hey! noob.

I've been on here for about a month, but have just been using it to track calories and exercise, haven't explored any of the social aspects of it. Looking to find more people trying to lose 100+ pounds.

I've lost 14 pounds since starting in January, and follow a vegan diet. My favorite workouts are tennis, and couch to 5k training.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    If you press the search button while on the message boards you can probably find many groups needing to lose 100 pounds. There's many great groups on this site in general
  • ktrame71
    ktrame71 Posts: 26 Member
    Great job! I seriously started my journey about a year ago with 100 to lose. I discovered this site in December and have fallen in love with the tools and support. There is another forum on here for people losing over 100 pounds. You can find it in recent posts or topics. Sounds like you are off to a great start!