Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Just passing through just got home and I am totally exhuasted a bit shut down going to get ready for bed.

    night all,
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I wrote a nice little essay and the computer burped and it all went bye-bye. So I guess you have all been spared :laugh: I am tired and going to bed. Thank you for your support. I have been able to sort out some of my issues this week (I told some people concerned things they needed to know, but I was afraid to bring up. Now it is "out there" and I will deal with the consequences.) I put a small turkey in the oven today, because I wasn't sure it was working and the turkey came out great so Thanksgiving is on!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin -- I'm not certain what my next career will be yet! At the moment I'm just enjoying not working.
    @Vicki -- actually it's not quite the East End, though not far off, and I don't think of myself really as an East Ender. The actual TV show is set in the non-existent Walford which is sort of an amalgamation of Walthamstow (where I am) and Stratford (where the Olympics were).
    @Shirley -- welcome! This thread has been so good for me. I'm quite lucky in that I don't have much pain now: I try to do exercises that don't hurt. If I've used all my cals for the day and I'm still hungry then I try to have a high-protein snack like an egg, or a little sliced turkey or chicken, or I just suck it up and have a glass of water. If that won't do I do more exercise to get more cals to eat; my family laugh if I'm watching TV while stepping on the Wii Fit board late at night. Really I try to tackle it earlier in the day by making better choices. If all else fails I reckon that I've got 500 calories of wiggle-room where I won't lose weight so fast but I'm still in deficit. But it's been over four months now and I'm used to eating this amount, so I'm nothing like as hungry as I was to start with. You might want to go for 1lb/week loss rather than 2lb/week if you're really hungry all the time. It's much better to lose slower but more sustainably.
    Now that I'm exercising I'm never having any trouble sleeping; more the reverse.
    @Skinnyjeanz -- we love London and can't really imagine living anywhere else. Though, you know, noisy, dirty, crime-ridden... which I guess is true of any big city. It is easy to get around though.
    @ohpampered1 -- thinking of you! It would be hard enough to manage without power here in mild London for such a long time; I'm sure it must be really difficult somewhere where it gets really cold. I do hope they get your power back on soon for you. I heard on the radio today that there were a lot of people who were living at home but their homes were not really inhabitable; I hope that doesn't apply to you and that you get electricity and gas back soon.

    Monday Check In - I have lost another two pounds! And I am very well pleased with that. Off to cook parkin now (which I should have done last week apparently! Oh well) and we will hopefully go off to watch fireworks tonight -- it's Bonfire night. NB: how many other countries have a massive celebration of a failed attempt to blow up Parliament?

    -- Alison
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Day 7 with no electric or heat or gas, due to Sandy. My poor 17 year old son had 4 slices of pizza today at work, he didn't know if we were going to eat tonight. I had to turn my head away from him so he would not see me cry. I can't wait until things get better, we are all eating what we can when we can. We got FEMA meals today. I hope to be back soon my friends.

    Ohpampered - my heart goes out to you and your son - your life sounds frightening right now! What city do you live in? Is there anything we can get to you ? Mail to you? Do you have any ideas how we can offer direct assistance to you? I'd like to help in some small way......:heart:
  • shirleydawson
    shirleydawson Posts: 17 Member
    Weighed a few minutes ago on my old home scale and it shows no weight loss. So depressing after a week of trying so hard, but I'm going to keep going. Starting to really work on the water consumption today. I actually do feel a little better, not quite so stiff in the morning. Maybe I've really lost a little fat and built a little muscle this last week!

    I have a nice one of those scales that tell you all, body composition etc, but will get new batteries for it today or go by the gym and use theirs to check my numbers too. This evening I get to go to my swim class which will be nice.

    Maybe I will go for 1 pound a week and add some more calories each day, if I can actually lose on that, then it will be fine.

    I do know that bread is bad for my diabetes and I'm trying to cut down on it and no sugar. My numbers are still skipping all over. Last night I halfed my insulin doses to avoid a night drop and this morning my BG was 206, so I cut a little too much. I'll adjust up some tonight.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Here is a fun web site - it shows two models - you enter in your current weight , height, and boob size, and a future weight and it adjusts the body size on the models to match the data. You can change the angle of the view too. THis is great for imagining how you will look as you lose 10, 20, 50 and 100 lbs.

    Go to : and have fun!!!!!:drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday....

    Toots Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day.

