200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Got my work out in. That last 20 minutes of cardio sucked and I really had to push myself to keep going but its all good.
    Then I got home and found that poor G had had a bad day at school. Apparently she wouldn't stop playing with her doll at nap time and the teacher yelled at her. She also has an aching ear so it was a bad day. She took the teacher getting upset at her really hard and was teary eyed and crying off and on for a good hour till we got her settled. The teacher thing is all through her four year old eyes so I have to talk to Ms. Joe and see what happened and then talk to her and hopefully it will all be good...and then make her a doc appt for her ear. She's had ear aches off and on, but hasn't had one in about a year or so...here's to hoping it is minor and not a bad one. When I put her to bed she was doing the fever heavy short breathing thing so I am kindof expecting her to wake up feverish tomorrow. Yuck!

    Victoria - wow so the woman lost the baby that late in the game, then a heart attack and liver failure!? Goodness gracious...good to know she's home now and doing okay! And that sucks about your housecleaner too. Lots od medical issues to deal with. (I'd love to have a house cleaner).
    I'm happy to hear that you figured out what is causing your back issues...its a step in the right direction anyways.
    I'm jealous about the beef and greenhouse. I'd LOVE to own a huge greenhouse and do hydroponic tomatoes, etc. during the winter.

    Good job to Sarah on the water and Karen on skipping the muffins!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sleep won. I'll have to get up early tomorrow to run.

    Amy - American Gods is quite bizzarre. I'm about 1/2 way though. It's not making much sense to me.

    As to Zombie movies - they generally aren't my cup of tea but I'll have to put one on the Netflix cue. I guess it's time to get moving. Hopefully, I'll get to checkin tonight.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I had to go to walmart last night to order cakes for work and the lady gave me so much attitude that I kinda made a scene. After I had been waiting about 5 minutes for anyone to appear, the ladies dealt with the TWO people who showed up after me even though I had been waiting longer (rude of the other customers, not the ladies, I know this). All the bakery lady had to do was write down the dang order (she huffed and rolled her eyes when I said I wanted to order a cake....and it's not like I was asking for a big, complicated cake!) As she was grabbing the paperwork, she complained to me that they really need 24 hours notice (excuse me for giving 23 hours notice instead!!). So in front of a lot of people, I loudly said "you know what? nevermind! I don't want you to have to work or anything" and walked away (as she and the deli lady yelled at me to come back). I complained to the manager about her huffy and completely rude attitude. (It was all I could do not to flip them off as I was walking away. So anyway....because of that incident, I grabbed the wrong yogurt. Still good yogurt that I like (yoplait whips), but they have more cals in them than the ones I meant to grab (great value light yogurt).

    My weight is back up today. 216.2.

    TOM is still wearing me down. It normally only lasts about 4 days....this has been going on for a week and its just now starting to pick up momentum. :grumble: (and that probably contributed to my short fuse last night) I haven't worked out all week. Going to restart week 1 on P90X next week. I messed it all up the first week anyway.
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member
    Had a proud moment last night during workout, convinced husband to go, but I arrived around 20 minutes before he did as when he goes, we usually ride in together as the Y is about 20 minutes from where we live and we both work downtown, so it is more convenient for us to ride in to work together and then go to Y immediately after work. However, he usually only likes to work out for about 20 -30 minutes whereas I prefer a 40 -50 minute workout.

    Anyway, so we drove into work separately yesterday as he was unsure if he would even be going to the Y and I knew it would be too tempting to not go if he wasn't going to go, and we were riding and we would just go home.

    I have a goal to walk/run in at least 5K's this year and for my first one (in March) I would like to walk it in less than an hour, so I have been pushing myself as I am training to get to 2 miles in 38 minutes or under. I have been really close recently but not having actually met the 38 minute mark, it is has been 38:12 or 38:25, so being that I had a head start before he ever got there, I pushed myself to keep going when I thought my legs were going to fall off. I had been there for 20 minutes and managed to get 1.15 miles in before he ever arrived. Then while he was there, he walks at a much faster pace than I do, I was able to keep up with him and finished my 2 miles in 36 minutes. So while he was finishing his workout, I was able to do my cool down and still get in almost a 45 minute workout.

