

  • Great advice!!! Thank you :)
  • This is not the 1st time I have heard this and it is actually what my husband believes. I just felt like passing out when I did that yesterday.
  • Yea that is what happened to me yesterday. I felt like I was going to pass out. I ate before today, waited about 45 mins, and then worked out. I didn't feel like I was going to pass out this time. I was still a little shaky, but felt fine after I ate a snack :)
  • P90X CardioX done today!!! I REALLY need to get a HRM to know how many actual calories I am burning, but don't have the $ right now with the holidays coming. Off to clean house and do laundry!!!
  • 1. I did lost of research and learned that mfp is telling me to eat less calories that I should. Still don't know how to change that here though? 2. Avoided eating muffins with the kids this morning :) 3. Did a P90X video 2 days in a row! 4. MOST IMPORTANTLY I didn't wait for my DH to work out for me to decide I should…
  • Thanks so much! I will just go ahead and try now and see how it goes. Yesterday I didn't eat before and felt like I could pass out after I finished the P90X Kenpo Cardio + Thought I would try eating first to see it that changed anything. Thanks again :)
  • Thanks so much guys! I HAD to eat this morning. I couldn't take the sensation of hunger before working out, and thought it would be unbearable during. Now I guess I need to wait a half hour or something?
  • Sorry I didn't include my height: 5'3" and had little to no activity until today. I plan on burning around 500 calories 3-4 times a week.
  • Can you help me? I am 212.3 lbs and need to get to 140 to be within the high end of the healthy range for my height. That is a more than 50 lb loss. I have been eating around 1300/day? My TDEE right now is: 2370 BMR right now is: 1729 Eating more than 1300 seems like ALOT to me. What if I workout and burn 500 calories, do…
  • @DragonflyF15 Oh good idea!!! No weight involved in this particular one so I will go see what it says! Thanks!
  • I only just saw this today and it's a new week already. I only did 45 minutes of cardio this week, more if you count my daily cleaning, laundry and running after kids, and stairs going up and down for nap, washing/drying clothes, and putting away. What is our goal for the upcoming week? I would like to get started tomorrow!
  • FINALLY did something!!!! P90X Kenpo Cardio Plus! Not sure how many calories I burned because I don't have a HRM though. I did a Google search and they say anywhere from 500-1000 calories can be burned doing it so I estimated it around 600?
  • Congrats again! Your almost there! :)
  • I bought it at Walmart. It's called torani. I have the sugar free Hazelnut and it's pretty good. It definitely is not the sugary creamer I am used to, but I can drink it and I'm sure like everything else I will just acquire a taste for it after awhile.
  • I struggled this week in the evenings. I will be so good in the morning for breakfast, afternoon for lunch and snacks, but as soon as it's dinner time I am eating crap. I am also finding it very difficult to drink the recommended amount of water per day. We are a one car family and my DH works a lot so I was without a car…
  • That's awesome! Great job!
  • I had baked salmon, mashed cauliflower and a lice of whole wheat bread, again today. Going grocery shopping today so I can change it up tomorrow!
  • I am really not a big drinker. I really don't like the taste of alcohol and the ones I do like are the really fruity kind like Arbor Mist, which I am sure is really high in calories. So I guess it's no drink for me!
  • THAT sounds so good! I am going to have to give it a try! We should get a recipe thread going!
  • Breakfast: Weight Control Oatmeal- Maple Brown Sugar, and coffee Lunch: Baked salmon, mashed cauliflower, and one slice of whole wheat bread + 1/2 tbs Country Crock spread. Dinner: 2 Slices of Domino's pizza- Philly steak, mushroom, and onion. Hand tossed. I didn't eat any snacks today. I was able to stay under calories…
  • SW: 212.3 CW: 212.3- Just Started GW: 135-140
  • While I ate HORRIBLY for Thanksgiving, I am not really worried about temptations for Christmas. We just moved over 1200 miles away from family and are on our own this Christmas. SO, I can make whatever I want! You can bet it will be healthier options. My problem with the holidays was having all of the fattening and sweet…
  • Wow you girls are good! I HAVE to do something tomorrow. I repeat, I have to do something tomorrow! Great job!
  • Whoops I meant that my weight on 11/27 was 210.3.
  • WOW! Good for you for continuing to loose during Thanksgiving! I'm sure I put back on the 2 lbs I lost :(
  • I'm in! I'm a newbie that is also in need of friends for mutual encouragement! Thank you :) 11/27 110.3 lbs 12/4 12/11 12/18 12/25 1/1
  • Yumm! Do you know calorie content? How many servings is this? Thanks so much!
  • I'm in too! Please add me! I also am a newbie that already fell off the wagon during Thanksgiving. I REALLY don't want "fall" again. Thanks! :)