"The Virgin Diet"



  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Celebrity fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin says it’s simple: Just drop seven foods from your diet, and you can lose seven pounds in one week. The foods you should drop from your diet include: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, corn and (grouped together) sugar and artificial sweeteners.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/01/16/virgin-diet-drop-7-foods-lose-7-pounds-in-1-week/?intcmp=features#ixzz2HHv4lCtO

    Trouble is that, if you leave out dairy, then there goes the calcium. Leave off eggs, and there goes protein.
    What do you think of this diet?

    gluten is not a food; it's a component in several foods. Unless I missed the big ol' tubs o' gluten next to the sacks of wheat at the grocery store.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    So if I already don't eat peanuts, soy, or corn, does that mean I will lose 3 lbs in 1 week?


    If you're reading a diet plan that has the word "celebrity" anywhere in it, you can pretty much assume it's bad. Most of the foods listed there are great for you. And believe me, if I cut all 7 of those things but eat 4000 calories worth of steak every day, you can better believe I'm not going to lost 7lbs in 1 week.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I think it sounds HORRIBLE! There goes most of what I love to eat!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I know people who have to give these foods up for medical reasons. I don't think any one of them would say 'hey, you should all do this too. It is so awesome!'"
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I had to go off gluten for Celiacs Disease. believe me, it is in EVERYTHING. I don't recommend giving it up. I miss gluten every day of my life. enjoy life, you only get to do it once. don't spend it eating food you hate and ignore the foods you love - just love them in moderation.

    I found out about gluten being in everything on a trip to Sprouts last year. They were having a gluten-free sale. When I heard 'gluten', of course I thought 'wheat products'. Bread, cereal, tortillas, that sort of thing.

    Surprised to find some 'gluten-free sale' tags on YOGURT! Yes, YOGURT!
  • katiecarroll3158
    I am finishing day 2 of this diet. I bought the book on Kindle - BIG mistake - it's impossible to flip pages back and forth. I had no trouble yesterday but today has been very difficult. I made a smoothie this morning with flaxseed - awful - like eating sand. I'm still finding little bits of flax in my teeth. I have a headache, no energy and an VERY hungry. I was intrigued by what JJ Virgin said about joint pain, sleeplessness and bloating (all of which I have) so I'm really going to try. I'm really not overweight - I'm 5' 1" and weigh 120 but I really want to be 110 because that's what I always was and nothing fits otherwise. I am a terrible sugarholic and eat a lot of gluten so I'm hoping that eliminating those items will help decrease my symptoms. My trip to the grocery store to get all the stuff for this diet was very expensive and, honestly, I can't imagine keeping it up longer than the 21 days - just too restrictive. On the other hand, if I start feeling better, I will make a greater effort to eat less of Virgin's forbidden foods.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Celebrity fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin says it’s simple: Just drop seven foods from your diet, and you can lose seven pounds in one week. The foods you should drop from your diet include: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, corn and (grouped together) sugar and artificial sweeteners.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/01/16/virgin-diet-drop-7-foods-lose-7-pounds-in-1-week/?intcmp=features#ixzz2HHv4lCtO

    Trouble is that, if you leave out dairy, then there goes the calcium. Leave off eggs, and there goes protein.
    What do you think of this diet?

    Calcium: Almond Milk has 50% more calcium than cow's milk

    Protein: Nuts, Legumes, Seeds, Pseudograins like quinoa <--- All the protein your body actually needs
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, its very restrictive. I'm on day 9. However, for the first time in over 2 years I have lost a little weight (6.2 pounds). So I am going forward with this. I'm finding that I no longer crave bread or cheese (which I was really worried about). I have been eating some feta cheese occasionally so that takes care of that craving. I noticed yesterday morning that quite a bit of my inflammation had gone away and was very happy. Today my fingers are sore and a little thicker so I must have did something wrong eating yesterday, back to the grind today. I'm not missing the eggs either or corn or artificial sweeteners. You know I did have some lightly salted cashews, which I may have eaten too many of and the salt got to me.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Calcium: Almond Milk has 50% more calcium than cow's milk

    Protein: Nuts, Legumes, Seeds, Pseudograins like quinoa <--- All the protein your body actually needs

    Almond milk which has been fortified with chalk, not 'natural' almond milk. Almond milk is not a real food, it is a laboratory/ factory made frankenfood: many brands contain added sugar and/ or salt within their lengthy ingredients lists. If we don't need to eat dairy for calcium where are all the real calcium rich wholefoods?

