Finally Going to Introduce Myself....

4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I have been using the app on my phone for awhile off and on then decided at the end of March to log onto the website. I've become addicted to some degree. I have a few friends on here already but am always looking to increase my numbers. I figure the more support and success stories I read the more motivated I stay.

I originally stumbled onto the MFP when I got my iPhone and downloaded the app. My intent was to track my meals more than anything because of heart issues that run in my family. I myself had a stent put in a year and half ago. You wouldn't know it if I didn't tell you though. I just happen to have a family history of heart problems. Luckily it was exercise that led me to the doctor for a diagnosis. I personally don't dislike the way I look but figure I can always improve. As life goes after having children I was a little heavier initially than I would prefer and my clothes over the years have become a little snug. So, here I am tracking my exercise and diet and meeting some pretty cool people that are here to do the same thing. I started out at 196 or 195 and I'm down to 183. Ultimately I want to drop 45 so that when I go on vacation next year to take my girls to Disney I can look great in a bathing suit and turn a few heads. I'm young enough I still want to party a little and looking good makes my whole self feel good. I want to accomplish that by toning up in all the right places through exercise in particular.

Wish me success and friend me if you have the time.


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Looks like you've got a good start! Welcome to the website. I've only been here since March of this year, and I really like it. The support is great and the recipes are tasty!! :) The more support the better, I say!!

  • dywtd
    dywtd Posts: 14 Member
    You can totally do it! Wishing you nothing but success!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, gd luck:smile:
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Good luck to you!! :)
  • theresamcd2
    theresamcd2 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Good Luck Jenn...Downloaded the app on my ipod too awhile ago but have not been on message boards. Maybe that will help motivate me too. My big problem is consistency. I am so off and on. I need to stick with it.. I have about 25 lbs to loose.. I am at approx 151 and would love to loose it in time for my 25 reunion in November.. You have got some success already keep up whatever your doing cause its working.. God Bless
  • Well done and good luck x
  • fishboat
    fishboat Posts: 12 Member
    Keep working on the weight. Cutting weight helps all parts of our bodies. You can get motivated from people on this site. We all are in the same weight boat and we all need to work together to keep afloat. Ha. Well we need to watch what we eat and our exercise program. Rick (Fishboat)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
  • I too started out on the phone app (Android, in my case), and have extended my usage to the website and community at large. Best of luck with your weight loss goals!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Welcome and congrats on what you've done already - keep up the great work!
  • CindyN58
    CindyN58 Posts: 39
    Keep it up!!! Wishing you the best of luck!!!

    Add me as a friend if you like. :^)
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