

  • Hey I'm Kate. I'm very into running, I mostly like half-marathon distance, I've done 1 full and am trying to work myself up to trying another full one at the end of this year :) Feel free to add me and we can inspire each other
  • Hey. I'm Kate from Northern Ireland. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hey, I started by not logging times when I really binged out or just 'guessed' the calories (of course being very generous to myself!) Now, like yourself I've started to log the binges and I've found it really beneficial especailly when it tells you at the end what you would weigh in 5 weeks if you ate like this every…
  • Hey, I was on depo years ago and like yourself I gained a lot of weight very quickly. Because of that I went off Depo, I'd also been on the pill and didn't like the changes on my body. I'm now off all hormone birth control and feel fantastic and the weight has dropped off!! It's certainly something to consider :)
  • Hey, I'm getting married in few weeks so looking to loose a couple more and maintain when I'm there. I know the big challange for me will be like you, when the weddings over. I can't wait to enjoy the honeymoon and over indulge!! However I know I'd like to get back on track as soon after as I can. Add me and we can inspire…
  • Incredible story and looking fantastic, really well done!! Kate :)
  • Hey welcome, I've been on here nearly 2 months and finding the support/encouragement fantastic! I'm very into fitness/running etc but at times the motivation slips so great to talk to people in similar situation here. Kate :)
  • Hey Happy Bithday!! What a fantastic accomplishment, you must be very proud, well done!! Kate :)
  • Hey Stacey, Good for you! It's east to fall off the rails (been there quite a few times!) but I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of things and get down to your goal in no time :) I'm not sure how to add people (q new to this!) but feel free to add me Kate :)
  • That's really inspiring and great to know! I also do a lot of running/weights and had been afraid to take on board too many calories but so far it's been working for me and like yourself I feel like I'm eating more rather than less. Well done, you look great!
  • Hey, What an amazing achievement, sounds like all the hard work's really paying off. Fair play for doing the INSANITY programme, it's meant to be really tough!! You look great :smile:
  • Hey, Have you tried kettle bell?? I found it really good for toning my arms. There are some great classes or if not in your area dvd's with kettle bell workouts
  • Feel free to add me, I just started 2 weeks ago and need all the motivation I can get!:smile: