iplibrarian Member


  • I am 53 - add me too!
  • "I opened this thread fully expecting to read about some crazy new product called Menopot." That is so funny! Oh no, this is definitely not a "new!!" It really can be frustrating to see our bodies change in ways we didn't really expect. Just keep doing your best!
  • I am ok with getting older.. mostly. I just don't want to age so badly that I look like a different person. I mean, a few pounds and a little flab is ok. Heck I'm 52! I just don't want to be way out of the ballpark and look like an old grandma vs. looking like an older me.
  • Hi All! I am 52, 5'5" and currently at 142. My goal is to be 130 once again. I've gotten lazy the past few months and haven't worked out. I have also let the stress of moving get to me and often binged in response. Both my husband and I were practically at 365 days of logging into My Fitness Pal when we decided to move…
  • I am 52, 5'5" and have a goal of 130. I am currently at 145, so I have my work cut out for me! Just getting back to regular exercise after a few months of being sedentary.
  • Name: Karen Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (1/1): 140.6 Goal Weight (1/31):135 1/1:140.6 1/8: 139.6 1/15: 138.6 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: 1 lb Loss/gain for the month so far: 2 lb Struggles or successes of your week: I am continuing to get to the gym most workdays. I started drinking herbal tea when I sit…
  • Name: Karen Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (1/1): 140.6 Goal Weight (1/31):135 1/1:140.6 1/8: 139.6 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: 1 lb Loss/gain for the month so far: 1 lb Struggles or successes of your week: I did start working out again, but I am having difficulty not going for second helpings after…
  • Hello All! My name is Karen and I have been reading this thread for a few days. You all seem like such a wonderful group! I am 52 and looking for mfp friends for motivation and support! I just started back to the gym after weeks of being a couch potato. My goals for this month include logging in every day ACCURATELY! I…
  • Happy New Year! Here we go!! Name: Karen Height: 5'5 Starting Weight: (1/1) 140.6 Goal Weight: (1/31) 133
  • I'm in! Name: Karen Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (1/1): will update on the 1st Goal Weight (1/31): 135 1/1: 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week:
  • Hi Everyone! I am a fairly active 52 year old. One of my goals this year is to increase my activity level. For the past several years I have been focused on making healthy decisions now to improve my later years. When I was younger, I was more concerned with how I looked. Now, I just want to become the most active and self…
  • Yes, thank you... that is good to know. I thought they had be eaten that day.
  • Thanks for the tip on the book, Twinkie Deconstructed. Can't wait to read it! I try to eat as close to my version of clean as possible. Heading into "later" life, I want to be as healthy and active as possible. In my younger years, it was all about being thin. Not anymore. Even if it is only my perception, I simply feel…
  • That is true. I try to stay around 1200 most days. The type of food you eat will make a huge difference in how hungry you feel. After a few months, I honestly don't feel deprived on 1200. Due to a desk job and some hip problems, walking is about the extent of my workouts for now, hence the 1200. I usually eat a cup of…
  • I am cheap too... have an entire closet (actually two) of clothes and didn't want to go out and buy bigger sizes when the clothes I have are perfectly fine! Plus, to feel more like myself and not the chubby person I had become.
  • Iceburg lettuce.. NO ... just kidding!! 1. Chips and salsa 2. Pretzels 3. Fresh bakery bread CARBS, CARBS, CARBS!!!!!!
  • Hi All! I like the 3/20 idea! I've actually decided to NOT weigh in this Friday. Not that I've had a horrible week, but I just feel a lot of pressure and I know I went a little overboard this weekend (footlong hotdog and kettle corn at the Rockies game yesterday). Still logging my food though and trying to stay under…
  • LOL! That's funny!! So, so true!!
  • Good morning All! Today, my rear sort of hurts from the squats - gee whiz, I only did 25! The popchip lunch yesterday was a really bad idea. By the time I got home from work, I was shaking and really hungry. This prompted a semi-binge. So... healthy food at regular intervals is really the way to go. (heavy sigh - DUH) Our…
  • Hi Everyone! Day going good. Power walking after work with my husband and my little dog. I had a HUGE craving for chips, so I bought a bag of popchips with three servings, ate the whole thing, and adjusted the rest of my lunch. I know it isn't the healthiest thing to do, but I just wanted chips!! So weird... I can walk by…
  • Well, everyone is built differently. I have a small frame. It was a shocker the day I stood on the scale sometime ago and weighed EXACTLY what I weighed at 9 months pregnant!! I don't mind getting older, I just don't want to be frumpy. btw, I would LOVE to be a couple inches taller!!! Lucky you!!
  • Day going well! I wish everyone a wonderful weekend! I am currently at 144 :sad: , it is less than when I first started, but definitely time to get serious about this!! My younger adult weight hovered around 125 - 135. I think 135 is reasonable (5'5") and 50 years old. I am also going back to the gym this weekend!! I used…
  • Congratulations!!! Quite an achievement!! :bigsmile:
  • Doing ok today. Tomorrow is my weigh in day... so, not sure.
  • Good for you!! I am weak willed against nachos!!
  • Thank you!!
  • Laughed out loud at your realization that the Parmesan Chicken was 1090 calories!! Laughing WITH you - not AT you! Been there many times... (like a couple weeks ago after I ate a large movie popcorn) but, your husband was right in that walking around Magic Kingdom probably burned up a bunch of calories!! Oh well, gotta…
  • Good morning All! Happy Thursday! Yesterday was an ok day for me. I went slightly over my calories and really struggled with hunger and cravings. I only was able to walk for a short while. But... today is another day! :smile:
  • I am excited to start this group! I'm sure this will be a great motivator!