Has anyone tried the Virgin Diet?



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    LMAO those comments about the virgin diet..xD!! Yall are funny!!....*slowly backs away*

    *while shouting really loud* NOT LIKE I'M A VIRGIN ANYWAY!

    *runs away*
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Was this diet invented by dragons?
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I'm convinced there are no virgins of edible age within 1 hour of my home.
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    smells like pickled red herrings to me
  • Haven't tried the Virgin Diet...but I really enjoyed the Tons of Sex Diet. Yuummmmmmm :-)
  • If you search for paleo recipes, those should work for you.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Eating virgins will probably cause problems with the authorities...

    LOL, u beat me to the punch!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    By the way; I'm sure my brain size isn't smaller than yours just because I eat more raw vegetables than you do and eat less cooked food. I also disagree with your body ph philosophy but again, I'm allowed my opinion and your allowed yours.

    Fortunately, re: the bolded part, it's not a philosophy but known science.
    As far as brain size goes you've missed the point. It won't happen in one generation. Evolution doesn't work that way.
  • I'm going to try it too. You do it for three weeks and then you add the foods back in one at a time to see if you react. You may not have to give up all the foods on the list forever. I would like to see if my joint pain, depression/anxiety and foggy brain are improved. I don't think the book promotes that you should ever have sugar substitutes however. I watched a show on PBS where she explained it and she did mention on sugar substitute that was okay but now I can't remember which one it was. I started today and it's not easy...
    There are carbs on this diet. You can eat rice (probably brown is better) beans, fruit and vegetables. There are cards in all of those food items. You can buy rice noodles, rice tortillas, and rice protein to but in smoothies. You can use almond butter instead of peanut butter (there is rice bread as well) Instead of milk use almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk. I'll have to plan my meals and be prepared but I'm going to try it for three weeks and see if I see any difference. I was getting deep muscle aches, I called ice cream headaches in my muscles because they would come on strong and then slowly dissipate. When I stopped using artificial sweeteners it never happened again. I've lost 30lbs. but the next 20 just will not budge so I'm going to give this a shot to see if I can feel better and drop some more weight. Good luck to you.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    If I do it, does it reinstate my virginity?
  • I'm just beginning the virgin diet and read the book (very good). Bought it off amazon kindle for $10, definitely worth the read. After reading all the information in the entire book about how damaging those 7 foods are to our bodies..its no wonder that my fat wouldn't budge no matter how many triathlons I did, diets I went on, visits to the gym or how restricted my calories were. I have mood problems and sleep issues -- bloating is a big problem.. so we'll see. When trying to lose weight I would do a lot of lowfat cheese, whole grains and egg whites along with fruits and vegetables... but the weight would just stay. I was especially impressed after reading the part about how we have to be aware of what we ate, ate. Mind blowing. Could it really be these foods have been working against me this whole time??? After reading the book, I think so.
  • ellenbrandon
    ellenbrandon Posts: 1 Member
    Any one on the virgin diet clue me in as to the difficulty to follow the program? I have had a lot of success with the Prism program but wonder if I should try one thing new. I cannot imagine giving up dairy, peanuts, and eggs. Ideas? Thoughts?

    Thanks for any insight....
  • My mother bought the book and asked me to do it with her. We started today. I bought the protein powder and she is making our shakes. The plan is for me to stop by and pick up my shake. I am working on my first one. I have never done any kind of diet like this before and this shake is nothing I would choose to drink. I don't know if it is just because I am not used to protein drinks. Maybe I will grow to like it. I am willing to do this for 3 weeks with my mother. I don't know if I could do it by myself. I have children at home and my house is full of cheese and bread and potatoes and all the things I love. We had a Hobbit dinner last night so I could have one last night of all those foods.
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    You can eat Potato's on this diet but as JJ says they are just sugar and will turn right into fat on your body. Sweet Potatoes are a really good choice.

    So I have ordered the Protein drink. Was it bad?? What did she put in it for you? Any fruit, flax??? Thanks in advance for your answers. Vickie
  • We are using Now Foods Pea Protein. I got some vanilla flavored hemp powder at Trader Joes and that is helping the taste. Coconut milk and raspberries. She bought flax today so I imagine that will be in tomorrows shake. I also added a couple of ice cubes to mine and that really helped. I didn't like how thick it was before.
    This is the end of day two. I was at work today, had the shake in an insulated cooler. Then I had an apple with cashew butter about 4pm. Got home at 7 and mom had made a gigantic salad, boiled cabbage, brown rice and a small pork tenderloin for each of us. I think this is key for me right now. Staying out of my own kitchen. My girls are making mashed potatoes with butter and cream cheese right now!! I am absolutely not hungry, but it wouldn't take much for me to eat a bowl of mashed potatoes.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Eating virgins will probably cause problems with the authorities...

    Um, virgins don't like to be eaten?
  • I am getting ready to start this diet as well on Sunday. The protein shakes sound pretty good. I'm pretty excited about giving this a try.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You can eat Potato's on this diet but as JJ says they are just sugar and will turn right into fat on your body. Sweet Potatoes are a really good choice.

    So I have ordered the Protein drink. Was it bad?? What did she put in it for you? Any fruit, flax??? Thanks in advance for your answers. Vickie

    1. Potatoes are starches. Starches can partially be converted into sugar, the rest goes undigested. This is called soluble fiber, rather than insoluble fiber, which is something like the potato skin, that can't be digested at all. As for the sugar part, all carbohydrates (and plenty of protein and fat) gets converted into sugar (glucose) after being eaten. It's kind of how the body stays alive.

    2. Sugar does not turn right into fat on your body. In fact, glucose being converted into glycerol happens extremely rarely, only in cases of extreme over consumption of carbohydrates. 90% of the fat stored in your body are fatty acids (aka dietary fat) because they can be stored immediately without conversion, while the carbs and proteins are converted for further use by the body.

    If this diet is being pushed based on these kinds of myths, I'd say stay far away.

    It also amuses me when peoe say that sweet potatoes are better than white potatoes because of sugar, when sweet potatoes have much higher levels of sugar in them than white potatoes, hence the name "sweet" potato.
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    I'm starting this diet today. Going shopping tonight to stock up. Hope it works because nothing else seems to. My doc wants me to consider bariatric surgery But I really don't want to do that. It will be hard to cut out wheat and daily though. Been reading about it today.
    My BG is great today. Just 98 a few minutes ago. Ill have to adjust my insulin down tonight for sure
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Careful friend, folks around here don't take to kindly to telling them to eat fat and not carbs... Shhhhh....

    I eat both! I just finished a peanut butter sandwich, with full fat, non organic, processed peanut butter. *runs and hides*