    If I can keep that pace, then I shouldn't have a problem achieving my overall goal of less than an hour for my first 5K.

    One positive: I also must admit with the issues from within our marriage in 2010, it is also an opportunity to spend more time together, so I am willing to do a condensed workout when he goes with.

    Negative: He has to be at work by 7 a.m. and I at 8 a.m., so I have to get up an hour earlier and get to work an hour early, however he too sacrifices and stays at work until 5 p.m. when you could get off at 4 p.m. But I am not only missing about 20 minutes of my workout but also an hour of sleep.

    I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the long run.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm still relatively sick. I might even leave work a bit early today. I had thought about taking off or working from home, but I had to go into the office today. Might cut the day short.

    Was at 180 this morning, which doesn't please me, but I know it's just a day, and I did have that Applebees issue earlier this week, so I hope it'll be down tomorrow. I brought my gym clothes today, but I don't know if any exercise will happen today with the way that I'm feeling. It's a schedule running day, but we'll see how I feel this afternoon. I would like to knock out something.

    My old roomies are coming into town this evening and leaving Saturday morning, so there might be some not so great eating going on. We'll see.

    Yesterday, even though I wasn't feeling great, I did make it to the gym and did an hour on the bike. Not my fastest ride ever, but I did stick with it. The Kindle helped-- perfect thing to make the bike ride go quicker.

    Karen- nice job on staying away from the muffins. Those can be hard, but are totally not worth the calories. My favorite starbuck splurge used to be the pumpkin scones. i pretty much love pumpkin anything, but I haven't had one this year!

    Sarah- great job on continuing to up the water. You'll definitely notice a difference over time.

    Victoria- glad to hear your back is feeling better. You've been quite the busy bee! Boo for not being able to get the run in. I'm due for another 3 milers as well and am not sure if I'll get it in. Are you using the same training plan you did for Detroit?

    Lacey- great job working out! I know it can be hard at times, but doesn't it feel good to get it done?? Poor G! Hope she feels better!

    Kendal- sorry about the ladies at Walmart giving you sass. Geez! TOM issues completely blow. Hang in there!

    adg- Great job getting to the Y!! Sounds like a good system with your husband. First, that he is exercising, which is good as a workout buddy, but that you're not using his liking of working out for shorter amounts of time stopping you from working out for longer. And you're right- I imagine doing things together like working out can help your relationship. What a healthy way to do so! Woohoo for reaching your time goal! You'll be up to 3 miles in no time! I started the Couch to 5K program last January and ran an almost5k (2.9m) in March, so you can do it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Adg- my husband and I hit a pretty rough patch last month but are working thru it. Any time you can spend with your husband is good to repair hurts in a relationship. That is one thing jeff and I don't have too much of and we are attempting to find more time together. Having a kid sure does change that dynamic. And awesome job on the walking!!!!woohoo!!

    Victoria - I'm half way through reading the book too. I've kept up with it and get it, but i can really see how listening to it would throw me for a loop. There are some books I think for me are better to listen to and some are better to read!

    Kristina - I hope you feel better, enjoy your friends.

    Well I'm home today. Gracie is having an ear infection i think, so I'll take her to the doc later on and hopefully we will nap too. I'm sore all over and could use the extra rest.
    Jeff might be going to meet a friend he hasn't seen in a long time , and with g being sick that may mean no working out. So my goal today is to watch what I eat. And either do 100 minute work out tomorrow or do 350 minutes next week to make up for what I missed this week. Boo.
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member
    Adg- my husband and I hit a pretty rough patch last month but are working thru it. Any time you can spend with your husband is good to repair hurts in a relationship. That is one thing jeff and I don't have too much of and we are attempting to find more time together. Having a kid sure does change that dynamic. And awesome job on the walking!!!!woohoo!!

