Working out, dieting, only lost 4 lbs in 3 months.

Hi everyone- this is my first forum post but I'm hoping to get some input from people that may have been in my shoes. I started working out at a gym with a personal trainer 3 months ago. I decided to splurge for the trainer because previously I would sign up for a gym- go a few times and use the elliptical, take a few classes, and quickly quit. I figured having someone holding me accountable would be helpful. I also started meeting with a nutritionist every three weeks to check in and hopefully give me some guidance on healthy eating.
I have been going to the gym 4-6 times a week, meeting with the personal trainer twice a week (always doing a class afterwards as well) and I have changed my eating habits. I used to eat fast food at least once a week (breakfast sandwiches, McDonalds on my commute home from work, ordering pizza at work, etc.) never counted calories, wouldn't EVER consider a banana as a snack to avoid, never exercised. I feel like I have changed my whole life around, and don't get me wrong- I definitely feel better about my decisions and life style- but I am so frustrated because I have only lost FOUR pounds! I feel stronger in some ways (I can now run 2 miles without a problem, and I have asthma- no way I could do that before!) and I think my body has changed a bit- but I still have chubbyness on my stomach, love handles, inner thighs, arms, that wont go away.
I know that working out builds muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat and all that- but I think I should be down more than 4 lbs? I started at 160 (I am 5'6) and now I am at 156. It's frustrating because I don't see what else I can be doing. I know I am not drinking enough water (does that really matter?) and there are definitely "cheat" days that I feel like I go a bit over board. Should I be cutting out greek yogurt, pork, granola, one sugar in my coffee a day? I have already cut out avocado and bananas! Should I not give myself a cheat day at all? In order to reach my goal weight of 130, do I need to be eating clear soup and salads all day and really depriving myself to see results? Or am I blowing this way out of proportion and I need to calm down and give it more than 3 months?
Any advice would be great! Thanks!


  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I would say you are underestimating what you eat. Or you are spot on most of the days, and on your 'cheat' day you are eating back all of the calories that you sacrificed that week. I have learned not to have a cheat day. That means all day long you are going over calories and they add up easily. I have cheat meals where I would get something that I normally wouldn't, but I keep it to one meal once a week, if I want to. Some weeks I do, and some weeks I don't.

    Sometimes it takes awhile at the beginning but eventually it should turn around =)
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    You're either eating more than you think and/or not weighing EVERY single thing that goes in your mouth. Your diary is either inconsistent in logging or you aren't eating enough.

    Muscle does not weight more than fat. If you are in a deficit, which appears you are, you aren't building muscle (outside newbie gains). Greek yogurt, pork, granola even avocado and bananas are GREAT foods to eat. Barring a medical condition you should be losing weight if you were in a proper deficit. I think you are eating more than you think because you log things such as "1 grapefruit" rather than weighing it out. Food scales are very cheap.

    Everything in moderation.
  • lilaak007
    lilaak007 Posts: 37 Member
    Well, in my case I always ended up gaining weight when I got serious about the workouts. What I realize now is I would eat way too many calories during those days after the workout.
    Check out your calories and see if that is the cause.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    why are you avoiding bananas and avocados? Avocados are a healthy fat - you can't cut all fats out of your diet. Have you tried looking at your macros and trying to meet a certain protein, carb and fat balance? This helps me when I pick my snacks out on whether I'm going to go for a hard boiled egg, half a sandwich or fruit... Mix up your work outs - look at HIIT... at 5'6" and in the 150s you might not have that much actual weight to lose it might be more about toning... focus on measurements...
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    It really sounds like you are not doing something correct. I am not losing weight very fast either but I know why and I now focused and my body is changing, while the scale is not. I personally don't care I weigh under 140.

