Healthy Eating Harassment



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love when people stop by a thread just to happily announce to everyone having this problem, that they dont have it, AT ALL

    god forbid someone share different experiences ;)

    AWESOME im off to the ball cancer threads to share my experience with not having balls
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I love when people stop by a thread just to happily announce to everyone having this problem, that they dont have it, AT ALL

    god forbid someone share different experiences ;)

    AWESOME im off to the ball cancer threads to share my experience with not having balls
    have fun!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Really? All of you have friends that harrass you and bash you for what you eat? Do you make comments about their food or something? I am around some pretty nasty people on a regular basis and they don't even do this.

    If you are eating what you are happy eating, then don't worry what anyone else says about what you are eating. If you are complaining or commenting about how you want to eat that other stuff, then budget for some fried/sugar/allyoucaneat/pizza. Just make sure you don't go overboard and do it every night. I will go out with people and if there is nothing someplace I want to eat, then I enjoy their company. I don't make anyone feel bad about what they are eating and if they ask, I just say I am not hungry, but I am enjoying their company. Not so hard, and I don't have to lock myself in my house and not answer my phone.

    Lunch time comes. I go to the kitchen, pull my food from the fridge and get it ready while they all hackle about what they want to order in today!!! wee yay!! eating is the best part of the day-O! I eat the salad in the kitchen while Im heating up other parts of my meal- cause if I walk back to my office with the whole meal AND the salad- they start calling me a holier than thou btch who parades salad in front of them purposefully to make them feel guilty.

    So I eat my salad while Im heating up whatever protein. I go back with my measured 1 serving portions- a little bit of lamb, some ricotta and a pita with avocado, some walnuts and raisins and a new bottle of water.

    "She thinks if she eats sticks - she'll become one someday"
    "Depriving yourself never works, Youre going to fall off that diet eventually, I'd put money on it"
    "No dont tell her that it will just make her more determined"

    Me: Hey hey hey I never judge you on what you eat

    "That's cause we eat like normal people, there's nothing to say"
    "Maybe if you weren't so consumed with your appearance you'd enjoy life more"
    "Im ordering dessert on your behalf- want cheesecake?"

    Me: Actually Ive been looking forward to eating this all day.

    "Keep telling yourself that, hunnybunny"

    Then they order for the three of them approximately $70 worth Chinese food and eat for an hour and a half. The food comes in smelling all crazy, and Im fine cause I ate before hand.

    Finally they start burping and moaning and groaning as they stand up and fiddle in their purses for their after meal cigarettes and Im bopping around and running back and forth and full of energy and they go sit in the bathroom and whine and complain and sweat and ughhhhhh i'd lose my apetite anyway.

    Then sure enough- around 3 when I pull out grapes and milk........

    "pssst look I told you she'd get hungry again"

  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    "Violence can be used for good" - V
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member

  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    What? What? What?

  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    only 8?
  • fubar2us
    fubar2us Posts: 43 Member
    Every meal I get looks for my large plate of Lettuce, carrots, celery, and portion of protien. I am always told "Thats not enough food" "Your going to starve yourself" "eventualy you are going to need more than that". I think I have a good track record so far. I have lost 12 lbs in the last 2 months while most of the others I eat with have gained a few along the way. I dont let it bother me. I get called Rabbit and what not. Even been asked if I poop pellets. But, it makes me feel good and it is a diet I can live with so none of it bothers me.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member

    An my answer is always the same... I c o c k an eyebrow and tell them its making my sex life incredible.

  • I am the kind of guy that will give a friend a hard time no matter what they choose good or bad for themselves. Say we grill out my buddy pulls a burger off the grill " good god man, you gonna eat the whole cow on one bun or split that amongst the family" or if order salad or the like " what's going on you girl put you on a diet cause you squashed her" and thats just food I am like that with everything. Which is my way of helping, in my mind. I have actually been thanked for this behavior because if they can ignore and get over the garbage that I can spout they can ignore anyone. However these are my family and friends, and on the way to accepting me this way there were many tear and bouts of rage. I would never talk to a work associate or just someone I kinda know and have met a few times. I do not listen to or even hear what people say about my choices because what they say is irrelevant unless I specifically ask for it helpful or not whether I make good choices or not they are mine I have to live with them. And I have tried to bring my friends along with me in this mind set, unless I have determined that you know more than me on this subject and have requested your knowledge what you say falls on deaf ears often literally. I will say when people complement you and you don't respond to it because what they said is irrelevant they can get irritated.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    All the time, but what can you do?

    In my office there is constantly unhealthy snacks. I don't judge the way anyone eats, but I just have to do something different. I just smile at people and tell them as politely as possible that I am good with my nonfat, plain, organic, greek yogurt, Thank you.
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    I don't care what others think. I now find the following things gross and disgusting:
    High fructose corn syrup
    corn that is GMO

    next up, I am working on getting rid of the food dyes my kids consumer. (they don't know it; don't tell them please!)

    I find it useless to say anything to anyone. Everyone thinks I got thin by some magic pill or that I have anorexia. I tell them: watch your portions, exercise, and eat healthy. No one wants to hear its hard work. I ignore the rabbit comments and I am thoroughly enjoying my new clothes I bought. You look awesome and just smile and give that lovely sex comment when you get it. (ROFL!)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Constantly. My brother is usually the culprit though. He's always making these sly comments about how i don't eat or that I 'eat like a rabbit'. And any other time he chews me out because I prefer to oven bake items that people generally fry. Hell, even when I create a meal for myself without intending to share with others, he comes in, peeks over my shoulder at the assortment of veggies I'm using and goes, 'Ugh, why you gotta put all that nasty *kitten* on that?!

    Buuuut then again I can't stoop down to his level or argue with someone who receives a majority of their daily calories from a 12 pack of Natural Light beer.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    They're just jealous and wish they had your willpower to make the right choices......
  • Don't worry about everyone else - do what's right for you.
  • I'm a loner, so.. no.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just ask "are you going to finish that chip on your shoulder?

    Awesome comeback. Thanks, gonna use that one.
  • Jen8np
    Jen8np Posts: 50 Member
    Amen to that!!! Yes I get it from others as well and I have to say the more amazing u look the more they have something to say. If someone is noticably obese and they see them eating good they will cheer...but just wait til they are a size 4 with abs...they will change their comments fast because of jealousy. So if anyone who has more to lose and is still a good distance from their goal I challenge them to update when they hit athlete sexy status. People are haters. Also, I lovenhownthey talk crap at u for snacking but they eat once or twice a day and still take in 3,000-5,000 calories! Seriously....god I wish people would just hush!
  • yup, one of the favorites "Salad is for p*ssies"
    Like, alright, that's cool.
    It's annoying, it's not fair, but it's gonna happen. It's like when bigger girls talk about how the skinny girls are tooo thin and they'd NEVER wanna be that skinny. That's bull, bc I used to say that all the while wanting to be skinny and happy.
    I feel like the best response is to laugh it off, bc you aren't as fun to make fun of if you are relaxed about it.
  • kgordon7
    kgordon7 Posts: 130 Member
    I bet as soon as you comment on all the sugary, fatty, unhealthy foods that they eat, it's a problem. Just smile and continue to enjoy your food and healthy lifestyle :)