    @Laceylala, yes, it very important to spend as much time with your spouse as you can ESPECIALLY after children. Some of the recent issues in my relationship were directly related to the fact that for the last 10 years, my husband felt I put him on the back burner and gave everything I had to our children. Which is true, and I will admit, I should have been more attentive to him as he felt like he was the odd man out. Being that both of children are girls, in a sense he was. Find the small things you can do to remind him how important he is to you and your family. (Even if you both work, he may feel you only need him for finances, as he feels excluded from things other than those that require finances.)

    Trust me, I know by the time you take care of your child(ren), work (whether you work outside of the home or are a SAM), housework, errands, etc. Finding that extra moment or two is very difficult, yet so very important.

    It was during these past 10 years, that I put myself so far behind everyone else's needs that my health and weight became an afterthought.

    You will increase your happiness in knowing that you are making someone else happy and if they have the same mindset, they will return the like.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi all! I read the thread this morning and then THOUGHT I posted without ACTUALLY posting.:laugh: I'm a dork! I had a rough night last night with a fibro-flare up and could have easily stayed in bed all day and wrote the whole thing off on fibromyalgia. I would have gotten away with it too...'cept the fact that I KNOW I feel better when I exercise. So I trudged out of bed this morning and took the kid & dog for a walk in the snow. We met a cute old man with a cute little dog named "Indy" - he thought it was funny that his dog is named after a character in an American film and that I happen to be American. (Sometimes I don't get what the Germans think are funny but he was a sweet guy anyway) After the walk (which ended up being longer than planned due to the German guy and the beautiful snow falling), my aches and pains were almost gone (I did rub a bit of eucalyptus oil on my sore points to help with the pain) and I proceeded to get my run in (2.5 miles at a 12:30 pace - not bad for me) and my P90X in.

    ADG: It weird how women can lose themselves in family/kids. My mom did that. Her kids became her world and she and my dad ended up with two completely separate lives. I always keep that in mind and plan me & hubby alone time where we don't talk about the kid/ money stuff/ work stuff and just enjoy each other's company.

    Lacey: I hope Gracie feels better soon!!! Ear infections are the WORST.

    Kristina: Enjoy your old roomies!!!

    Kendal: You know what's funny??? Before moving to Germany, I would have been right with you on the complaining about customer service but now I'd say you are lucky they got around to "helping" you at all. Seriously, "customer service" in Germany does NOT exist. You're lucky if companies do things when they say they will (think: hook your internet up or come to fix your furnace) and there's no way in hell that they are gonna give you even a window of time for when they MIGHT appear. I seriously MISS the days of the cable guy saying he will be there between noon and 6 pm - you can't even pin these people down to a specific DAY let alone a period of time within that day. The weirdest thing is that all the Germans just accept it. No one complains - they just work with it. Weirdest damned thing I've ever seen. But my totally American nature feels you on the frustrating lack of helpfulness of your bakery people. It's good that you walked out - they shouldn't benefit from your business if they're gonna treat you like that! I'm sorry your period is being a pain - feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - I'm happy to hear that you got up an exercised and felt better.

    Well the first half of the day had me wishing I was at work. G was so tired and cranky and not feeling well. Aiy yay yay or however you spell that. Then I took her to the Dr and she told G that she wasn't sick with anything but a cold, scooped some ear wax out of her ear and she was magically better. LOL. Her ear is still hurting, but it is because the tube finally popped out and is just sitting on her ear drum. So this weekend we will (hold her down) and put some water/hydrogen peroxide mix in her ear and hope we can flush it out finally.
    We came home and took a 2.5 hr nap and she is much better. So the combination of just not feeling well, being tired from not taking naps anymore and getting yelled at by the teacher just set it off.

    Anyways, I didn't get to the gym so that part is sucky but I am sooo sore so it was probably good for my body to rest anyways. My cals are about 1500-1600ish so I am happy with that. Tomorrow and Saturday I plan on doing 70 minutes to make up for everything but ten minutes of the 300 and I will make that up next week..yeay.
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all!! so hard to get on here these days (as it is my daughter is in bed and my son is nursing so i'm typing with one hand...