    I didn't log on all weekend because I focused on my homework. After doing 8 hours of homework I am still behind 4 sociology practice tests and 1 math assignment. I have 2 hrs set aside today to work on math with my son he has been teaching me the algebra pieces so I can take my algebra chapter test.
    My son is working at the polls tomorrow I am so proud that he took the job, eventhough I know it was so he didn't have to be in school and he gets paid.
    I went for an hour walk around my neighbor hood yesterday it was nice to get out and have some alone time.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost a pound this week ! I am getting back on track now with my eating and exercising and i feel so much better when i exercise and eat healthy ! I am trying to keep up with everyone and everyone is doing a great job !
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    Day 7 with no electric or heat or gas, due to Sandy. My poor 17 year old son had 4 slices of pizza today at work, he didn't know if we were going to eat tonight. I had to turn my head away from him so he would not see me cry. I can't wait until things get better, we are all eating what we can when we can. We got FEMA meals today. I hope to be back soon my friends.

    Ohpampered - my heart goes out to you and your son - your life sounds frightening right now! What city do you live in? Is there anything we can get to you ? Mail to you? Do you have any ideas how we can offer direct assistance to you? I'd like to help in some small way......:heart:

    Ohpampered, my heart too goes out to you and your family, please lets us know how we might be able to help.

    take care of you and your family.
    :heart: Margaret
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Day 7 with no electric or heat or gas, due to Sandy. My poor 17 year old son had 4 slices of pizza today at work, he didn't know if we were going to eat tonight. I had to turn my head away from him so he would not see me cry. I can't wait until things get better, we are all eating what we can when we can. We got FEMA meals today. I hope to be back soon my friends.

    Ohpampered - my heart goes out to you and your son - your life sounds frightening right now! What city do you live in? Is there anything we can get to you ? Mail to you? Do you have any ideas how we can offer direct assistance to you? I'd like to help in some small way......:heart:

    Ohpampered, my heart too goes out to you and your family, please lets us know how we might be able to help.

    take care of you and your family.
    :heart: Margaret

    In our prayers...
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Monday - well... it's a better than average Monday. Although this not sleeping soundly thing due to the unusually warm November weather is kinda making for dark circles under the eyes. But besides a lack of sleep I got through a weekend full of calories without a lot of guilt. I made better decisions for myself than I would have in the past so that is a victory in my book. :)
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Weighed myself on Saturday after my long week of hectic running around and acting like a taxi for my kids sports activities and found that I'm officially back down to 282.5 which is down from my high weight of 289 after starting the eat more program. My wrists and waist size has never gone up but the scale has finally decided to obey. It took 3 months of sticking with it and praying that I'm not screwing up but it's finally happening. Hopefully the next weight loss I report will be in the 270's.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In:: Well I have joined an elimination challenge on here and am nervous/excited. I really have to push myself otherwise I will be elminated and I don't want that!
    First week challenge I have to complete:::
    3 cardio days
    1000caloris burned

    I can do this!

    Today is my daughter Madilyn's 4th birthday! She's growing up so fast :) So we are taking her out to eat somewhere tonight that sings happy birthday. She will love that :)

    Either way have a wonderful day everyone!!!

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member

    Just had to share the panda cupcakes I made for my daughters 4th birthday party yesterday :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tina - those are the most darling cupcakes ever. Boy am I glad I am nowhere near because they look so tempting!

    Doug - congrats on getting back to your lowest weight! I'm sure you will continue to lose. Glad you are still visiting the thread!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tina - those are the most darling cupcakes ever. Boy am I glad I am nowhere near because they look so tempting!

    Doug - congrats on getting back to your lowest weight! I'm sure you will continue to lose. Glad you are still visiting the thread!

    Thanks :) And can't say I haven't had one...or two..or maybe more. It may or may not have been my breakfast lol I brought them to work though so hopefully they go quick...when I walk by they look at me and I can't help but help them escape ;)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Tina~Those are the cutest cupcakes!!! I bet your daughter loved them.

    Doug~Congrats! I'm glad the changes you made are paying off and the scale is back on the downward trend.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Here is a fun web site - it shows two models - you enter in your current weight , height, and boob size, and a future weight and it adjusts the body size on the models to match the data. You can change the angle of the view too. THis is great for imagining how you will look as you lose 10, 20, 50 and 100 lbs.

    Go to : and have fun!!!!!:drinker:

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I walked a mile at the mall today.............
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Day 7 with no electric or heat or gas, due to Sandy. My poor 17 year old son had 4 slices of pizza today at work, he didn't know if we were going to eat tonight. I had to turn my head away from him so he would not see me cry. I can't wait until things get better, we are all eating what we can when we can. We got FEMA meals today. I hope to be back soon my friends.

    Ohpampered - my heart goes out to you and your son - your life sounds frightening right now! What city do you live in? Is there anything we can get to you ? Mail to you? Do you have any ideas how we can offer direct assistance to you? I'd like to help in some small way......:heart:

    Ohpampered, my heart too goes out to you and your family, please lets us know how we might be able to help.

    take care of you and your family.
    :heart: Margaret

    In our prayers...
    My prayers to you and your family.