200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg Emma is ADORABLE!! I've been wanting to get a 2nd dog for a long time but I've never acted on it. There are so many uncertainties about getting a second pet. Will it get along with Lexi? Will Lexi get jealous? Where would it's crate go?? Lexi has a BIG crate and I don't have room for another one but I don't want a tiny dog, I'd want one thats big enough to not be afraid to play and run with Lexi. What if it's not house trained? (Might be easier to house train though if it follows Lexi's lead.) It's kinda funny cause Lexi was only in the shelter about 2 weeks before I got her and they had named her Kiki, which is my nickname (for small kids). Lexi was truly put on this earth for ME.

    I did Core Syn last night and I at least attempted all the moves. There are some of them I sit there and go "there's no way I can do that!" They may do 20 reps, but I at least can push out 1 or 2 before my body stops lol.

    The scale was nice to me this morning because of it. It went down. (even though I ate sweets....dang Taylor bought them last night) :grumble: However, we found out yesterday that he'll be starting a new project next week and its in SC (4 hours away). :frown: He's basically lived with me the past month and a half. Its going to be an adjustment to get used to him not being around. However, the food will get more in line and the utility bills will go down a bit.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    oohhh!!! I forgot to mention that I got more papers from Joey yesterday. I faxed them to my attorney this morning and I'm in such a good mood now! :bigsmile: I'm really starting to like my attorney. :bigsmile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Getting a second pet isn't as stressful as you might think (with DOGS, cats are another story entirely). We got Sofie when my golden retriever was 2 years old and there was never any jealousy at all. There was just curiosity on the part of both dogs. (My cat, on the other hand has hated every new addition - he's even older than Gabriel so he's tolerated a kid, another cat, and 3 dogs over his 9 years - but gotten over it eventually) I DID make sure that both dogs had their own crates though - I wanted to make sure that they each had their own space when they wanted to get away from everyone. Now that my golden is living with Trav's parents and Sofie is here with us, they really miss each other. Sofie attacks every golden she runs into on walks because she thinks they are HER golden. Dogs really are pack animals, once they figure out where they are in the pack hierarchy they are just fine.

    Kristina: Are you crate training Emma? I found that crate training was absolutely necessary for mine and my dog's sanity when I left them at home all day while I was at work. My pups felt safe and secure in their crates and I knew that they'd be away from anything they could destroy or hurt themselves with.

    I did my 40 min tempo run (varying in pace from a 13:15 mile to a 11:45 mile) and then did YogaX. I'm wiped. out. Gabriel did YogaX with me and was so proud of himself for sticking with the entire hour and a half!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    This rain dry rain dry rain dry BOregon weather blows. I don't know why I am complaining, I've lived in Eugene for 6 years and in Oregon the rest of my life...but waking up with a sinus pressure headache sucks and combined with tom is making me a tad cranky. I will take some medicine when I finish my smoothie.
    I also have some mildly on the verge of hurting myself muscles in my right ankle, lower back and right leg groin muscle. No more sumo squats for a few weeks I guess and I have to be careful doing cardio. And lots of stretching today for sure. Boo. HIss.

    I wish I would have crate trained my two dogs. I will do two things with the next dogs I have...crate train and get females. I have two boys and they both mark their territory when we go somewhere new and Vinny still marks his territoriy occassionally in our house...beyond frustrating but its my own fault I think for not crating them when they were younger. They are smaller dogs and one is 13 in March and one will be 11 in July. Bart, the older one, is getting on in years and I can tell he is slowing down..sadness. I want a water dog next...probably a Chesapeake Bay retriever. One that has come from a kennel who's either been started on training or will be part of the package, that I can participate in and that can go back to the same kennel when we travel. There is one a few miles from our house for bird dogs and I hear nothing but good things about it, so that is probably where we will head next....but that is a ways away yet.
    Do you guys know if you can crate train old dogs?

    I just got word that my two supa importante customers from Taiwan will be at the trade show, specifically to meet my engineer and I....so that gives me an extra boost to work my *kitten* off until the show. I think I could use some yoga, stretch these muscles out.

    Kendal - even just trying the moves will make your core stronger and the more you try it the better you will get at it! Good job!

    Kristina - yeay for Emma doing good last night!! Puppies are like kids...you atune to their every move and don't even get back to sleeping well I don't think.