    Anvy - i don't know how you don't go postal with that kind of service. there's nothing more aggravating to me than poor service. I would have done the same as Kendal: had anoutburst and then go to management and then regretted the whole thing! i can't count the times!! i'm in Canada by the way (hence the centigrade temperature). I'm foreign, but not as foreign as you are right now :) i know a couple swears in german if that helps? :)

    Bethany (Mrs Marv) - i STILL have nightmares about missing class and i graduated Uni 8 years ago! when i was a first yeart i sat in the wrong class but was too embarrassed to get up and so i sat through some sort of advanced physics.

    Sullen- thanks for the tips on eating, excercising with kids etc. i'm especially empowered to hear about how you started running - everyone starts somewhere - it's hard to remember that (i assume runners have always run marathons and the like, so they are they and i'm not a they) starting wt for the week is 235 - even though i know i've gained this week, last week's flukey 5 lbs came after a week of meeting my goals (something i haven't done this week). in 3 weeks i'd love to lose a pound a week, so be 232 lbs.

    Lacey - your tip about logging the treat early and "earning" it is BRILLIANT! i am very bribe orientated - that will suit me perfect. i need to do the same with diet coke - i drink it like water! sorry to hear about the ear infection - the only thing worse than having one is a 4 year old with one. how'd the doll thing work out? is G back in the teacher's "good graces"? poor little thing

    ADG - my mom lost herself in us and work. now she's retired and we're grown and she and my Dad are in two completely different worlds. Enjoy loving yourself and taking care of yourself.

    As for me - I made cupcakes last night as a "treat" - yeah, they're all gone. I truely want to reach the point where food doesn't dictate my day - where I can sit down and eat what I want and stop when I'm full. I love "healthy" foods - i eat relatively healthy most of the time... unless there are treats in the house - then I eat them all up and go back to eating well. THE most important thing to me is teaching my kids well. My mom was always on a diet, always unhappy with herself, how clothes didn't fit, etc. She had us on diets in grade school (we were the fat kids, but nothing that couldn't have been nipped in the bud). we'd watch all the other kids eat icecream at the dayhome and we'd get canned fruit. So everyone knew we were dieting. I can remember stealing food, I was so hungry (or I thought I was anyway) - eating bread in the bathroom. Then they'd give us a dollar on the weekend to go to the store and buy junk (back in the day a dollar bought you a pop AND a bag of chips! - i'm 34). So many mixed messages. we were enrolled in figure skating for YEARS, then as a reward get greasy arena burgers and fries for supper. I want my daughter to love herself no matter what she's inherited that she'd prefer were different, love herself no matter what she weighs, no matter if she shaves her eyebrows off accidentally (yes, i was that kid).And take care of herself BECAUSE SHE DESERVES TO. The first step to teaching her thse things is to learn to love myself AS IS. Why is that so hard? I look at their beautiful little bodies. My children are perfect - 10fingers, 10 toes, my daughter was even born with a cleft lip that required repair at 3 months old. She is perfect. How I pray I can find grace in my klutzyness, beauty in my bumpy skin, stealth in my extra layers :) To steal a line from He-Man... I HAVE THE POWER!!! :) on that note, off to bed with me, clearly the cupcakes have gone to my head (better than my butt!)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good Friday morning lovely ladies!!! Well, it seems that upping the calories a bit to match the exercise has helped the scale move in the right direction. I weighed in at 215 (one of the 3 times I weighed myself, I was 214.8) so I'm down 0.6 pounds from last week! Not bad for having a 4 day Roman holiday right in the middle of my week! I also took my measurements for the first time since October and I've lost an inch off my waist and an inch off my hips (which I could tell by being able to fit into some new size 16 jeans without any lycra in them!!!) as well as random fractions of inches off other places. (Somehow, my right calf and arm are slightly smaller than my left calf and arm - isn't that weird??) Anyways, it's a good way to start off a Friday!!!!!

