bluestocking06 Member


  • @captainfantastic94 I really liked it. I read it when I was in high school, but I really didn't understand it. It made much more of an impact this time around.
  • Just finished The Handmaid's Tale and have now started the princess diarist and anne of green gables. (I just watched Anne with an E on Netflix and I never read them as a kid, so I'm weirdly excited about it) Also for the kindle vs book conversation, I'll say it takes getting used to, but I went to the Peace Corps and…
  • Awesome, that's so helpful!
  • I will agree with a number of people here that the slow cooker is your best friend. I understand being exhausted when you get home, and there's nothing better than walking in the door to the smell of something that's been simmering all day. There are a ton of "dump" meals, where you just put everything in the slow cooker.…
  • I kind of kitchen sink it (whatever's in the house) but I really like bob's red mill whey protein, they have a non flavored one that you can throw in without tasting it. I also never have milk in the house, so I got dry milk and throw that in and use water. But in general I do: chia seeds frozen fruit (I buy whatever's on…
  • The Bike MS rides are pretty amazing. I've done the 50 mile one and want to work up to doing the 100 eventually, but the local one has something like 5,000 bikers. Going that far with that many people was an amazing experience. I HIGHLY recommend doing it if you can.
  • I can't weigh myself everyday. As much as I know it's not supposed to bother me, the scale goes up and down blah blah blah, I just can't help but hate myself if it is up. I've watched my weight fluctuate by upwards of 6 pounds over the course of a day, so I know logically that it's part of the deal, but I still just feel…
  • I started adding protein powder and flax seed to my morning yogurt/oatmeal to up my protein intake. I also really like beef/turkey jerky as something high in protein to snack on that works well in my desk.
  • Open diary here, I can always use some feedback/support from people on my food choices
  • It's definitely hard. I've been having very similar experiences. I recently got the 10 day detox diet book from the library. It's a no sugar kick start plan, doing the diet or not is totally up to you, but I found being able to read specifically about what sugar does to your brain and body and why you crave it to really…
  • I have been making food prep much more of a priority. I haven't had to buy lunch/snacks because I didn't bring food or bring enough food for almost a month.
  • My biggest problem I think is trying to find a serious swimming in my size. I'm still in plus sized clothes and finding good workout stuff is a challenge in general, finding a bathing suit is kind of nightmare. Thanks for the tips, I'll check out that site
  • Name: Tori Age: 33 Height: 5'3'' Start Weight: 241 Goal Weight: 236 (for the month) Weigh-ins: July 3th: July 10th: July 17th: July 24th: July 31st: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes / struggles this week: First weigh in in a long time. Life has been really stressful, I've moved 4 times in less than a…
  • It might be low sodium. That was happening to me after tough training days and was lasting for a day or so after and I figured out it was because I wasn't eating enough salt. Try having something really salty like pickles or something with soy sauce and see if that helps.
  • That's a great idea! Done and done.
  • I would also suggest, if you have the means and/or access, seeing a counselor who specializes in disordered eating. A lot of times if something just isn't clicking no matter how you've change the diet plan, there's a deeper reason that may take a little digging to find.
  • I also really don't understand how it is any different from the "whoever wins the marathon gets a spot in the finals" that they had last year, unless I completely missed something in the first five minutes I missed.
  • I'm on here almost every day, I'm coming up on 90 days in a row soon. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • I have to say, I've actually been really enjoying the fact that both netflix and on demand have a bunch of fitness workouts. I'm not sure if you have either of these options, but if you do, they change up the routines available pretty often and they cover the full gambit from carbio to yoga to weight training. It also…
  • Most races have a cut off time where you have to stay under a 15 or 16 minute mile. You can always work up to speed walking the distance for your first race, then work up to running from there. Go for it!
  • Awesome! You'll be just popping out for a quick jog regularly before you know it!
  • I have definitely had success with biking as my cardio. My legs have become much stronger and changed shape. I train for long distance riding and I highly recommend it for motivation.
  • First, I don't tell anyone else how to do thier tracker, everyone is here to do their own thing, but I bike to school and work and I don't track that, but it's because I have a pretty slow metabolism, and I want to give myself a little extra wiggle room in my calories for the day.
  • My mom plants basil every year, ( at the jersey shore) and it grows like CRAZY all summer. When we want some, we just go out and strip a few leaves off. They easily get at least a foot tall each and she plants like 4 in the same pot. You just have to pick the flowers off before they bloom because it changes the taste of…
  • Well when I worked at a homeless shelter for 18-21 year olds, I was routinely mistaken for one of the residents. It's like... oh thanks, I'm so glad you think I'm homeless, but in fact I work here. Also, teens have no concept of how old people are other than "young old" (over 18, under 30) and "old old" (anyone older than…
  • Disney is usually on top of stuff like this, have you been to their site and searched for healthy options or something? They have multiple bloggers that cover different parts of visiting, I bet someone's covered it.
  • I really like this idea. I'm going to join. I haven't done anything today, but yesterday I did 110 minutes, elliptical and core and stretch class at the gym
  • To finish a half ironman To be able to keep up with my super fast runner friends To be able to shop in normal stores To be able to wear the amazing fashion I love to follow To feel like an athlete
  • I actually do drink a ton of water, I just don't log it. I drink at least 8 glasses a day.
  • I love this idea. Way to spread the love.