    Okay well...suppose I should get started. Bleh.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Holy heck ladies.... I had to go back 6 pages to find the thread! Unacceptable!!

    Debra- glad you think Emma is cute. She is quite the mutt. You know, she could have some dalmation in her, but I don't know. The humane society said beagle/pit, but I don't know. She sort of has hound-y coloring, though her white areas are spotted and her black areas are brindle-y. Has a pit shaped head, but it's tiny. And she's pretty tiny for either a dalmation or a pit (only about 30 pounds), so she's probably quite the mix, and I already adore her!

    Kendal- I think most places that adopt out want to do a dog-dog interaction before adopting. I think it's sweet that you want Lexi to have a buddy. Dogs like that, but you have to think about Lexi is pretty big, and another dog is an added expense. Perhaps something to get down the line. I won't rule out once I have a bigger place I might get a second. It'll just be Emma and I for a while!

    Amy- yes, I'm crate training her. She already loves her crate and will go into it every evening and during the day while I'm in the same room. Last night she was in it when I went to bed, but didn't close the door and she was wandering a bit. I called her and she came into my room, and I brought her doggie bed up and she slept in it all night. She did fine in the crate while I was at work for half the day. It was barely disturbed and I was worried about her maybe going to the bathroom in it, but clean! Whew! She's not 100% housetrained (that's what the humane society said), but no accidents so far. Even though I'm working from home tomorrow, i'm planning on heading out for a couple of hours to do shopping and will put her in the crate, so she'll have another trial run before the longer time I'll be at work on Thursday.

    Hehe... all my answers were about Emma! *twirls*

    Another picture of her, because I can't stop sharing:


    you can see her coloring a bit better here

    enjoying her new crate! I had a problem picking a size. I would have liked to have gone smaller, but the size down looked too tiny for her (didn't think she could turn around in it), and I'm not positive she won't get any bigger. I imagine she'll at least put on some weight.

    Anyways, no working out today per say, but took Emma for 2 long walks.... totaling over three miles. Not too shabby! Plan for tomorrow is to hit the gym and do a treadmill extravaganza. Will hit at least 3 miles, but might do some speed training, so might be some walking involved. Food went pretty well today.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I don't get much time on the computer these days, but I'm still here. I hope everyone is doing great! My husband's Amateur Radio Club had a party last night, and I didn't use any self control in regards to the food, but today was better. I just did a 45 minute exercise video. It feels so good to exercise. I don't know why I fight it sometimes!

    Have a great night and I will catch up with you all later!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I posted it on my status, but I'm also going to ask yall's opinion.

    I've tried it several times, but no matter what, I simply hate yoga.....so that hour and a half yoga dvd in P90X, yeah....what should I do instead???

    I looked at the shelter website and browsed through the pictures of the dogs. There's an ADOOOOORABLE black dog named Bobbie (female) who looks like she could be Lexi's twin (in black). She's perfect.....right size, same age as Lexi, playful, the description says she walks great on a leash and somewhat house trained, and someone has donated $20 to her adoption fee.

    But I'm going to be practical and not get another dog. :frown: I don't know where I'll be living in a year from now and having 2 big dogs would only make it more difficult to find a place. And the extra cost....the $75 adoption fee, another crate (I think the size I'd need are $130-$150), immediately have to take her to the vet for a "well visit", heartworm pills (6 months = $51)......

    so :frown: on getting a second dog for now....
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey girls! i am still alive i promise. and i also promise i am not falling off the wagon. since friday i have had a severe migraine everyday and it just wont go away. but i am still able to semi function so thats good. and on top of that i feel like crap because guess who arrived on sunday.... TOM. grrrr so i am actually going to stick with last weeks weight although the evil mr. scale says im up. i know that it is bloating and i will be back down next week. thats all i have to post for now but dont worry if i disappear again for i will still be lurking and keeping up with u.

    kristina- emma is soooooooooooo cute!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amber: It's good to see you around. I'm sorry about the migraine. Victoria once suggesting using peppermint oil for my headaches and, I swear to God, it works better than the excedrin. Feel better!

