
My oldest daughter is 11 years old. Some other kid at her school decided to put a note in her locker saying, "I'm going to kill you." My daughter to the note to a teacher. The school called, and told me about it, and said its been happening to other students. That they will be upping security, and putting in extra cameras including one facing her locker. She comes home today, and tells me that some kid decided to write the B word on her locker. I hope to God that they caught at least this kid. I'm so freaked out, and glad they are with my mom tonight. I'm seriously going crazy, and trying not to eat, or drink for that matter right now.


  • Brianna72994
    If there is a camera facing her locker, then wouldnt they already know who it is?
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    :( that's awful!
    Hopefully they find out who did that. HUgs
  • Carrievaught
    If there is a camera facing her locker, then wouldnt they already know who it is?

    There wasn't a camera facing her locker at the time the note was put in there.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    maybe change those gun laws. makes it harder for kids to kill each other. just sayin.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    maybe change those gun laws. makes it harder for kids to kill each other. just sayin.

    I'm not aware of any gun laws allowing children to have guns so how is your comment relevant?
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Unfortunately this isn't unique to your child. My daughter has experienced similar incidents at school...part of it I think is the age (lots of drama), part of it seems to be a decreasing respect in the schools and the influence of media and movies such as The Hunger Games. The child who threatened my daughter said that she would "spear her in the stomach and slit her throat". Your school took it more seriously than ours did so I'm glad to hear that they are taking active steps to find out who did this. Hopefully that person will be caught and dealt with accordingly.

    Prayers and hugs to you..I know how much this hurts from a mom's perspective. =(
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Does your daughter use the internet often? I'd keep an eye on that too because I hear a lot of kids using facebook and whatnot to bully kids as well.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    maybe change those gun laws. makes it harder for kids to kill each other. just sayin.

    I'm not aware of any gun laws allowing children to have guns so how is your comment relevant?

    yah... sure ok.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    maybe change those gun laws. makes it harder for kids to kill each other. just sayin.

    I'm not aware of any gun laws allowing children to have guns so how is your comment relevant?

    yah... sure ok.

    Yes, because criminals really care about laws...
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I'm sorry this is happening to your daughter. I know it's difficult to see a child hurting, and wish I had words of advice. Praying they find the child(ren) responsible for this and that you all have some kind of resolution.
  • Carrievaught
    Does your daughter use the internet often? I'd keep an eye on that too because I hear a lot of kids using facebook and whatnot to bully kids as well.

    They only play on a few sites on the internet. Webkinz, youtube, and pbs, and that's all in view of me. I don't care how "kid friendly" a site says it is, you never know what weirdos are out there lurking about. So everything they do at home involving the computer is in my site. I know that's probably really strict, but my girls are 11 and 10, my son is 14. I don't trust many people.