Healthy Eating Harassment



  • Tammy6591
    Tammy6591 Posts: 14 Member
    BAAAHHHHH! OMG, too funny. There is a good reality show! Barbie and the Beasts! You gotta post more of those conversations. The chinese food part is so true. I am amazed at what some people will allow themselves to eat knowing full well how it's going to make them feel afterwards, then to follow it all up with a cigarette afterwards. Those situations make me so glad to be me! Thanks for sharing!
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    yep, they feel threatened
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    BAAAHHHHH! OMG, too funny. There is a good reality show! Barbie and the Beasts! You gotta post more of those conversations. The chinese food part is so true. I am amazed at what some people will allow themselves to eat knowing full well how it's going to make them feel afterwards, then to follow it all up with a cigarette afterwards. Those situations make me so glad to be me! Thanks for sharing!


    omg im choking lolol off to make a new office door sign
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    All the time, but what can you do?

    In my office there is constantly unhealthy snacks. I don't judge the way anyone eats, but I just have to do something different. I just smile at people and tell them as politely as possible that I am good with my nonfat, plain, organic, greek yogurt, Thank you.

    dont worry- there is totally something you can do. You can sexally harass the people who judge you. This works 100% of the time.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Just saw this article today, pretty related to what we are talking about.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks bud
    I just ask "are you going to finish that chip on your shoulder?

    Awesome comeback. Thanks, gonna use that one.
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    My friends are pretty supportive of my healthy eating, with some of them being overweight and now motivated to lose weight. But they also think I should be trying to gain fat along with muscle and shouldn't worry too much about nutrition. They don't ridicule me though. They're just giving advice.
    I do go off my diet whenever we have a big get together though and snack on unhealthy food (cheetos, doritos, crackers).

    Sometimes they mock me like "Ha I bet you wish you could have this cookie, but you can't because of P90x", but I know they're joking.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566


    OMG - that was too good. I almost spit out my water, was not expecting that one.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Haters will always hate, get over it! Lol.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    i totally understand where you are coming from! My HUSBAND chased me around with a slice of pizza the other night.... eventually I stopped, looked him dead in the eye and told him I'd eat a slice of pizza with him when he can "last" for longer than 10 minutes... hahah, he hasn't food harrassed me since! :blushing:

    LOL ---- you poor thing. Great comeback!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    All the time.. think it's jealously on their part.
  • WinterBlue
    I do both on eating health, eating in smaller portions...notice smaller portions and for waking up and getting my workout in before I start my 800am jobs. What I have noticed about the people that make these teasing comments they lack what you got...i.e. for instance at my work the lady that makes fun of my portion sizes and healthy eating is morbidly obese and complains about it all the time but does nothing about it...not to mention is border line diabetic and does nothing about it hmmm see the pattern?...and it also makes me realize how many people lack knowledge about nutrition and calories...for instance when I am eating a 400-500 calorie lunch she says you're barely eating! then I look at her lunch and it's like close to 1000 calories. I'm like you're so annoying with your ignorance. Sometimes I actually get so annoyed I want to be like do you realize you're eating a 1000 calories for lunch? that's like half of your maintenance's no wonder you're not seeing any change...not to mention you do not work out...other times I want to be like if you were smart you'd think about my strategy and try to copy it considering I'm half if not a third of you..but that would be mean! So i just give her a look...and then it got so old i stopped eating lunch with her. Then there are the people that make fun of me for actually getting up early to workout before I start my work day...and they are either extremely overweight or flabby skinny aka skinny fat...or simply don't have the discipline to do any of the above and/or have low self esteem! it is simply envy and psychological and completely lame. But I have learned to ignore it all and continue to progress. sorry for the ramble; this topic hit a soft sore spot.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Oh yeah. I've heard nothing but criticism from people about what I eat. I've actually gotten kind of catty about it (shame on me for stooping to their level, but enough was enough and I've had enough!) and I'll say to them "Whoa. You're gonna eat THAT for lunch? I can't believe you'd put that in your body. That is just disgusting".

    They've gotten the hint and backed way off doing it, but every once in awhile a particularly catty "friend" will still comment. Considering she eats like complete CRAP - she really doesn't have room to talk.

    I've tried to take the high road with them and say "Eat what you wanna eat and I'll eat what I wanna eat" but it didn't work, so I turned nasty about it.
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    lots of people react like that just because they know they should be doing the same but are too lazy to. keep on doing what you're doing you will be the one living life to the fullest while they will be lagging a few miles back huffing and puffing.
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    I happens all the time. People are too lazy to eat healthy themselves and feel threatened-guilty when they see someone else who does. I always notice true friends and people who love you are happy and supportive, and may even help or join you :wink:

    what she said ^^^
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I just had something happen at work today that made me want to open my mouth but I decided I didn't want to cause waves. I bring mini meals sometimes in case I get extra hungry but didn't eat it today. My coworker picked it up and looked at it then commented on how much sodium it had.... After he had just finished scarfing down a giant burger and fries from burger king. It took everything I had to keep my mouth shut.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I just had something happen at work today that made me want to open my mouth but I decided I didn't want to cause waves. I bring mini meals sometimes in case I get extra hungry but didn't eat it today. My coworker picked it up and looked at it then commented on how much sodium it had.... After he had just finished scarfing down a giant burger and fries from burger king. It took everything I had to keep my mouth shut.