    1) Banana's are fantastic foods (why would you say not to eat them)
    2.) Are you logging EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth?
    3.) Water is HUGE!!! I drink like 12 - 14 glasses a day and pretty much NOTHING else
    4.) Are you eating a bunch of junk or are you eating clean? Watching calories but still eating junk is still junk in. Eat clean, eat a lot of protein and always go home after you have worked out drink a ton of water and eat a ton of protein.
  • I think youre right- on my cheat days I go all out. Well, for one meal anyway. In the morning I tend to stick to my regular breakfast, but for lunch I'll have something bad like a BLT, and then for dinner (I usually make my cheat night the same night as our date night!) I will have bread, and butter, and wine, and another wine, and my entrée isnt always healthy either. Although I do usually get fish, so thats not so bad I guess? I think its the bread and booze that gets me every time. I also seem to cave on the weekends a lot. Not just having one cheat day, but two. Ugh...maybe that has been my whole problem. Undoing everything the week has done on the weekends. Thank you so much for your reply!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i would love a banana right this very minute.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Do you stop eating for the day after you've had lunch?
    That's what your diary says you do.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I think that a cheat day is a no go. Yes there are times I go over my calorie goal but the more I see the results the more vigilant I get. Cheat day means "I am gonna pig out" just eat good sensible food. No diet, no starvation is required. Eat at a calorie deficit every day and you must lose weight. I exercise so I can eat more too.
  • Well, I was eating probably 2 (sometimes 3...) bananas a day (becuase I do love them!) and when I told the personal trainer and nutritionist this they both told me to ease up on the bananas- so I've kindof been avoiding them. The same goes for avocado. I LOVE avoado- and was putting about a half of one on every salad I was having. I think I might have been over doing it. I really dont eat junk- we dont keep chips or cookies in the house, we rarely even have bread! I do sneak sometimes when I bake tho...and I bet thats adding up without me even knowing it. Ugh its all so much to think about!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Avocado & bananas are high in calories but great in moderation. The advice you were given was to ease up, not to banish them. Nothing is so bad that you can never have it.

    What is your goal calorie range to eat each day, and what is this based on? Do you weight, measure food? Even when 'cheating'?

    You & I are similar in size. I'm about 5' 5.5" and right now 154.4. Started at Christmas ~178. Sounds though like you are much more active than I am based on your workout schedule. My TDEE is 2000-2300 per day and I eat 1400-1600. Instead of a 'cheat' day, from time to time (2-3 times a month perhaps) I eat more but closer to a maintenance range. So ~1800-2200. I am not the best example and there is much I can do to improve my nutrition, but just giving you a comparison. I don't think of it as cheat day because I always have full control of my food choices (so nothing to cheat over) but more as a normal day. Where occasionally I don't worry about a deficit and just try to eat like I would if I were not trying to lose weight.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Is your food diary accurate? I just went back in it 4-5 days and every single day you have between 700-900 calories left over at the end of the day. You are working out hard at the gym but really.. you aren't re fueling your body by only giving it 800 calories or whatever. If your diary is accurate, surely you aren't giving yourself enough to live on - let alone go to the gym and kick *kitten* too.

    I didn't see a lot of protein outside of what you get from protein shakes. What about chicken? or fish? or even red meat if you prefer it.

    And really.. food isn't "good" or "bad". You can have whatever you want, as long as it is in moderation.
  • I am probably going to get crucified for saying this but....

    The scale only represents your relationship with gravity.

    Yes, it is great to see the numbers on the scale go down, BUT - are you measuring yourself? Waist, hips, legs, arms, chest, and even neck? Seeing inches go down can be more of a motivator than anything else with me. How are your clothes fitting? Are you seeing differences in clothes that were a little "snug" that now fit good?

    As for food - I know personally, I cannot eat certain things. Refined sugar, and simple carbs cause me to crave more, binge and spiral out of control. I know eating mostly clean makes my relationship with gravity less, and that makes my brain happy. Honestly, I wouldnt care if I weighed the same I do now, but wore a size 10 instead of an 18. As long as I felt good and was comfortable with my body.

    Literally record every single thing you put in your mouth - even that one M&M. Personally, I do not drink alcohol - it does nothing for me, and I find I would rather have a decaf iced coffee with some cream instead. My personal preference.

    Each person is different. What works for me may not work for someone else. My nutritional needs are different - I am very anemic, and need to eat red meat, take supplements, and get all of my vitamin and blood levels checked regularly, in order to ensure I am not deficient (I have multiple vitamin deficiencies).

    Water is huge. I drink 1 cup of regular coffee a day. After that, its water, and the occassional decaf iced coffee with cream.

    I give things about 2 weeks when I am making changes. If something doesnt work, and I dont see results, I change something else. Right now, I am doing a program that is working for the results I need, and hope to see more inches lost than weight, quite honestly!!

    Good luck to you, and I hope you find what works for your body.
  • sweetstarfruit
    sweetstarfruit Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the person above me. Based on your diary you aren't eating enough to fuel yourself! Try to keep your net calories closer to 0 because there should already be a built in deficit.
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Eat MORE avocado and pork. Eat LESS bread - it is full of sodium and carbs (but does taste damn good).

    Do you still need a trainer to motivate you? You should have learned the exercise routines and techniques by now - you really can't outsource motivation. Fire him/her and save the cash.
    The folks I know (non-elite athletes) who have hired personal trainers stick to going to the gym far less than those who don't. Just anecdotal observation. Of course a trainer is helpful for a few sessions, but so is watching exercises on YouTube or reading a weight training book.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I agree with the person above me. Based on your diary you aren't eating enough to fuel yourself! Try to keep your net calories closer to 0 because there should already be a built in deficit.

    Ditto. I saw a few days of your diary and it was really really low. You need to eat more to fuel the work you're doing. And make sure to be a little more moderate on cheat days, if you want them.
  • Thank you guys so much! I definitely don't eat enough protein...which is weird because I love all of it! I think I almost have a mental block thinking "Nope, bacon is too many calories, chicken wings are too many calories, salmon is too fatty, almonds are too fatty..." I know its insane. I know I sound silly. I just need to re-think my approach I guess. And drink way more water.

    So, okay...another question...a lot of you are telling me to weigh my food, and stop using the generic lists of foods...which I totally agree with, BUT HOW do you log something if you go out to eat? For example- tonight I am going out for Tapas with my best friend- I have NO idea what is in most of the do you guys do that? Or do you just avoid going out to eat? (I dont think I can do that...)

    Thank you all again! Seriously- so much!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Is your food diary accurate? I just went back in it 4-5 days and every single day you have between 700-900 calories left over at the end of the day. You are working out hard at the gym but really.. you aren't re fueling your body by only giving it 800 calories or whatever. If your diary is accurate, surely you aren't giving yourself enough to live on - let alone go to the gym and kick *kitten* too.

    I didn't see a lot of protein outside of what you get from protein shakes. What about chicken? or fish? or even red meat if you prefer it.

    And really.. food isn't "good" or "bad". You can have whatever you want, as long as it is in moderation.

    This.. Are you logging everything? And is everything correct? Your body needs a specific amount of calories/macros/micros for it to perform at its best. Like mentioned above, there's no good or bad food, it's just the amount/portion we eat. I'd increase your protein though.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Thank you guys so much! I definitely don't eat enough protein...which is weird because I love all of it! I think I almost have a mental block thinking "Nope, bacon is too many calories, chicken wings are too many calories, salmon is too fatty, almonds are too fatty..." I know its insane. I know I sound silly. I just need to re-think my approach I guess. And drink way more water.

    So, okay...another question...a lot of you are telling me to weigh my food, and stop using the generic lists of foods...which I totally agree with, BUT HOW do you log something if you go out to eat? For example- tonight I am going out for Tapas with my best friend- I have NO idea what is in most of the do you guys do that? Or do you just avoid going out to eat? (I dont think I can do that...)

    Thank you all again! Seriously- so much!

    Log it the best as you can, it's better to over-estimate than underestimate when it comes to cheat meals. As for your regular days, weigh everything you put into your mouth. You'll be able to figure out why you're only losing 4 lbs in 3 months etc.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,941 Member
    The most concise answer I'll give you is that you're not CONSISTENT with your eating. The idea of "dieting" to lose weight usually last a short period before people who are on it go nuts and end up eating stuff they miss.
    That's why there's MFP. To help people count their calories and stay within limits. There are many here that eat 80/20 like myself and "cheat" everyday. We just don't go over board.
    Now like you I have a "date" night with my wife every week. We split the entree every time. Saves money and calories.

    Try being consistent for 2 weeks and watch what happens.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    I looked at your diary just thru Monday, and Yeah, you are NOT eating enough. You are depending on that protein powder too much, and I noticed you are not logging in any beverage. Water does a body good, its kind of real important.:drinker:
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    I think youre right- on my cheat days I go all out. Well, for one meal anyway. In the morning I tend to stick to my regular breakfast, but for lunch I'll have something bad like a BLT, and then for dinner (I usually make my cheat night the same night as our date night!) I will have bread, and butter, and wine, and another wine, and my entrée isnt always healthy either. Although I do usually get fish, so thats not so bad I guess? I think its the bread and booze that gets me every time. I also seem to cave on the weekends a lot. Not just having one cheat day, but two. Ugh...maybe that has been my whole problem. Undoing everything the week has done on the weekends. Thank you so much for your reply!

    I think if you reflect on your post a little more it will continue to become clear. There is a solid chance that going from no workouts to a significant amount of excercise you're eating more than you think you are as your body is telling you its HUNGRY! Also, healthy sounding meals at restaraunts frequently have a lot more calories, fat, sodium etc. than you think.

    Relax, compose your diet plan and give it a few weeks and then see if the result are there.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Good advice from everyone.
    You should also measure at least every other week. You can be changing size and not have it show up on the scale.
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    You are probably making gym gains, muscle mass substituting fat loss. How are you looking / feeling? I weighed more when I first started doing the gym hardcore but toned up, so weight was irrelevant.