

  • I was using EA Sports Active for the Wii and, with consistent use, I was seeing noticeable reductions in inches on my waist (along with increases on my biceps and thigh muscles, which was a plus).
    in Wii Comment by TWMangrove April 2011
  • Welcome, and best of luck reaching your goals. Please feel free to add me :)
  • It may very well be related to your reduced calorie intake. I know that when I get hungry I'll start getting a headache shortly thereafter. If you're eating less than you used to, your body is not yet accustomed to this, and the headaches may be a response. This is based only on my personal experience. After all, I'm not a…
  • Welcome! Always looking for more friends to help with motivation and support, request sent :)
    in Hi! Comment by TWMangrove April 2011
  • First off: welcome! Occasionally you will come across incorrect food entries; it happens. The solution to this would be to go ahead and make a new entry yourself, with all the correct info from the nutrition label. On a more conspiratorial note, I have heard that certain restaurants tend to under-report the amount of…
  • More friends = more accountability. Lots of positive motivation around MFP :) Sending a friend request now.
  • Welcome! More friends = more people to kick you in the butt when you don't stick to your goals :)
  • Congrats on taking that step into the community, I just did today and I can only imagine it'll be for the better. Accountability is important!
  • First off - welcome! I'd take a guess and say many people can relate to your experiences so far. I started off very well, only to let things kinda slip. I'm in the process of round two, and things are going well. I'll add you as a friend; more support is always welcomed.
  • I too started out on the phone app (Android, in my case), and have extended my usage to the website and community at large. Best of luck with your weight loss goals!