

  • Today is C1D10 and I am down 9.9 pounds. I took a combat fitness class yesterday and the scales droped 2.8 lbs this morning. I hope it was not a fluke and does not pop back up tomorrow. Today I am on track and drinking lots of water.
  • I am C!D9 and I am down 7.1 after a week with a couple of bad meals. I am so happy with the loss. That makes 10 pounds since 1-1-13. Hope I can't wait to see where I am at the end of round 1.
  • I just completed round one - Round 1 results: Cycle 1- 17.6 Cycle 2 - 4 (TOM) Cycle 3- 8.6 pounds Round one total is 30.2 pounds. 51 days 30.2 pounds! I am amazed. Non scale victories: down 1 pants size but I was really streaching those old ones. stop one med for edema and cut my blood pressure meds in half. My bp had…
  • Good luck everyone!
  • Jess, I believe in the book they suggest starting on cycle 2 for people who are currently working out heavily. Several marathon runners will have a banana or turkey on whole wheat. Remember in Cycle 1 you can have as much of the lean meats and veggies as you need.
  • I am in Cycle 3 day 10 (day 43 of the plan) and i have lost 25.8 pounds. If you read the book it clearly states this is a lifestyle and it does lead you to a maintenance phase. If you go back to eating like you were before you will gain. Check out the thread mentioned earlier.
  • It is not the diet it is going back to the way you were eating. If you read the 17 day diet book you would have noticed it is a life style not a temporary diet thing. Eating lean meats and non starchy vegetables, fruit and staying away from the processed food. He also suggests increasing your exercise. His plan is just…
  • I did not know that eating lean meats, healthy fats, unlimited non-starch vegtables, a couple of fruits and drinking 64oz of pure water a day was harmful. Let see I have lost 23 pounds in water? funny how my bodies fat percentage has droped also. Oh and isn't my body 90% water anyway? I love the 17 day diet- it is a…
  • 17 day diet is a lifestyle change. Here is a thread about it: Please do not comment about a diet if you do not understand it. Most diets work. It is if you go back to how you were eating before that the weight goes back up. I am loving it!
  • It is offical! 1 week 11.4 lbs gone!!! I find it easier the WW which gave me too much freedom to much room. Ice, Right now you are my hero!
  • I have a lot to lose but so far I am on day 8 of cycle 1 and I am down 11.4 lbs. I ma loving it. I kicked my Diet Coke addiction also. Don't let the low carb scare you off. I am averaging 90 carbs a day in veggies, fruit and yogurt. I cant wait to see where I am at the end of the first round.…
  • I am loving it. Have not been hungry. the cravings are gone away. I am on day 4 and droped 8 lbs. I have also given up diet coke!
  • I just started today! How is everyone doing?
  • I am starting it on Monday. Check out this thread. Also google it there is alot of info on the You do not cut out all carbs but it is restrictive for the first 17 days then you add back. I orderd the online…
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