Who's doing P90x here?

I'm on day 34 and I've lost 2 pounds of fat and gained 4 pounds of muscle so far. Today, I'm adding a Shaun T Rockin' Body workout to every sunday to learn how to dance. Who else is doing / has done p90x?


  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    I completed a 90 day round last year. Started another round in Februay. today I do yoga for week 3.

    I love the program just wish I would lose more weight.
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    Did you follow the diet for the first round? I began incorporating a few of the p90x meals in my diet last week and some of them are delicious! Especially the italian meatloaf and island pork. But I couldn't follow the diet calendar because I refuse to eat seafood or eggs.
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    I just officially started Saturday. I'd done 4 or 5 of the workouts last week, but needed to go out and buy some dumbells for workouts that need them. Luckily I figured out how hard plyometrics was last week, so I could pace myself this week.

    As for the nutrition - I'm not following their nutrition guide, but it doesn't look totally out of whack. Looks like they're giving you a lot of protein and enough calories for losing about a pound a week for the first month. Didn't look too closely at later months.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    Starting tomorrow! All ready to go!
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    I have been doing the videos for probably close to a year picking and choosing keeping in mind my other hobbies (snowboarding and running) not wanting to be too sore to do those things too but never followed the program 100%. Still not doing the diet but started the program today:) chest and back baby!!! Im gonna be SO sore tomorrow! I hope!
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    On week 2 of another round of P90X Lean. Honestly, I've never done more than 60 days at at time, but I love the workouts. It's amazing how far I've come from my first attempt! I'm so much stronger and my endurance has improved probably 3 fold. And, I am going to kick Ab Ripper X in the butt before it's all over! I'm up to 25 reps of almost all of them now... but I don't take my hands off the floor unless everyone in the video has their hands off the floor. That is my next challenge!

    But, can't say I'm "cut" yet. :)
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    P.S. I have not followed the diet, though. However, thanks for the recipe tips. I'm always willing to try a good one, as long as it's not complicated to make!
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    I think really following the workout regimen is the best way to see results from the program. And of course, eating right. I might not be following their nutrition guide, but I'm doing more or less the same thing, just being a little less anal about numbers of portions (but still high protein and low calorie).
  • Tammy6591
    Tammy6591 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting the fitness test tonight. I am excited but nervous. I had taken two weeks off of exercise while on vacation and hit the gym with my pt on Sat and I'm still sore. I am not putting it off any longer though. Tonights the night.
  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    I'm not doing it yet (although I have borrowed it and have watched a bit of it). I want to get there, but I'm working my way up. I think I will try to start it closer to the summer when it's very light out in the morning - it will be easier for me to get up early enough, then, because the workouts are so long!

    Best of luck to all of you!
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    I don't stick to an actually program, but I alternate between rockin' body and the p90x videos - 6 days a week. I am currently also doing the push up. sit up and squat challenges. Love rockin' body though doesn't even feel like I am working out, but still seeing great results! :)
  • enchantedbunny
    I try to do the Ab Ripper once a week, at least 15-20 reps if I can't keep up with the 30 or so in the video. I did the Yoga one a few times but found that they change poses too quickly for me to follow comfortably. Worried about hurting myself focusing more on catching up than good form.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm almost at the end of week three but I'm only doing the weights videos. I do my own thing on the other days: swim, bike, run or yoga.

    I haven't really tried any of the recipes other than the Fish Tacos in the P90X2 book. Delicious!
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    Finished round 1 a year ago and dropped 23 pounds and felt great ... going through round two currently and am seeing a nice change to my overall body shape and tone .. definitely a fan.
  • Tank184
    Tank184 Posts: 65
    I am on week 4 day 1, Yoga tonight, I hate Yoga! lol but so far love the program feeling great Lost about 10 pounds on it so far!
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    To really drop the weight you have to really follow the eating plan on beachbody.com. Most of the ones that have really done a great job also use the shake that goes with it. I have done the program once and am now going to start my second round. I do not lose a ton of weight, but I do notice sizes going down. So really watch your inches as well. That is where you might see the bigger difference.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I just finished week 3 day 1... chest and back and ab ripper. Still sore. Seeing progress - more push-ups today than last week! I have to do the bands for all the pull and chin-ups. Kind of a bummer... I bought the pull up bar (and one from a different company), but they don't fit in any of my doorways. I'm going to eventually try to come up with a makeshift attachment so that it will fit, but I don't want it to delay the program. I do love it, but I'm a cardio junkie, so on one hand the program is making me lift which I had put on the back burner... but on the other hand, I miss my cardio. I try to add extra cardio, but can't often exercise for 2 hours a day. I do follow the meal plan for the most part. It wasn't much different than how I normally eat... except I wasn't drinking protein shakes. Love the smooth orange one that came with the program. Tastes like an Orange Julius.
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    How's the rockin' body? I just saw it online... $19... cheap. Read mixed reviews, but it may be a fun cardio... let me know what you think...
  • Tammy6591
    Tammy6591 Posts: 14 Member
    I just finished the fit test and boy... do I feel like a fat slob.
    Seriously, I feel so out of shape now. It actually makes me want to quit. I know that it's just a test though. I know that when I start that actual P90X tomorrow I will do what I can at my own pace. I will go out of my comfortzone and push myself though. Oh god. This is gonna be tough, but BRING IT!
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    I have been doing the videos for probably close to a year picking and choosing keeping in mind my other hobbies (snowboarding and running) not wanting to be too sore to do those things too but never followed the program 100%. Still not doing the diet but started the program today:) chest and back baby!!! Im gonna be SO sore tomorrow! I hope!

    Same here, but I just started a couple of weeks ago. I am planning on doing the Chest/Back, Plyo and Arms/Shoulders for a while while doing my training runs on the other four days.