    Hmfishy: I feel you on the mixed messages our parents gave us as kids. My mom had a weight problem almost her entire life (still does, actually). She also had a really, really SAD understanding of nutrition. She was always pushing protein and carrots and banning bread from the house (this was way before Low-Carb existed). She also rewarded us with food for any little thing: Got an A on a paper- have a twinkie, did well at a swim meet- let's get burgers and fries, etc. This ended up being really, really bad for my brother (who has a much slower metabolism than I do and isn't physically active) as he is now somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 pounds (that's wasn't a typo - I DID mean to write 500 pounds). As for me, my mom's weirdnesses about food didn't impact my weight. I was a really active kid/teenager and later joined the military and continued to be really active (I was on my squadron's run team and worked out all the time). Of course, the entire time I was being active and what-not, I was rewarding myself for small accomplishments with food it just wasn't a big deal because I was active enough to burn the extra calories off. It wasn't until I got pregnant and started "rewarding" myself with food (oh, I feel like crap today - how about a quesadilla/Big Mac/ice cream to make me feel better) and NOT being active that it started getting me into trouble. I gained a TON of weight with my pregnancy and began the past 7 years of health problems and misery. Bottom line is: I don't use food as a reward for my son. He gets treats, just like everyone else but they aren't a reward for anything. He gets rewarded with video game time or a movie or something inedible. I hope to keep his view of food "normal" and not warp it into comfort/love like my mom did.

    Lacey: Glad Gracie is feeling better. What's up with kids and earwax??? Seriously, I swear I could grow potatoes in Gabriel's ears - it's really horrible!

    Have a great Friday peeps!
  • izzycoyote
    Hello everyone,
    So glad to see that you're all here. I don't have any other friends who are working on losing weight, so I feel like a major piece that is missing for me is accountability. It's easy to make excuses, etc etc etc when there's no one to call you on it :)
    So...great to meet you all, and see how hard you're working!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi Izzy! Welcome to the group. I love this group because we all keep each other accountable for food choices and exercise. Everyone is really motivating. Tell us some stuff about yourself.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm feeling much better and the back pain is gone!!! My first client canceled so I was able to get my run in - 3 miles at 13:57 pace. Tried the new shoes I picked up at the Detroit Expo in October (same brand and size as my old shoes)... On a whim, I looked at treadwear of new and old shoes. I should have been using the new shoes when I started this training. The BodyBugg should be here tonight - YEAH!!! I can't wait to try it out.

    I forgot it was weigh in day and already had my running gear on when I saw the scale. I was afraid I'd skip the run if I took it all off. I'll weigh in tomorrow. It wont be pretty as were are having Thai food for dinner. I shopped yesterday and bought out the produce dept so I can cook healthy the rest of the weekend.

    Welcome Izzy!!!

    I'll take more time to respond to everyone over the weekend. Congrats on the lose Amy!!!

    TGIF and enjoy the weekend!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! I'm still feeling pretty sick... not horrendously so, but not great. I took off a bit early from work yesterday and napped, but I'm still pretty congested and cruddy in the throat. Needless to say, I didn't exercise yesterday. I did go out to eat last night (thai-yum), and I was up on the scale this morning. ARGH. I'm hoping by the end of the weekend I'm back down again. Depending on how I'm feeling and if I have time between work and seeing my roomies I'm planning on getting a workout in today. Saturday I have to move my body and Sunday I have my Pure Barre class-- I'll let you all know how it goes.

    I've got lunch out with the co-workers today and might be doing dinner out with the roomies who are staying with me tonight, so the caloric intake isn't going to be great today. *grumbles*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Friday! I am back at work, happy about it. Gracie is at school..her mental health day (lol) did its job and now she is good to go. That and the hot pink shoes I bought her last night at Target for $10. Totally worth the money.

    I weighed this morning to torture myself, I am always WAY up Friday..210.6. But last Friday I was like at 211.2 or something, so hopefully that bodes well for my Monday morning actual weigh in..
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Izzy- Welcome to the group.

    Amy- Way to go on the weight loss!

    Lacy- My son gets crazy ear wax too. He always has. Crazy thing is he has never had an ear infection.

    Kristina- Have a blast with your old roomies.