    Kendal: I've NEVER liked yoga. Not one bit. Ever. So having to do an hour and a half of difficult yoga poses for YogaX was basically torture. I'm now on Week 4 of doing this and I can honestly say that the evil Yoga is really helping me. I am more flexible, have better posture and general body awareness and yesterday was the FIRST day ever that I was looking forward to Yoga. It's uncomfortable and it's hard to breathe right and I feel like a dork and NOT graceful like that black dude in the back of the YogaX (man, that guy looks GOOD doing the yoga). But since it's helping me get more graceful and flexible (which it is), I'll keep lumbering through it. I'm not saying that you should force yourself to do something you don't like, I'm just saying maybe you should try it for a couple weeks before you give up on it entirely.

    Karen: Yay for the 45 min of exercise!

    Kristina: Your pup is toooooo cute. It makes me wanna get another one...but...I ....will...be...strong......and...resist....

    Lacey: I think you can crate train older dogs but you have to go really slow and make sure to make the crate a "happy" place.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    LOL....sorry Kristina I've been a little discouraged lately skipped the gym entirely last week and wouldn't you know it I finally lost weight. Why am I working out again? Oh right I don't wanna JUST lose wight....sigh. I am sitting right at....you guessed it 200.5lbs. Maybe I'll hit wonderland this week? I'm on the iPad and just got home from work so I'll post more later. Hope you all are doing well.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's so nice to see so many people posting and sticking with our group!!! Happy hump day!!! Kristina - I'm living the Emma stories and pics!!! Another great day with bodybugg. 2900+ cal burned for the day - I did do 2 workouts 2 mile run in morning plus 30 min low impact aerobics with mom in the evening. If I take 500 off 2900, that means I should be eating 2400 to lose a pound a week. I've only been eating 1500 to 1800. After Vegas, I may bump the number up. 10 days until fun and sun in Vegas!!!

    Amber - sorry about the headache.

    Kendal - I feel for you in wanting another dog. I sooo want another kitty (*sigh*)... Yoga is a mental exercise. If you try it again, turn the lights down low and burn a few candles - it helped me tolerate it better. Change the days around so yoga day is replaced with Zumba night.

    Hi Kim.

    Karen - great job getting the exercise in.

    Lacey - I'm with you on being tired of winter weather. Get moving girl - Vegas is just around the corner!!!

    Amy - I think it's so nice you've gotten Gabe to exercise... Glad the peppermint helped.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mr. Scale is flirting with me. I'm down again today. I'm still 4lbs higher than my lowest weight, but at least I'm going in the right direction. I think YogaX is tomorrow night. I have back/legs and ab ripper tonight.

    Kim- don't worry about missing a week at the gym. I didn't go at all last week and I didn't work out at home either. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a break. The important part is that you start back up again (especially before you do too much damage).

    Thanks for the yoga advice. I guess I'll keep on trying. Tony changes positions so fast it makes me dizzy sometimes.

    and just so you guys can see how perfect Bobbie is, she's the first one on the page http://www.adoptshelterpets.org/animal-search/?start=20

    I'm sitting here trying to think of something else to talk about, but I'm coming up blank. ...guess I should get to work then, huh? lol
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Hello ladies. Sorry I haven't been great about jumping on. The kid has been sick and we are wraping things up at the store so I've been busy. Yesterday was the last day of business and today we start tearing down everything. I've been so bad with my exercise! Grrrrrrrr! Well I will do my best to get caught up tonight after I get home.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I woke up crabby....TOM is hitting me massive hard this month. I am sensitive and want to cry at the drop of a dime, get pissed at the drop of a dime. It is soooo annoying! The older I get the worse it gets. I think I need to find some natural drugs or something to help me out. Gawd.

    Added up my total work out minutes thus far in the challenge and am on track for the 1800 minutes. I have to do two 57 minute work outs this week to hit the goal so I am doing good on that front. The scale isn't showing it but there is nothing I can do about that. I did more of the boot camp class weights and medicine ball moves last night at the gym and really liked it...so I might start going bonzo on the strength training and less on the cardio. My HR doing the strength training was between 145-150. I'm bored with cardio and my HR this week won't go above 135 this week doing it, I'm sure next week I will be better and change it up but this week I'm content to let it be.

    Second dogs are nice to have but like someone said, the cost can get you in the end. Vet bills suck when there are two.

    Well I am gonna turn on pandora.com and listen to some happy music...and if things don't change in my mind by around 10:30 I am going to treat myself to a nonfat extra hot white chocolate mocha from starbucks. That usually does the trick. Maybe I just need some sugar!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I got to come home in the middle of the day to finish my hours because it started sleeting/snowing. Yay for that!

