200+ Recommitting for the New Year!

Hey ladies!

Meant to start this late last night, but it slipped my mind. New 6-week challenge for us.

I think for all of us, the last month or so was a struggle, and we slipped a bit. I think the important thing is that no one dropped completely off the wagon and out of the group. That still shows commitment and support for continuing to lose weight and get healthy.

A new year is about to begin and that means recommitting ourselves and getting back on track. I personally won't weigh myself in until Monday in hopes to flush out my system a little bit over the weekend and be down a little. I haven't weighed myself over this week. It'll be ugly.

Everyone check in before Monday with a starting weight and I'll keep track of everyone's weight losses over the week and any other goals peeps have. We can do it ladies! We've come so far!


  • _Sarah_
    Count me in!
  • nora62662
    Count me in!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for the advice Lacey. 5 weeks to Vegas and yes I will lose the Christmas gain. 2 workouts done today - 30 min step aerobics and 30 min with mom doing low impact aerobics. Food will be interesting since we are spending 4 hours in various bars/resteraunts visiting with out of town friends. I'm finally going to meet the baby my brother was the manny to in DC last summer. YEAH!!! Another hour until we get to the resteraunt. Mom and I used my phone to shop on-line at Coldwater Creek. She had a coupon that expired today. I'm the DD so calories should be under control (that's why I did the extra workout)...

    Goal for this challenge - workout at least 30 min a day and run 3x/week, get my eating under control, lose 6 pounds to get back to my lowest weight.

    Kristina - thanks for posting the new thread!!! Hope your trip home goes smoothly. It's foggy and rainy here but temps are in the 40s so you shouldn't have icy trouble.

    Kendal - how's that cabin??? Enjoy - we want stories on Monday.

    Lacey - you'll love the iPhone MFP ap!!!

    To the new people - new members are always welcome!! Feel free to post away tell us your weight, goals, exercise plan, etc. Our group has been together for over a year and new faces come, go, and return. We've had great sucsess as a group. Feel free to ask questions and vent your frustrations. Group support is what it's all about.

    As per post on the old thread this morning - I'm checking in at 189. I even updated my ticker to reflect the gain... (*sighs*)

    Happy New Year!!! I love the challenge name - I have definetly recommited for this challenge.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    A friend on another thread posted something I wanted to pass on:

    We gave to PLAN OUR WORK then WORK OUR PLAN!!!!

    It goes so well with recommitting...
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Bump :drinker:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I love that....plan our work and work our plan!!

    Does this challenge end on February 12???? If so that is so perfect for me..since the next challenge would end March 26th, the weekend I am on vacay in Vegas. This is a 43 day challenge. Starting tomorrow I have 80 days until my trip. The count down begins.

    Goal for the challenge: Ohhh...putting this on paper as it were....scarrreeyyy...Okay. Here I go:
    1. 1800 minutes total exercise for the challenge. That works out to 300 minutes per week, or 5 sessions of 60 minutes per session...or 6 of 50.
    2. One splurge meal per week. Not a day of splurging. One. Meal. If that.
    3. Log all food, especially on the weekends.
    4. Weigh in Monday mornings.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Had a smoothie this morning, with intentions of working out. Then we decided to go to Home Depot to look at bathroom stuff and tile, etc. so we can start doing a few things around the house...and then went to Chucky Cheese. Have any of you ever been there? Worst. Food. Ever. Even the salad I got was tasteless.. I was all worried that I'd be screwed with eating the pizza. Not! I ate the toppings off two pieces which tasted gross, the salad and the rootbeer. Then we went bowling and I ate two mozarella sticks and french fries. So the day ended up being a bust anyways.
    Tomorrow starts the official day of the challenge for me, and I plan to eat right and work out...gotta get in a 60 minute work out. I also need to get a work out plan together I think. I've just been doing a lot of cardio and upper body weights this past week. I think I will add in the squat challenge to start over again and hiit training as well. Anything to burn that fat!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy New Year Super Pals! I weighed in today for the first time in a few weeks and it was ugly but I'm going to use it as my starting point. So put me down for 220 (which is A LOT higher than the 213 of a few weeks ago but I'm sure that some of that is water weight and stuff - I Hope!). My goals for this challenge are to walk my dog every day, do my P90X and finish my 10K training program. Food wise, I'm with Lacey - ONE cheat meal a week. No more cheat days or weekends. And I really have to do better at LOGGING everything.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I got back to working out for the first time in - forever - and I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning (Thank you Tony Horton!) but the thing that surprised me is how freaking HUNGRY I am. I could seriously eat a moose right now. (K, so...not really but you get my meaning) I've spent all afternoon finding the holiday munchies and either throwing them away or hiding them from myself so I don't have to be faced with cookies, chocolate and fudge every time I turn around. My eating is on track and I'm feeling good about getting back in gear but I'm...soooo...hungry....
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    Good Day

