric intake required for my goal weight, and…