ktrame71 Member


  • Yay!! Hi Molly!!
    in Hi Comment by ktrame71 July 2020
  • I just started a vegan nutrition plan last week. So far, so good. But I have a lot to learn.
  • thanks! I will try craigs list and ebay. I have taken what I can to clothes mentor.
  • 4.5 lost for me! Great job everyone!!!
  • I enter linebacker as circuit training. Having and using a heart rate monitor would be great. Someday I will invest in one....
  • Like many people have commented, I used Hal Hidgon's plan. Good Luck!
  • I have been researching heart rate monitors that track calories burned. You can get really fancy - waterproof, gps, measuring time splits on a workout, etc. I am hesitant to buy one until I know more but I think it would be a good investment.
  • I tried to reply and not sure if it went through. I like sliced carrots and celery with fat free ranch dressing. Also, sliced cucumber, tomato and string cheese with Garlic Expressions is yummy. Another easy snack is slice apple and cheese or tortilla chips and salsa. Hope that helps!
  • Great job! I seriously started my journey about a year ago with 100 to lose. I discovered this site in December and have fallen in love with the tools and support. There is another forum on here for people losing over 100 pounds. You can find it in recent posts or topics. Sounds like you are off to a great start!
  • I exercise everyday - although I mix it up between running, cycling, swimming, and elliptical with some strength training thrown in a couple times a week. Some exercise days are more strenuous than others and I leave room for light exercise in case I am too sore. I find myself craving the exercise time. Also, I am training…
  • I just make sure my net calories is no more than less than 50 - 75 calories for my daily calorie goal. Such as yesterday - My calorie goal is 1210. I consumed 1,669 calories but burned 508 calories through exercise. that left me a net of 1,161 calories with 49 calories remaining. At first I was just paying attention to my…
  • Just input to the best of what you remember all that your consumed for that day on the day you consumed. And then move on. I am sure you will be fine.
  • MFP had my calorie goal at 1210 right now. I let MFP figure my calories burned per exercise (I don't have the time and money to buy a heart rate monitor). I usually burn around 600 to 1000 calories a day on my workouts according to MFP when I input my exercise. So I need to make sure that I have had 1,810 to 2,210 calories…
  • I agree. This site is so much better than weight watchers.
  • Great idea! I also enjoy a tablespoon or two of light peanut butter with an apple or cracker. Super yummy and doesn't bother me before a run :)
  • Welcome! While I have been on my weight loss journey for a year now, I started on this site in December. I too have found the site to be fantastic and really helpful in tracking what I am eating, my exercise, and interacting with others. One tip that took my weeks to realize - make sure your net calories comes close to…
  • Good luck! By taking everyone's advice about eating your exercise calories and making sure your net calories equals your calorie goal at the end of the day, you should start seeing results. I was like you at first and was so frustrated. It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it and catch on to the plan. Remember - it…
  • I too have realized that I need to eat my exercise calories so my net calories equals my daily calorie goal. Before I started eating my exercise calories, I was barely losing. My hard part now is I love to exercise so much, I am burning 600 - 1000 calories a day in a workout. That is a lot of calories to eat when you are…
  • I have been using the calories burned according to mfp. I find the monitors on the machines give me a different readout each time I am on the particular machine. I do agree that a heart rate monitor would be the best way to have an accurate count. Someday I will get one of those....
  • I don't worry about what the monitor says. I just work as hard as I can for the time I want. That strategy has worked for me!