Tammy6591 Member


  • I agree, the system isn't perfect so I wouldn't worry about it. Also, make sure your not just focusing on the calories but the grams of sugar, carbs etc. That may play a role in the "behind the scenes" math it's computing for your body and showing a slight gain.
  • You'll always have a mix of people here and anywhere that's public. If your posts don't get responses, repost and continue until you get a hit. As someone stated, the weird thing is some "rediculous" posts get a lot of hits. Makes no sense sometimes. I would have to say most of us on MFP are here to support one another and…
  • BAAAHHHHH! OMG, too funny. There is a good reality show! Barbie and the Beasts! You gotta post more of those conversations. The chinese food part is so true. I am amazed at what some people will allow themselves to eat knowing full well how it's going to make them feel afterwards, then to follow it all up with a cigarette…
  • I just finished the fit test and boy... do I feel like a fat slob. Seriously, I feel so out of shape now. It actually makes me want to quit. I know that it's just a test though. I know that when I start that actual P90X tomorrow I will do what I can at my own pace. I will go out of my comfortzone and push myself though. Oh…
  • I'm starting the fitness test tonight. I am excited but nervous. I had taken two weeks off of exercise while on vacation and hit the gym with my pt on Sat and I'm still sore. I am not putting it off any longer though. Tonights the night.
  • Adidas miCoach is strictly for running also, no? Tammy
  • This site seems like it's just for running/walking? The website also looks just like Myfitnesspal. I wonder if they are related. I haven't tried the site myself though. If your training for a 5k or larger, it might be good since fitnesspal.com doesn't have this feature. Tammy
  • http://www.fitocracy.com/ requires you to have an invite in order to join. Do you know what's up with that or how you would get one? Otherwise it states it will advise when it's open to the public if you give them your email address. Tammy
  • I'm normally not a morning person at all. I sometimes wonder how I make it to work on time every day. I just love my bed. With that said, I am also someone that needs 8 hours of sleep each night or I'm a bear. I think your right with planning ahead for exercise. I usually function better with structure. That goes for my…
  • I don't have a scale but it has become evident that I need one to start out with so I can get an idea of what the servings look like. thanks for your response. T
  • Hey girl. So how does this work? How do we report our results? Is someone heading the challenge?
  • I'm in. Starting weight is 166. My goals are as followed: -Drink at least 8 glasses of water Mon-Fri. -Cardio 30 min. twice a day 4 days per week -Strength train15 min. twice a day 4 days per week -Stick to my caloric intake -Watch my snacking -No alcohol Sun - Thurs - meaning no wine :-( -put the chocolate AWAY where I…
  • Nice job!!!!! :drinker: