Depo birth control & weight loss



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Depo really didn't work for me at all. It made weight loss impossible too and I had horrible acne and bloating. Best to get rid of it all together and find non hormonal solutions. The copper coil is working for me fine although it makes me bleed more and longer but there is no way I will ever have hormones again.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    My ex gained about 30lbs when she went on depo and could not lose weight no matter how hard she tried.... She also got pregnant while on it. So much for it working. But Im kinda glad it didn't I love my daughter.

    As for that guy idiots are idiots no matter what sex they are.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Depo really didn't work for me at all. It made weight loss impossible too and I had horrible acne and bloating. Best to get rid of it all together and find non hormonal solutions.

    Personally, I'd not put up with the long list of side effects and I'd follow other's advice on here to find an alternative.

    Men are tempted with messing with their hormones too, but I've never been tempted by the long list of similar side effects.
  • katejayne4

    I was on depo years ago and like yourself I gained a lot of weight very quickly. Because of that I went off Depo, I'd also been on the pill and didn't like the changes on my body. I'm now off all hormone birth control and feel fantastic and the weight has dropped off!! It's certainly something to consider :)
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    Yeeks. Depo sounds like a horror. But then, hormones have always made weight loss just that more difficult for females.

    Dear Mr. IronSmasher your are correct that eating less and moving more will still move the weight, but your lack sensitivity and snarky tone are really not helpful (and are ,in fact, rather insulting) for someone struggling with a weight loss challenge made more difficult by hormones. Hormones, by the way, that she is taking to baby proof herself - taking solo responsibility for this too - women are extra lucky, it seems.

    By the way, I hope those of you taking Depo are having regular bone density scanning to ensure that the drug is not leaching the calcium out of your bones and leading to osteoporosis. This is a side effect doctors sometimes fail to mention.....
  • mistressmozart
    mistressmozart Posts: 44 Member
    I was on depo about 8 years ago and it was one of the worst experiences! I had so many horrible side effects (dizziness, extreme fatigue, migraines, hair loss, joint pain, horrible emotional reactions) not to mention massive weight gain. I had never had problems with my weight at all before that and i gained about 40 pounds very quickly. To this day I still haven't been able to lose the weight entirely, I'm still about 30 pounds overweight despite diet and LOTS of exercise. My hormones and metabolism have never been the same since depo. I know that everyone's body handles these things differently, but I would warn everyone to stay away from this drug. I agree with others, find non-hormonal solutions!

    And yes IronSmasher, keep out of it. You're obviosly ignorant and extremely insensitive. Your comments and opinions are not wanted here
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I took the depo shot back in 2001 and had to stop taking it due to an almost 75lb gain in 2 years. I also had crazy mood swings according t my husband. Needless to say shortly after I stopped taking it I became pregnant with my oldest child.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Also just to warn you, it takes a while for your body to regulate should you ever want to go off of the hormones. It took me months to get back to a normal cycle and for all the side effects to go away. I believe that the Mirena uses depo as it's hormonal igredient for birth control. It took about 4-6 months to get over it. blach, just awful!! Good luck. xxoo
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I've been on 3different pills in the space of 4years (yes I was on the pill at 14)
    my original reasons was TOM every 16days and well....things changed.

    the first pill I piled on over 2stones, then after that I gave up. I'd say if you're taking any hormonal contraception be aware that putting on weight can increase and it's more of a watch what your eating and how much rather.
    they don't "make fat", I just stopped being able to recognise feeling full
  • CandaceHoweth91
    That's one reason I didn't want depo because I heard soooo many problems with it. I have Ortho Evra and love love love it!!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I gained 60lbs in 9 a ton of other nasty side effects. The dr. kept trying to reassure me that it will go away and my body is just adjusting. These were all lies as it only got worse. Depo is a terrible form of BC and after reading the reviews, I am surprised that they still give that to females.

