shirleydawson Member


  • I guess today is day 12. gained a little back, so 4.8 lost now, but figure that will go up and down a little during this process, just want to overall go DOWN. 1) I've certainly noticed less inflammation, especially in my fingers (could almost get my wedding ring on, but not quite). 2) I've felt pretty good with a little…
  • That's a good post about flossing and brushing your teeth to end your eating day. I'm going to use it.
  • I'm on day 10 (Sunday) and have lost 6.2 pounds. I have lots to lose (100+). But my first goal is 10 before January 28th when I go back to my diabetes doc who wants me to do barbaric surgery which I'd rather not have. I have noticed inflammation being reduced and it is nice, really notice it in my fingers. I have…
  • I know since I've been eating "virgin" I'm having a lot more veggies both steamed and raw and rice; and some new oils and more spices. I find that I have no cravings for sweets, breads or cheese. Day 10 today.
  • I'm getting the unsweetened almond milk
  • On Day 9 and I've lost 6.2 pounds which is great since I haven't been able to lose anything in a couple of years. I plan on keeping on with this. A lot of my inflammation is gone and loving it. I've already found that beans (especially pinto beans) are an enormous problem, was so sick for 24 hours after I ate them. I'm now…
  • Yes, its very restrictive. I'm on day 9. However, for the first time in over 2 years I have lost a little weight (6.2 pounds). So I am going forward with this. I'm finding that I no longer crave bread or cheese (which I was really worried about). I have been eating some feta cheese occasionally so that takes care of that…
  • What a pretty lady - hair, smile and eyes!
  • I purchased the Virgin Diet ebook this week and have been reading up. So Thursday I began trying to eat Gluten and Dairy Free. I'm 100+ pounds overweight and have tried so many things but still no weight loss. I've been logging occasionally on here since October 29, 2012 when I was at 280. My weight has gone from 280 down…
  • I'm starting this diet today. Going shopping tonight to stock up. Hope it works because nothing else seems to. My doc wants me to consider bariatric surgery But I really don't want to do that. It will be hard to cut out wheat and daily though. Been reading about it today. My BG is great today. Just 98 a few minutes ago.…
  • Weighed a few minutes ago on my old home scale and it shows no weight loss. So depressing after a week of trying so hard, but I'm going to keep going. Starting to really work on the water consumption today. I actually do feel a little better, not quite so stiff in the morning. Maybe I've really lost a little fat and built…
  • HisangeG, sure I'll join you in doing some wheelchair/sitting exercises. I need to know some to do and what the calorie burn is. I'll try to surf the net and help find something.
  • I have back issues and fibroymylgia too. I can't walk or do impact exercise, but I have been doing some water aerobics 2-3 times a week which feels great. Nothing hurts in the water unless I make a unusual move. Tonight I sat watching TV with my 5 lb hand weights and did some arm exercises while watching a movie. I'm going…
  • Thanks all for the welcome. Skinnyjeans, I'm a night owl also and typically have trouble falling asleep before 3am. Some of that is due to my restless leg symdrone and some of my meds too. Imackbeth, I got the 1350/day calorie goal from this site by putting in my weight of 280 and my goal weight of 150 at 2 lbs per week…
  • Hi, my name is Shirley Dawson. I'm retired and I'm new new to My Fitness Pal, I'm 58, with fibromylgia, degenerating discs in my low back, ostheoarthrisits there too and in my hips. I'm also diabetic. I also have a blood disorder "Essential Thrombocyemia" (which means my bone marrow produces too many platlets, making me a…