
zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi i joined MFP last monday and am absolutly loving been in control and changing my lifestyle but for the last 4 days i have had an awful headache which i can't get rid of, i'm drinking lots of water so its not that, any other idea's. Thanks in advance

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  • It may very well be related to your reduced calorie intake. I know that when I get hungry I'll start getting a headache shortly thereafter. If you're eating less than you used to, your body is not yet accustomed to this, and the headaches may be a response.

    This is based only on my personal experience. After all, I'm not a doctor :)
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i had it 4 the 1st couple of weeks, but i have cut down on coffee, so not sure if it was withdraw syptoms lol, but all gd now:smile:
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Have you cut out caffeine? You could be having a caffeine headache if you're used to drinking lots of pop or coffee. Just a thought.
  • jokifer
    jokifer Posts: 2
    When I started my new life style I got lots of headaches. I went to the Dr. and figured out together that not only did I reduce my calories but I also reduced my caffienne intake without realizing it. I was actually going through caffienne withdrawal.
    Hang in there it gets better and is so worth it!!
  • Have you given up anything that you would have previously had frequently? Caffiene, chocolate, sugar. I know when I changed to decaffeinated coffee I have horrendous constant headaches for about 10 days until my body got used to it and even now if I do drink the real stuff for a couple of days and then go back to decaf I get bad headaches for a day or two.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    A few weeks back i messed up on my calorie counting. I entered a recipe incorrectly and thought i was taking in more calories than i actually was. I was coming up about 500 short each day without realizing it & the only way i figured it out was through the headaches & weakness i started to feel. Are you taking in all the calories MFP is recommending? Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    I think you could be right i have definately cut back on my cups of coffee and stopped smoking 12 weeks ago now cutting back the calories lol was going to say my poor body then but its not its prob cheering that i'm looking after it at last :) thanks for the reply's

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  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I can't tolerate artificial sweeteners, but when I started MFP, I cut out sugary snacks (100 calorie packs, slow churned icecream, yogurts, etc.) and most refined carbs. Holy cow, did I get a headache!! Changing your routine sometimes can put your body into a withdrawal mode. I was in the habit of having those snacks at least once a day (sometimes 2-3 times!).

    Allergies are killing me this week too, depending on where you live it could be that.

    But dang woman!! Good for you on quitting smoking and making these positive lifestyle changes. WOO WOO!! Power through it. You will feel better.
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    I KNOW i will feel better soon, its only a headache after all. I can do this :happy:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    It's totally worth giving up the sodas and fake juices. When I started MFP, I quit drinking soda cold turkey. Weirdly, BEFORE i quit I had headaches constantly if I didn't have a pepsi in my hand, but when I started drinking water like a fish, the headaches were reduced, if not practically gone. I think it just depends on the person, but it always seems like lack of water and too much soda is the culprit.
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    OMG this thread has helped me so much, been proper suffering from Headaches since i started to reduce my calories and exercise more. In fact i probably have reduced my caffeine too and not noticed, hence the headaches. Man they are killers though ain't they.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Soda is EVIL! :)
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Have you cut out caffeine? You could be having a caffeine headache if you're used to drinking lots of pop or coffee. Just a thought.

    I agree, I have reduced my diet soda intake and I for sure get headaches. Your body will get over it pretty quick I'd say.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I think you could be right i have definately cut back on my cups of coffee and stopped smoking 12 weeks ago now cutting back the calories lol was going to say my poor body then but its not its prob cheering that i'm looking after it at last :) thanks for the reply's

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    Good for you on changing your lifestyle!! That will make your body feel so much better sooner than you think!
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