Healthy Eating Harassment



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    maybe im just lucky - but ALL of my friends and family support me. ive never gotten crap for making a healthier choice, or eating a smaller portion than everyone else.
    that said, i also dont shy away from socializing. if we're going out to eat at red robin, i figure out my calories FOR THE WEEK. i may over do it that day, but it gets made up for at some point (if not that day). if we're going to an all you can eat place, im in heaven ;)

    This. Maybe I just have a good support system in my life; my family and friends don't say anything negative and compliment me regularly on how good I look and how proud they are of my running accomplishments...I had one or two not very close friends make negative comments early on but they shut up fairly quickly...a couple coworkers used to make comments but a couple months ago the ones making the most "you're obsessed with counting calories and eating healthy" comments (I'm not--I just eat smarter than I used to!) started trying different variations of diets and exercise tapes. Now they ask me for advice LOL.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Don't let them bother you. Would you rather succumb to peer pressure and gain all the weight back or continue to look as great as you do now?
    KDSPOFF Posts: 2
    I agree even the people close to me make comments about my choices I just remind them i am not making these choices for them i am making them for me.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    i totally understand where you are coming from! My HUSBAND chased me around with a slice of pizza the other night.... eventually I stopped, looked him dead in the eye and told him I'd eat a slice of pizza with him when he can "last" for longer than 10 minutes... hahah, he hasn't food harrassed me since! :blushing:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I love when people stop by a thread just to happily announce to everyone having this problem, that they dont have it, AT ALL


    Well...the OP asked if everyone had this problem...not all of us do (thankfully). Some of us are fortunate to have more positive support systems in our lives...:huh:
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    i totally understand where you are coming from! My HUSBAND chased me around with a slice of pizza the other night.... eventually I stopped, looked him dead in the eye and told him I'd eat a slice of pizza with him when he can "last" for longer than 10 minutes... hahah, he hasn't food harrassed me since! :blushing:

    That is the most awesome thing I've heard all day! Too funny. I bet he starts eating healthy & exercising like a maniac.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I LOVE it when people say stuff to me, it gives me an excuse to talk about how excited I am about what I am eating, how healthy it is, etc. Then people either get excited too, or they get annoyed and stop after a few times of hearing about healthy stuff that they aren't really interested in. Usually it's girls who are interested and guys who get annoyed. Example convo:

    Friend: that smoothie looks so gross!
    Me: OMG it's sooo good though, it has spinach and kiwi and banana and I'm getting all my vitamin A for the day, and all my vitamin C, and it has protein in it, and it's awesome! I feel so much better when I eat this instead of having coffee! And I've lost all this weight and I feel great! (feel free to add in a "what's your problem anyway?")
    Friend: ok, whatever
    Friend: sounds interesting, I should start doing that...

    If you act embarrassed then people will be even more rude...whatever, it's your body, you look great and you get to eat whatever you want. Alternative is just to look at them with eyebrows raised, like "what, say that again" (maybe would work better for a guy)
  • WorkoutMaine
    People like to hinder those of us trying to get healthy because they don't have the stones to do it themselves. I used to tell my brother-in-law all the time "A salad?! That's foods food. What are you thinking?!" Now I am the one packing back the lettuce like its a miracle cure :)
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member

    An my answer is always the same... I c o c k an eyebrow and tell them its making my sex life incredible.

    Love this retort!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    If it's working for you, does it matter? You seem like you're in good shape; next time someone gives you a hard time, pull up your shirt, point at your abs, and just say "DUDE." They'll either get the point or get tired of you showing off your abs all the damn time. You could also shoot back that they look like maybe they should hit the gym with you later.

    Sometime people are jealous, sometimes they're just looking for something, anything, different to tease you about. But we, the people making big life changes and seeing results, should be proud of the things that make us so different from the [overweight] herd.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    If it's working for you, does it matter? You seem like you're in good shape; next time someone gives you a hard time, pull up your shirt, point at your abs, and just say "DUDE." They'll either get the point or get tired of you showing off your abs all the damn time. You could also shoot back that they look like maybe they should hit the gym with you later.

    Sometime people are jealous, sometimes they're just looking for something, anything, different to tease you about. But we, the people making big life changes and seeing results, should be proud of the things that make us so different from the [overweight] herd.

