chevy88grl Member


  • Or in the evening. Then the "business" is done and I can enjoy my run without issues. ;)
  • I've been known to count the number of fries I am eating and will then try and find something similar in the database. As for the chili, was it a cup or a bowl? Try and find something similar and then don't cut your calories too close that night.
  • I'm 5'4" and I look my best around 150lbs. I was down around 145lbs a few years ago and people I worked with were asking me if I was sick. Looking back at the pictures I have from that time period, I look unhealthy. I'll be happy between 150-155lbs. I have no desire to be any smaller than that.
  • Running. Only eating 1200 calories. Not a ton of weight to lose. Sounds to me like you need to eat more. You have to properly fuel your body if you want to lose weight in a healthy way.
  • According to my orthopedic surgeon, running outside will give you more of a workout because the ground isn't even, isn't flat, isn't consistent like a treadmill is. For the same reasons, treadmills are easier on your body because they absorb the shock of running on the base. I am sure there's a difference in the calorie…
  • The scars are NOT horrific! Good grief. They are very light and not all that noticeable at all. And if you've ever had large breasts - you'd know the scars are minor to the pain and sometimes embarrassment of overly large breasts.
  • I had a breast reduction in 2005 - best decision of my life. At that point, I was VERY close to my highest weight. I lost nearly 10lbs just from the reduction. I have since gone on to lose more weight, gain some back and am losing again after a fall that side lined me. I know most women say their boobs get bigger or…
  • I had spinal surgery in 1992. Gained weight after i had kids. Decided to lose it in 2010 and was successful. Fell on the ice in early 2011 and have been struggling since. I have gained back about 20lbs and am determined to lose it regardless of the fall. Take it easy. Ease into it. My dr said I can do anything I can…
  • When I first started running in 2010, I tried to be a "perfect" runner. Making sure my foot hit correctly, making sure my stride was perfect, blah blah blah. All I did was cause hip pain because I wasn't allowing myself to run naturally. Once I stopped focusing on making it "right" and just did what felt good to me - it…
  • Is your food diary accurate? I just went back in it 4-5 days and every single day you have between 700-900 calories left over at the end of the day. You are working out hard at the gym but really.. you aren't re fueling your body by only giving it 800 calories or whatever. If your diary is accurate, surely you aren't…
  • I no longer have a scale at home. When we moved, it ended up "lost" and I haven't replaced it. Now. This worked to my disadvantage as I comforted myself with food during the stress of the move, settling in, etc. I am using it to my advantage now. Our gym has a scale and yes, I have already been on it twice. But, not having…
  • I won't lecture you on your personal choices. Weight loss is a personal journey and we all choose to walk down that path in our own way. I "waste" nearly 300 calories a day on my candy bar. Could I give it up? Well, sure. Do I want to give it up? Well, no. My best advice to you would be.. cut it out for a few days and see…
  • In my opinion, getting your food under control is the best place to start. Once you've been eating at a deficit for awhile and have a grasp on what you need to do food-wise, then add in exercise. Start slowly. Walk slowly on the treadmill and move the speed up slowly as your endurance increases. There's no rush. This isn't…
  • Weight fluctuations are completely normal. Water weight, hormones, all kinds of stuff can affect it. Keep doing what you've been doing and weigh yourself next week. But, be patient.. the less weight you have to lose - the slower you generally lose it. So, don't give up.
  • All this stress over a piece of cake? Oh my. It really shouldn't be like this. There shouldn't be any food you are afraid of. It is .. just food. If you want to eat the cake, eat the cake. Count the calories and move on with life. If you don't want the cake, don't eat it. Toss it in the trash. People make WAY too big of a…
  • I'm the same cup size (C). I did go from a 38C to a 36C though.
  • Quitting is easy. To keep doing what you've been doing is the easiest road to take and let's face it.. as humans, we often want to take the easiest road with the least amount of resistance. Weight loss isn't easy (if it were, NO ONE would be overweight) and people give up too easily. They figure they didn't lose 30lbs in…
  • If someone doesn't like them, they don't like them. You don't suddenly "Learn" to love them. There's no way that telling myself "You LOVE broccoli" will convince me that I love it. I do not. Never have and nothing anyone says or does will make me eat it. Forcing yourself to eat things you don't like is why people FAIL at…
  • Didn't read the other responses - start with a stool softener. And then try a gentle laxative (I hear Miralax is a good one). Drink A LOT of water.
  • Oh yes, I remember these same kind of comments when I lost weight. I think people seeing those close to them losing weight makes them very insecure. When everyone in your "circle" is obese, then everyone feels equal. When one person decides to get healthy, I think it makes their unhealthy choices much more obvious. I don't…
  • I didn't give up sugar, but I did give up items with high fructose corn syrup in them. I felt like my desire to binge dropped WAY back and I just felt better overall not having it. I'll admit that occasionally I miss it on the ingredient list of certain foods (I'm in a hurry and don't read each and every thing) - I can…
  • Ugh. Yes. Perfume at the gym makes me gag. I'm asthmatic and ALL perfume makes me wheeze (which is why I don't wear it! lol) and while I don't mind if others DO wear it, don't bathe in it. Spritz and go!
  • The first gym I joined was pretty good. People were considerate, cleaned up after themselves, wiped down the machines. Second gym I went to? Ugh. There was so much ICK on everything and honestly? I never saw anyone wiping ANYTHING down. I spent more time wiping than I did working out. Blech.
  • I used to work with someone who was the same height, no known health issues and she struggled terribly to maintain her weight. She used to laugh and say she gained weight waiting in a check out lane by the candy. I, on other hand, can easily maintain my weight. It is just one of those sucky things.
  • Hm. Well, in a way I'm going to agree with you. We all make decisions based on our wants, needs and goals. For me, I don't drink alcohol (or pop for that matter!), don't eat fast food, don't smoke, or do drugs. I do, however, love me a cupcake and energy drink. I haven't cut either one of those out of my life and won't do…
  • As long as you're 100% honest with yourself, this tool will become a huge help in your weight loss. But, you have to be willing to be honest. Those who try and cut corners or who aren't ready to be honest, won't reach their goals. Learning to read labels and finding out what is a TRUE serving size vs what Americans think…
  • The kind, sympathetic, supportive people stay off the forums, unfortunately. Because they are overrun with people who say whatever crosses their mind. No one wants to deal with that. I used to post on here ALL the time and now? Now every time I post anything I'm met with an inbox of "I know better..." messages. People need…
  • Oh I'm convinced lots of things taste BETTER than skinny feels. ;)
  • red velvet pancakes. I have the stuff to make them, but I'm lazy.
  • I have two children from my marriage. My boyfriend does not have any kids (and we won't be having any of our own). Yes, children are important but having a life for yourself is important too. My kids aren't more important than my boyfriend and my boyfriend isn't more important than my kids. They are ALL equally important.…