    Discontinue it asap, as if you are already having side effects - it will get a lot worse before it ever gets better...if it even gets better.
  • silvip
    silvip Posts: 2
    I have been on the Depo for 3years. I asked my Dr about weight gain and he told me what it does is increase you appetite so you have to ask youself if your eating because you are hungry or just eating. I was just eating.

    Hi, I'm a new poster!
    Have been on depo for around 2-3 years due to it being the only thing that has worked for me! It has been brilliant doing its job but the weight I have gained has been unbearable.
    I do agree with above poster though, I think a lot of it is control (for me at least). Me not thinking I wasn't full when I really was and just eating for the sake of eating! :(
    Heard that it can be truely dreadful getting back to normal after stopping depo though....
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    it made me hungrier yes, I gained 14lbs but I've had no problem losing it, the problem is my will power! I get my next shot tomorrow so i've got to be strong and try and stay on track! you have to just eat healthy, I eat every few hours and that definitely helps my cravings ! also drink lots of water.
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    I was on depo about 8 years ago and it was one of the worst experiences! I had so many horrible side effects (dizziness, extreme fatigue, migraines, hair loss, joint pain, horrible emotional reactions) not to mention massive weight gain. I had never had problems with my weight at all before that and i gained about 40 pounds very quickly. To this day I still haven't been able to lose the weight entirely, I'm still about 30 pounds overweight despite diet and LOTS of exercise. My hormones and metabolism have never been the same since depo. I know that everyone's body handles these things differently, but I would warn everyone to stay away from this drug. I agree with others, find non-hormonal solutions!

    And yes IronSmasher, keep out of it. You're obviosly ignorant and extremely insensitive. Your comments and opinions are not wanted here

    Wow I never thought about hair loss being associated with depo. My hair has been breaking much more lately and not growing despite the biotin and other vitamins I have been taking. I assumed it was from my hair being blonde for so long, although I have never had a problem with it before for all of those years. It definitely makes me feel hungry more often, like my stomach is growling kind of hungry way more than it should be.
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    I gained 60lbs in 9 a ton of other nasty side effects. The dr. kept trying to reassure me that it will go away and my body is just adjusting. These were all lies as it only got worse. Depo is a terrible form of BC and after reading the reviews, I am surprised that they still give that to females.

    Discontinue it asap, as if you are already having side effects - it will get a lot worse before it ever gets better...if it even gets better.

    The last time I got the shot the Dr told me it was just my body adjusting, but now it's been almost a full year on it and I feel like it hasn't gotten any better. This type of birth control is definitely not for everyone and I really hope things get better once I am off of it
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Also just to warn you, it takes a while for your body to regulate should you ever want to go off of the hormones. It took me months to get back to a normal cycle and for all the side effects to go away. I believe that the Mirena uses depo as it's hormonal igredient for birth control. It took about 4-6 months to get over it. blach, just awful!! Good luck. xxoo

    I am very worried about coming off of depo and things not returning to normal within a decent amount of time. I was always pretty regular prior to any birth control and then very regular on the pill. I really hope it doesn't take my body a full year to adjust to not being on it anymore as it still has not adjusted to being on it for a full year. But after reading the experiences others have had, I'm really thinking Depo is not for me!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I had my first Depo Provera shot almost 2 years ago (and I've never missed a shot since) and never gained significant weight (not more than 5 pounds). And I've had no trouble losing it, 50 pounds in 2010 and almost 30 this last year! These are some pretty crazy things I'm reading as I've never had a single bad side effect...
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I gained 62 pounds on Depo 7 yrs ago, and am now the proud MOTHER of a 6 yr old little boy .... happens alot more on Depo then us ladies think.... The Nuvaring and low hormone Birth Control pills tend to have little to no weight gain, but then again it also depends on the females body.

    I gained 70 pounds in 9 months from thyroid/meds and some people dont gain a pound... good luck with your decision and wish you all the best in your weight loss journey