    ^^^ this!
  • Emporor_Augustus
    Remember the kids that bullied you in school because they were insecure about themselves, so they took it out on you? This is the adult version of the playground.

    Anyone who criticizes healthy, responsible choices is simply feeling the insecurity that they can't do it themselves. There is absolutely nothing bad that could possibly said about eating well, so these people are just out to drag you down with them. They say misery loves company, and they could not be more right.

    Simplest answer is ignore them, but if you'd like to talk to them about seriously stopping (cause let's face it, it's inappropriate behavior), then I would recommend talking to them one at a time, definitely not as a group. People find strength in numbers, so when they start to do it, wait until they've broken up, then maybe approach one the first day, one a different day, etc. Gently and politely explain how you're feeling and how they're being total bullies when you're just trying to do something good for yourself. Maybe offer to bring in some homemade healthy goodies for them to sample - pitch it as they can save the money on takeout, and expose them to your lifestyle.

    Just my opinion...
  • Jen8np
    Jen8np Posts: 50 Member
    I bet as soon as you comment on all the sugary, fatty, unhealthy foods that they eat, it's a problem. Just smile and continue to enjoy your food and healthy lifestyle :)

    Exactly! How is it acceptable to make fun of someone for eating well, doing it right, and losing weight? What if we walked up to them eating their 2,000 calorie meal and say "sick, look at what your eating...your really gaining weight and u look gross" They would be appalled and hurt. Also, I have friends on diet pills and people are quick to jump on that band wagon and brag all day about their super fast weight loss. People just never want to hear that it's real work. Thank god I found this site and learned there is an entire community of people with the same dedication and not looking for a quick fix. Very supportive!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Yep, it happens. Don't let it get to you, these will be the same guys who will be asking how you stayed healthy all these years in the future.
  • Jen8np
    Jen8np Posts: 50 Member
    Every meal I get looks for my large plate of Lettuce, carrots, celery, and portion of protien. I am always told "Thats not enough food" "Your going to starve yourself" "eventualy you are going to need more than that". I think I have a good track record so far. I have lost 12 lbs in the last 2 months while most of the others I eat with have gained a few along the way. I dont let it bother me. I get called Rabbit and what not. Even been asked if I poop pellets. But, it makes me feel good and it is a diet I can live with so none of it bothers me.

    Lol tell them... "u know ur right, screw this I am just gonna take your advice because clearly u know better and look better, your so smart, thanks I didn't want to be healthy anyways!"
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    I always get the "So, what are you eating today?" I always use it as a platform to educate. I've actually managed to convert a few of my friends and coworkers to be more conscious about healthy eating habits! :)
  • kleighsamboer
    Yeah, I eat a clean and healthy diet and honestly I am so tired of people eating pizza, mcdonald's or any other fast food that you can think of and they think I'm ridiculous when I suggest that they eat more greens and veggies instead of that crap when they complain about not being able to lose weight.
    If people are harassing you just delete them. It isn't worth keeping them on your friend list.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    So this has been in full effect recently since I am on spring break with a bunch of friends, but does anyone else get nagged on or "harassed" for eating healthy? It seems like every time I make a meal someone is harassing me for eating healthy.
    "A bowl of cheerios and a banana for breakfast? Gross"
    "What are you a rabbit? (Celery and carrots)"
    "Would you like some turkey with that sandwich?" (Making a sandwich with a bunch of greens)

    It just seems like a nonstop cycle of being "criticized" for being healthy, and it's really annoying but also demoralizing. I'm trying to do the right thing (especially during break) and I'm just getting negative comments on it.

    This happens at home with my roommates also. They order pizza or are eating desserts, and I'm sitting there with an apple and get bashed. It even happens when we go out to eat. If I order a salad or a "healthy" option I'm cast as a bad guy (I ordered a bison burger with a low-carb bun the other day and got bashed by the entire table!) :(

    I get criticised for not eating "healthy", does that count?
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Thanks everyone for the posts, stories, and advice, they've been fun to read. Glad to know that there others out there like me and that there are also some good comebacks :P. But it really does come down to what *I* want to eat, not what they want me to eat. Cheers!
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member

    An my answer is always the same... I c o c k an eyebrow and tell them its making my sex life incredible.

    Yes!! This is the best. <3