    Taylor has to go to a business dinner thing so I'm on my own for food. Not sure what I want to make.....I have so many options :smile:
  • sarabaumgarth
    We made it...IT'S WEDNESDAY!!! It has to be all downhill from here right? I do believe my little boy has hit terrible 2s! OMG...I know my sweet little boy is in that screaming child somewhere :) Things have been a little crazier around here then normal the past couple of weeks, and it finally broke me yesterday! I probably would have been okay, but my wonderful husband brought home my favorite chocolate candy, because he knew I was having a rough day. He had wonderful intentions, but not very helpful when you are watching what you are eating and trying to eat clean. Then after my little boy was asleep and our crazy wild dogs were in bed the PIZZA ROLLS started calling my name! It wasn't a great way to end the day, and I am totally feeling the repercussions today. When your body is so used to natural/clean food a BIG helping of unclean food makes you feel miserable! PLUS I was WAY WAY WAY over on calories! Okay I am done with the negative! Thanks for letting me complain....

    Now on to the positive....* TODAY IS A NEW DAY! * I woke up in a much better mood, ate my oats for breakfast, and back on track with my water!!! Now if I can get my house cleaned up, some laundry done, and stay within my calorie limit today...it will be a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY! I hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!....and remember there is only 2 more days until the weekend!!!

    Lacey- WOW, sounds like you have been working hard at the gym! Keep it up!

    Kendal- Glad you are headed in the right direction :)

    Victoria- I am so jealous you are going to LV! The WARM SUN how great will that be!?!?! I miss warm weather :) Anyways...hope you have a blast!

    Amy- What a great way to get your little guy involved!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been checking out this thread for the past couple of days and I think this is the group that could help me stay motivated with getting fit and staying that way! If you're welcoming new people still I'd love to join :).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    hey Sarahthes! we are always welcoming all new members! So tell us a little about yourself! Where are you from? What do you do? Family? Kids? Pets? Work? We are currently in a 6 week challenge (I think we have like, 2 weeks left...it ends 2/12). We weigh in any time between Friday and Monday morning. Let us know if you have any goals you want to set for the the 12th or you can just wait till we start our next challenge. Whatever works best for you girl!

    I was wrong earlier....I didn't do back/legs today with p90x....it was Arms and Shoulders and Ab Ripper. I did good again. And now I know what to expect with the videos and how to use my resistance bands quickly.

    Sarabaum- everyone has a bad day. The important part is picking yourself up and starting over fresh. So GOOD JOB!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Well, I am 30 years old, and got married 5 and a half years ago. No kids yet, but we're planning to try in about a year, to coincide with when my hubby finishes grad school. No pets either, but we're planning on adopting a cat sometime this year. Gotta move out of our current crappy apartment into a nicer one! I live in snowy central Alberta, Canada, which makes getting active outdoors pretty difficult between October and May, so I've been doing some cardio and fitness workouts indoors. I'm still feeling a bit too self-conscious to go to the gym, but my exercise goal is to start doing martial arts again.

    I've never really been good at eating healthy, which I've inherited from my parents (although they're now making an effort to get healthier as well--they bought a treadmill and use it daily!), When I was a teen, I was slightly overweight but also very physically active, so I could get away with eating all kinds of crappy food because I was burning a ton of calories. I earned a black belt in tae kwon do when I was 15! I also played rugby. But then I moved away and went to university and put on the dreaded Freshman 40... and then 20 more... and then a little more. I'm currently sitting at 245. I weighed in at 250 just after Christmas on the day when I realized that none of my clothes were fitting properly. Picked up one of the exercise trainer video games and started working out and now I'm trying to change my eating habits as well.

    Wow, that's a novel!

    Anyway, I normally weigh in on Sunday mornings so that works for me. I was 245 this past Sunday and with 2.5 weeks til the challenge ends I think I'll aim at being 240. Pretty aggressive but I think I can do it if I eat sensibly and make sure to keep getting in that daily workout :).
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well today was a good day. i ate well and went and entire day without a headache. work wasnt too bad either. yesterday i was up 2 pounds because of TOM and today i was back down to last weeks weight. YAY! so i am going to try to get down lower if i can. i have already reached my goal of loosing 5 pounds so i am happy but i feel like i can lose more before ths challenge is over.

    welcome to all the new members!

    well good night all!!! see you tomorrow