Scared to weigh myself

walkergirl64 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Newbie here. I'm terrified of getting on the scale. I'm pretty sure I know what it will say, but it always depresses me to see the actual number. If it's a good day I tend to think, "Oh, I've got this! I can slack off a little?!" If it's a bad day, I get really upset and it literally ruins my day. Clearly, I am putting way too much importance on a number, but I honestly feel if I had kept weighing myself for the past 10 years I would not have the weight issue I do now.

Has anyone ever overcome this morbid fear of their scale? I feel like a fool, but I honestly need to get over it. Help!


  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    Once u start losing the scale will become yr friend
  • I have received advice on this with two different points of view...I have been told to weigh every day so you get used to it and I have been told to pick one day a week and only weigh then but remember to weigh on the same day...I have found weighing everyday works for me. I am not as apprehensive about jumping on the scale and I see patterns as well. However a friend of mine does the one day a week and that seems to work better for her.
    Also, make sure you are keeping measurements. Sometimes the scale is tricky. If it stays the same but you are loosing inches thats still a good thing :)
  • wccafe
    wccafe Posts: 20
    I had to convince myself that I needed to know where I am so that I can get to where I'm goining. It hurts to see numbers that are higher than you WANT them to be. But rip off the band-aid, and make a point to weigh just one pound less the next time. My doctor told me to loose just one pound a week means to consume just 500 fewer calories a day. She also suggessted 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. Its worked for me! Take a deep breath, stand on the scale, look down at the number, then get off the scale and take control! Best of luck!!
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Just do it. Skin out of your clothes in the bathroom and stand there and look at that number.
    when you look at it, start thinking "this is the last time I will see this number". I do warn you, your weight on the scale is an evil thing and will bounce around some days.

    I'm still in the "oh i've lost some, i can goof off" or even worse "well I managed to muck it up good, no point in trying" but I've kept pushing and pushing to stay on track. I haven't lost much, again the scale is evil, but I have lost size. i see it in the mirror and I check there before I check the scale.

    But i still check the scale. You can too! The best thing you can do for yourself anytime, anywhere is to just DO something!
    Think of how awesome it will be to lose that weight! Think of how proud of yourself you'll be when you lose, 1, 3, 5, even 10 pounds!

    You can do it! Now get on that scale!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Ahh, the scale...I think it effects everyone differently - even though it brightens my entire week when I've had a good loss, it tends to make me binge and undo all my hard work. For other people it motivates them. You know yourself best, if you think keeping track of the number on the scale is counterproductive, don't! I would take your measurements so you can see how far you've come later but if the scale doesn't work for you that's fine! Your health is far more important than some number so as long as you're eating well and are staying active you know you're on the right track. Good luck :happy:
  • Madawin
    Madawin Posts: 1 Member
    HI there!

    I know how hard it is to step on the scale and see that number - but it's also good to have a starting point so you can measure your success!

    On Monday I had to face the facts after having eaten anything and everything I wanted during the week before Christmas as well as over the weekend. That number was not pretty! BUT - I now know where I am starting at, and although it's not always recommended, I have been weighing myself every day. It's encouraging to see the number going back down. Even if right now it's probably mostly due to water weight gain.

    Only you will know that number - and it doesn't change who you are on the inside :)

    If you decide to not stand on the scale just yet - that is perfectly alright too! Focusing on eating better and exercising for a time and then weighing yourself when you have a bit more confidence in what you've been doing is perfectly fine too! For some people - knowing what that number is can sometimes sabotage their efforts.

    Just know you can do this!

    Best wishes!

  • msmith101
    msmith101 Posts: 22 Member
    Please don't feel like a fool, I too used to be terrified of the scale and the number glaring back at me, I also feel that had I been weighing myself all along my weight would not have spiraled out of control like it did, but I now weigh myself everyday... Not so much to dwell on the number on the scale but to help me keep myself in check. If I gain a pound or two or three...LOL :ohwell: I don't freak out anymore, I just look a little closer at what I've been doing, that is the great thing about logging everything (Food & Exercise) on here, you can see what you have been doing, what works and what doesn't, and then make the necessary adjustments. Usually in a couple of days I am back down again and more times than not, down even a little more. Everyone's body and how it gains and loses is different, so keeping track of everything going in (Calories) and out (Calories Burned) and then looking to see what is working for you and what is not is what I feel is the way to do it. The main thing is not to focus on the number but on how you feel, are you moving better or breathing better, and the changes in your body, how your clothes fit or hang now, compared to before you started this journey. You have to find what works for you and makes it easier for you to stick with the changes you are trying to make. You can do this and you have made the first step. MFP has helped me a great deal and I hope it helps you too. Don't let your fear of the number keep you from doing what you need to do to be healthy and happy.
    Good Luck & God Bless,
    Mary :flowerforyou:
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