    I guess paleolithic humans got much from bones and shells of fish and seafood, bones of stewed meat .... I doubt they were eating 400g of ground flaxseeds of 750g of spinach, pretty sure they hadn't invented tofu.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Celebrity fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin says it’s simple: Just drop seven foods from your diet, and you can lose seven pounds in one week. The foods you should drop from your diet include: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, corn and (grouped together) sugar and artificial sweeteners.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/01/16/virgin-diet-drop-7-foods-lose-7-pounds-in-1-week/?intcmp=features#ixzz2HHv4lCtO

    Trouble is that, if you leave out dairy, then there goes the calcium. Leave off eggs, and there goes protein.
    What do you think of this diet?

    If you took all those foods out of the standard American diet you'd have nothing nutritious left. I hope/ assume the real diet actually adds back in foods that most westerners eat little of - oily fish, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, bright and dark coloured veggies. Unfortunately some people will just read news articles and cut food groups out of their diet.

    According to the website you can have Virgin meals delivered to your door for $10 and buy shakes to make up for the protein and real food micronutrients you are cutting out. Ingredients list for one of the shakes include
    "*Other Ingredients: Organic Cane Juice Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Flavors, Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil, Stevia extract (leaf) (Rebaudioside A 95%), Xanthan Gum"
    Sugar and omega-6 rich sunflower oil really??
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Calcium: Almond Milk has 50% more calcium than cow's milk

    Protein: Nuts, Legumes, Seeds, Pseudograins like quinoa <--- All the protein your body actually needs

    Almond milk which has been fortified with chalk, not 'natural' almond milk. Almond milk is not a real food, it is a laboratory/ factory made frankenfood: many brands contain added sugar and/ or salt within their lengthy ingredients lists. If we don't need to eat dairy for calcium where are all the real calcium rich wholefoods?

    I guess paleolithic humans got much from bones and shells of fish and seafood, bones of stewed meat .... I doubt they were eating 400g of ground flaxseeds of 750g of spinach, pretty sure they hadn't invented tofu.

    seaweed actually has a TON of calcium. :)
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    I'm getting the unsweetened almond milk
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    I know since I've been eating "virgin" I'm having a lot more veggies both steamed and raw and rice; and some new oils and more spices. I find that I have no cravings for sweets, breads or cheese. Day 10 today.
  • Tinker_and_Bash
    Tinker_and_Bash Posts: 39 Member
    It was on Dr Oz.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    seaweed actually has a TON of calcium. :)

    Which variety? Just took a peek on Self Nutrition: raw agar I'd have to eat 1.8kg to get my daily dose, raw kelp I'd have to eat 600g, raw spirulina I'd need to eat 8.3kg. It's not realistic to eat this volume of greens on a daily basis and I can't honestly believe my ancestors did. If I did eat that much kelp I'd have to start stressing about sodium because I'd be up to 2.3g on one food item.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    In my experience, these severe cutting diets will definitely have you losing "___lbs in ____ days," but you'll gain them all back (and then some) as soon as you attempt to eat the restricted foods again.

    I'm sure everyone else has said the same thing, but eat clean, don't deprive yourself too much, and exercise.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    Just like the virgin birth, if it sounds too unrealistic it probably is.

  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Damn, and I thought it was going to be a diet for virgins!
  • Joluru
    Joluru Posts: 89 Member
    I saw her on PBS. She suggests cutting out the 7 foods for 3 weeks and then reintroducing them one at a time to see if you have digestive or other bad reactions to those foods, which is how a lot of food intolerances are discovered. But it does seem very limiting!