

  • My wii fit plus is one of my best friends! I love it. Nearly every day I do the areobic free step and chatch up on my DVR at the same time!
  • Somehow I'm the person who always changes the water bottle for the cooler at work (maybe because I drink so much of it!). From now on, I'll be pleased to remember that I've lost that much weight!!
  • YUM!! I love buffalo!
  • Sugar Free Gum!! It's my best friend. Keeps my mouth busy chewing, and my tastebuds busy...tasting.
  • interesting.
  • Snack ideas: Nature Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bars. 2 per pack, 190 cals. Granola Thins 80 cals. Dried fruits Nuts (pre count/weigh and put in baggies. fixes the eating too many problem) Taking a little cooler? How about cheese sticks 70 cals. Want chocolate? Frosted mini wheats mini bites chocolate 52 biscuts (dry)…
  • I usually ask if they have a nutrition guide when they seat me. If they don't I ask if they have any options that are lower cal/healthy. But what I use most is the database here. You can search by name, or find a similar place. Lots of places have menus or guides on their site. Best of luck!
  • I'm glad to hear others are dissappointed with wii biggest loser game too. I wondered if it was just me. I was so frustrated when I worked out for 30 minues and burned 60 calories. I nearly cried! The unfortunate thing is I invested in it, and won't ever use it. This means that I have to apply our rule of rent the game…
  • My doctor recommended 150 minutes a week. 30 minutes, 5 days. That was my starting point, and for a week or two didn't do much more than that. However, I noticed in my MFP goals, it suggessted that I burn more calories a day than my 30 minutes was getting me, so, I now work out for an hour a day. I'm pleased with the…
  • FANTASTIC! 8 down, only 22 to go! Not only is being healthier a reward, but knowing you have the strength, and power to choose, to stick, to overcome is HUGE! Keep posting See this through!
  • I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. It gets the flavor of dinner out of my mouth, and then I find it easier to get my last meal out of my mind. As an alternative I chew gum. That give my mouth something to do, and changes the flavor in my mouth.
  • Welcome Madison! I hope you find this place as addictive as I do! Best of luck to you!
  • My trusty secret is chewing gum. Orbit and Extra have fantastic sugar free gum that is fruity and sweet, and I find that 5 by Wrigleys has the longest lasting flavor. My mouth stays busy, and the dessert gums like strawberry shortcake, key lime pie and mint choclate chip get the flavor in my mouth and I can then convinve…
  • I borrowed Gold's Gym Cardio Workout from the library, I wouldn't suggest it. But I LOVE the Free Step and Advanced Step on the Aerobic tab of my wii fit. I'm glad to hear that others like Zumba and Biggest Loser Challenge! I've wanted to try those!!
  • I had to convince myself that I needed to know where I am so that I can get to where I'm goining. It hurts to see numbers that are higher than you WANT them to be. But rip off the band-aid, and make a point to weigh just one pound less the next time. My doctor told me to loose just one pound a week means to consume just…
  • I constantly chew gum. Extra has this really great sugar free dessert gum, strawberry shortcake, key lime pie and mint chocolate chip. DELICIOUS! As an alternative, Orbit also has really great gum. Watermelon Spring, and Raspberry Lemon Dew are two of my current favorites! The great thing about gum is that I can chew it…
  • I found the store brand Kroger (they own Dillon's which is the grocery stores we have around here). They are low fat, low carbs, and between 60 -80 calories which is about half of Yoplait.