

  • Age: 43 Height: 5'6 Current weight: 165 Goal weight: 125
  • Hello everyone, I was so happy to see this post! I don't have any veg friends here, and would love to get to know some of you. I've been vegetarian for 8 or so years, and became a vegan 11 months ago. I've lost 15 pounds over the last year--I HAD lost 20, but I slacked off. I need help being consistent with logging food,…
  • Hi, everyone- I am SO happy to find this thread!! Last night I backed out on my "don't drink at home" rule, and finished the 1/2 shot of tequila we had, and the 1/2 shot of vodka that was left...then somehow I thought everclear would be a good next step. Bad idea. Having had this experience, I'm trying to decide what to do…
  • Can I please start this week over?? Well, the eating and exercising part anyway. I've been close-but-no-cigar on my calories so far, and haven't made time for a run. Kicking myself... @Kendal - I've been there. Heck, I've recently had years like that, and it sucks. But everyone here is pulling for you! @Amy - Yep, the…
  • I knew this was going to be a bad weekend--gained that 2 lbs back that I lost last week. I slept for like 17 hours, was up for 6, then slept for another 17 or something. It felt GREAT. But that +no exercise +bad eating choices = weight gain :( @Amber - You might have something there, weighing yourself on Sun/Mon...wow. Am…
  • I just started running in December--first time I've run for about 20 years! I stopped running back then because I "hated" it....but I picked it up again because it will get me outside, and you can do it anywhere. I find I feel better when I run, and the insomnia I've had for the past 6 months has stopped. Totally worth it!…
  • Hi, Everyone! It's been a good week--but does anyone else find the weekends are their Achilles heel? Last wknd was my wedding anniversary, and we actually enjoyed each other's company (!)...while we ate out and had drinks etc etc. I'm kicking off this weekend by meeting some friends to use an expiring Groupon...at a local…
  • Hello everyone, I've had a great week, but going into my anniversary weekend, which will involve restaurants....LOL anvy1221- I'm using 10k Training, which is an intervals app. Great app, but terrible customer service:). It has me doing intervals 3 times a week, which I'm tryingtryingtrying to do. I enjoy it, but (as…
  • Hi, everyone--I was here last week, and unfortunately am only now getting back to you all. I'm in my "busy time" at work (Jan-July), and it's non-stop. I've gone from Social Media Nutcase to Hermit. I prefer being a nutcase :) SO...you weigh yourselves over the weekend? BRUTAL! That's the time of the week when it's hardest…
  • TiffanyAml's post was awesome (thank you!!), and the only thing I would add is that I know how I WANT to eat (like TiffanyAml!), but I've tried transforming my eating habits overnight, and--for me--this causes a rubber band effect: I end up splurging on something "bad", which just causes me to feel awful about myself & my…
  • Hello everyone, So glad to see that you're all here. I don't have any other friends who are working on losing weight, so I feel like a major piece that is missing for me is accountability. It's easy to make excuses, etc etc etc when there's no one to call you on it :) So...great to meet you all, and see how hard you're…
  • I also suffer from depression, and as it's 1am, my insomnia is showing, too! On point #2: TOTALLY agree! What the heck's the secret?? And can I sign up for that? I hope you've heard from all of these awesome posts that you're not alone in your feelings or your situation. You hang in there, and I will, too :)