    Well yesterday morning I was back down to 205.8 but this morning it jumped back up a bit. I know it was because I had a couple pints with my brother last night. My brother is a bit of a beer snob and he loves finding new beer. I have turned into a bit of a beer snob myself and so he loves having me over to try his latest finds because I can appreciate them. So even though I know that it's probably just water weight and it's less than a pound, I'm still kicking myself because this could have been avoided. Oh well. I'll up the water today and hope for the best for my weigh in.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi ladies. We made japanese food last night and I'm up a little this morning, so I'm going to see if tomorrow is any better before I weigh in.

    Its been hectic at work the past couple days. They swapped out my computer and gave me a laptop and I've been trying to find the right settings for it (we use dual monitors so its a matter of figuring out the settings two times)

    We're supposed to get more bad weather Monday and Tuesday of next week (or maybe Tues/Wed...they aren't sure yet). Thats another reason I need to set up my laptop stuff.

    The cake/party thing went off great today. I was happy about that.

    A lady here at work asked me if I was still losing weight cause it looks like I've lost more. YAY! that made me feel good, especially since I haven't worked out all week. I'm looking forward to starting P90X over again (and getting it right this time).

    TOM is finally starting to retreat. ....starting to......hopefully it'll be gone by Sunday.

    /my randomness

    Sarah- a beer every once in a while isn't too bad....like you said, up the water and you'll be good

    Lacey- glad G is feeling better. I had so many earaches when I was a baby they put tubes in my ears. Eventually I quit having earaches though. Hot pink shoes can fix just about any bad day.

    Kristina- sorry you aren't feeling too hot.

    Victoria- great job getting your run in! I forgot to weigh in till after I got dressed this morning, so I decided to take my jeans off and weigh (hadn't put shoes on yet). If it was more than just taking off my pants, I would have skipped it. lol

    izzy- Hi!!! this group is all the support I have and its all I need. Tell us a little about yourself. age? family situation? relationship? kids? pets? where are you from? we talk about everything in our lives, not just our weight loss and I think thats probably why we've kept this group going for so long....

    Amy- My family was a lot like yours when I was a kid. Food was a reward. Even now mom and dad have to have a dessert every day after dinner (I'm talking a big hunkin dessert too). Its part of the reason my 12 yo brother is 205 pounds. Granted, he's now an inch or two taller than me, but he's always been husky. I hate to talk to him about his weight though cause I know he's developing a self esteem complex. Mom always tells him not to eat so much and makes him self concious about his size but at the same time, he eats because they keep so much junk food (aka "snacks") in the house and he has also learned to eat dessert after every dinner. Plus he eats out of bordem I think. He's used to eating "snacks" at certain times and ends up eating most of the day when he's really not hungry. I know thats how I got to be so big.

    hmfishy- my boyfriend bought these chocolate cake roll things (think the little debbie chocolate rolls, only these are about 3 times bigger and don't have that chocolate coating). When I'm in a grocery store, I can walk past every sweet thing there and say "I don't need to eat those calories so theres no need to waste the money." But once its in the house, I can't stop myself. I had one yesterday and went back for a second a couple hours later and reminded myself that I'd already had one. I know he had good intentions cause I was the one who originally said I wanted something sweet, but I didn't buy it for a reason...

    adg- good luck with the 5k! There is so much excitement on those days that you will probably increase your pace without realizing it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Yum...Japanese food! Yay for colleagues noticing the weight loss - I :heart: that! My mom does the same thing to my brother that you mom does to yours- she keeps buying all this junk food (chips, ice cream, regular sodas, etc) and then harasses him about his weight when he eats the stuff. If you genuinely care about what your family is eating, then you should stop bringing that junk into the house. Seriously, NO ONE needs to have a honking bowl of ice cream EVERY night!! My mom's been harassing my brother for so long (he's 30 now) that NO ONE can talk to him without him having a major blow-up and leaving the house in a rage. It's really sad.

    Sarah: Don't stress too much about a beer or two. I actually schedule some alcohol into my Fridays (usually) as it's right after I weigh in and it gives me time to drink water and get back to normal before the next weigh in. Seeing a little fluctuation in the scale after some restaurant food or alcohol isn't REAL weight gain and it will even itself out. No worries!

