bburson Member


  • I have a friend who joined a 12 step program for eating addictions, and he is totally committed to it, 2 yrs later. Overeaters Anonymous, I think. This might help you too.
  • Sorry to hear that. For me, if I exercise it is really easy to maintain my calorie count. If I don't, it is virtually impossible. My challenge is to force myself to walk 1st thing in the AM, and at least get something registered on MFP. Somehow that helps trigger discipline. Best of luck!
  • you are doing an awesome job! I don't know what you have been losing every week, but it may back off to 1 lb or even less per week as you get closer to your goals. The hardest part for me is the fluctuations due to water, etc, so progress is unclear at times. After-all, a 3 lb variation can wipe out a 3 week loss streak!…
  • calorie burn question for you all: Do you believe that you burn twice as much on the elliptical as aerobic dancing? I don't, but that's what the database shows. I'm thinking the manufacturer came up with some impressive numbers to boost sales, myself. I got winded, and more sweaty during zumba than I ever have been with…
  • Right, and that is about 1 tsp I believe.
  • I do almost the same-- thaw in microwave not quite 100% (very low power) then pan fry with a teriyaki marinade, skin down. Skin gets crunchy-- and comes off easily for those who dislike it. High heat about 2 minutes, reduce to low with cover, done in less than 10 minutes. Over brown rice... asparagus is a great match. I…