

  • Thank you very much! I put it in my wish list. I really appreciate the help.
  • They only play on a few sites on the internet. Webkinz, youtube, and pbs, and that's all in view of me. I don't care how "kid friendly" a site says it is, you never know what weirdos are out there lurking about. So everything they do at home involving the computer is in my site. I know that's probably really strict, but my…
  • There wasn't a camera facing her locker at the time the note was put in there.
  • Nicely said.
  • One thing I noticed when I started working on myself is, I've been eating the same calories as I was before I started MFP. My problem was what I was eating. I wasn't eating breakfast, and hardly ever eating dinner. So basically all my calories were going into one meal, and I also consumed a lot of sugar. Not healthy. I…
  • I use splenda, but only because my sugar intake is high! I'm talking a 4lb bag of sugar in less than a month. When I use splenda in my coffee I only use half a packet compared to a teaspoon per cup. I drink a lot of coffee. Almost all through the day. I'm even having to cut back on my cream because of calories now. I don't…
  • Exercising boosts your metabolism. The more you exercise the more calories your body needs. :) I eat some of them back, but not all of them. I don't eat all my daily calories anyway.
  • Hi! I'm a mommy. My youngest is 10 years old. My children are 14, 11, and 10 years. One boy, and two girls. Grateful my son is the oldest. When they were younger it was hard to eat because they wanted my food too. For some reason mine tasted better to them lol!
  • That is so sad. I'm not overweight, but I am gaining weight. I am they type of person people tend to ignore anyway unless I'm doing something for them. I understand how you feel, and I'm really sorry that people wanna ignore you because you're overweight. I'm just happy you're getting healthy.
  • I've went over my fat grams yesterday too, but today seem to be doing better. I think its just the calories that matter though. Although there are many different types of fat.
  • What a great support you guys are! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments.
  • Thank you so much for this. Do you know where I can get some of these? I love cream soda!
  • What kind of sodas have stevia? I don't like diet soda, but every once in awhile will sip from my husband's. I've never heard of stevia soda before.
  • Me, and my family. I want us all to learn to eat better. My husband needs to lose weight also, and I want my daughters, and son to learn to eat healthy so they won't have to go through feeling horrible.
  • I don't have any ideas, but I'm stalking this thread because it seems there may be some ideas I can get from it.
  • Yea it took me a minute to figure out how to enter stuff. Also had to enter everything separately instead of all at one time.
  • Thanks to all you. I did google it, and it took a bit, but found what I was looking for. I also realized I had to enter each thing separately.
  • No they aren't in the food diary. Thanks everyone. I'll look it up online.
  • I want to try this. It sounds great!