    Lacey: I :heart: me some hot pink shoes! I actually have a pair of hot pink stilettos that go with ONE black dress I own and I adore them. Those and my lavender Moon Boots are my fave.

    Kristina: Feel better!!!! Enjoy your roomies.

    Victoria: WTG on your run! You HAVE to tell us how your BodyBugg is. I've been thinking about getting one for a year now and just can't seem to pull the trigger on it. I really think my heart rate monitor over estimates my calorie burn, maybe the BodyBugg would be more accurate??

    Today I did YogaX and I was FINALLY able to do the Crane pose!!!! I was so happy that I nearly fell on my head. Everyone have a great day!
  • adgrissom
    adgrissom Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement, it is really needed.

    Just a quick note to all with signifcant other and children: I did put my children and work and everything and everyone before me and in the big picture everyone turned out ok. My daughters are beautiful and have a much better understanding of themselves and how to take care of themselves, emotionally, spiritually and physically, it's about communication. We talked and still talk about it alot!! What I did fail at was keeping my husband engaged and me as a person fulfilled. For the last 5 years we have led two completely different lives... and it hit me one day, I don't know him anymore and I don't know me. I don't know his likes, dislikes, hobbies etc. and I am just on auto-pilot. We still talked, had a very amicable relationship, but we found ourselves co-habiting, we were more like roommates. Everything hit really hard and we had to face if we were going to have a future together. The youngest graduates in June of this year and will be moving out on her own by August. Faced with this, my husband and I had to sit down and take a long hard look to see where we would land after she moves out. We have struggled but we are moving in the right direction. We've agreed that 27 years is far too long to make such a hasty decision. We are finding ourselves re-connecting... only time will tell. I am not saying we are headed for divorce but we have had to make some drastic changes in our relationship if we want it to work. So we have decided to start 'dating' each other again. Sounds weird I know, but it is kind of funny how the brain works. Therein lies why I have decided to take care of myself and do what I need to for me... I did 27 years ago when we first started dating so why not now.

    On another note: Had a moment of defeat yesterday, I have been very faithful in documenting my food (love the barcode scanner feature on the Droid btw). In addition, I have only missed 3 days of workouts since Dec. 27th. After having met and exceeded my personal of walking 2 miles in under 38 minutes (walked it in 36 minutes on Wed.) I had a really hard time getting motivated to even go to the Y yesterday.

    However, I played a trick on myself, I try to always bring my workout clothes into the office with me, so I can change before I leave and be able to go straight the treadmill while my husband changes (gives me a few extra minutes of workout this way). So I was already feeling defeated and had found that I was talking myself out of even going to the Y. So before I left work, I went ahead and changed from my work clothes to the workout clothes, knowing I would feel kind of stupid having gone to the extra effort but then not go.

    I knew the first question of my husband's mouth when I arrived home (he drove in separate and went straight home from work) would be "how was your workout" and I would feel stupid telling him I didn't go (yet, I was coming in the door in my workout clothes.) I also knew I would never go run errands dressed in my workout clothes, so my choices were to go home, run errands or go workout. So I decided I might as well go workout but I would only go for 20 minutes, just to feel better about myself.

    For some reason, last night, the Y was packed, there wasn't a parking space to be found, except way back at the end of the parking lot where they park the buses, I thought to myself, I should go home and I could tell hubby it was too full. I then think I'm already here so I should at least go in. So I park in the boonies, and as I pass the windows where the machines are I notice it is not as busy as it looked from the outside. (Apparently there were some basketball, volleyball or indoor soccer games going on.) Again, I tell myself just do a quick 20 minutes it is better than nothing.

    I step on the treadmill and set the timer and I automatically put in 30 minutes and start walking, when the time remaining flashes on the screen I realize what I have done and tell myself, it may say I have 29 minutes to go but I can stop it anytime I want. So 32 minutes later, I am finishing up with my cool down.

    Felt a ton better and glad I tricked myself into going... Didn't feel like it was the best workout I've had but at least I worked out!!

    Sorry for the long post :-/