    Happy New Year :drinker:
    Well i didnt reach that goal to be 185 on the 30th... :mad: but i will continue to do my best.. i am hopeing with the new schedule for the Y i will be upping my exercise again.. i have school during the day now insted of night class so ill be able to get a little more cardio in :love:
    I am a little disappointed i did not get to see the Ball drop last night :sad: i even had the tv on but i guess it dropped at 11p my time so boo thats my favorite part.. i could have just went to bed lol

    my goals are
    keep up my logging of food
    work out at least 5 days a week
    and be happy that my weight is not going back up (even if it stays the same for a while, ill will win!) :flowerforyou:

    Well have a wonderful first day of the New Year !!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy nEw year!

    After the eggs and cookie this morning I am at 500 cals already....so yeah. Off to the gym I go today to work it off!

    Today is the start of the 60 minutes work outs!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy New Year! Today I'm just hoping to keep my eating under control and unpacking and getting settled back at home (as well as watch college football). Will decide on a couple of recipes for the week and go shopping tomorrow and cooking before the workweek (ugh) begins.

    Will weigh in Monday morning and will post my goals then.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Day 80 (I'm counting down to my trip)
    60 minutes completed, 1740 to go for the challenge. If I am not super sore tomorrow I will be shocked!

    I ate a little too much for lunch today, but still have 640 left or so for the day. Have to stay away from the cookies I made I guess and pick salad for dinner!!

    Tomorrow I will hit the gym tomorrow too but will take it a bit easier as I have to weigh in Monday morning. I'm going to have Jeff measure me tomorrow too I think.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I excited to get this year started and recommit to my goals. My starting weight for this challenge will be 203. I did end up losing a pound this week to my surprise. So 3 more pounds until Onederland, I'm thinking ill hit it next week. As long as I stay as focused and committed as I have been this past week.

    My goal for this challenge it to workout at least 4 times a week and to start p90x at home and continue the running. I am going to do my best at tracking...I always track in my head but at times I forget to put it down here. It's good to be back and I look forward to seeing everyone's progress in this new year.

    I am getting pretty close to my halfway point as well as the 100's which I haven't seen for over 14 years. It will be an exciting year, oh yeah! I almost forgot, I bought a size 16 this weekend, actually 2 of them (pants) I am just about fully into regular sized clothes, how awesome is that? again another feat, I have not been out of the plus sized stores in a good 15 years.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning Super Pals! I managed to make it entirely through Day 1 back on the wagon without any major incident. I DID nearly eat a moose sometime before dinner but managed to calm my raging hunger with a cup of coffee instead of moose meat :laugh: . Anyway, I hiked with the dog and did P90X back & biceps and Ab RipperX and I am SOOOOOO SORE this morning! :ohwell: It's a good soreness though. Today, I'm off to the grocery store to re-stock and I'm gonna do P90X Plyo and walk the dog. (Maybe I'll get a short jog in there too).

    Lacey: WTG on your exercise!

    Kristina: We're mourning the end of vacation here too. Gabe's been all pouty since yesterday because he realized that school picks up again on Monday - I can't say I feel any less pouty.

    Bethany: Bummer that you didn't see the ball drop. I didn't either as it drops about 6 hours later than midnight here in Germany and there is no way I was gonna get up at 6 am to see a ball drop on TV. The German fireworks were amazing enough for me.

    Here's my goals for this challenge:
    Get down to 206 (I'd really like to be under 200 but I don't think that's achievable for this 6 week period but I'll hit it in the next challenge) - starting weight (as of 1/1/11) was 220
    Stick with P90X despite the random boredness that sets in (just keep pressing "play!")
    Log, Log, Log everything
    Only have ONE cheat meal a week and log it

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Every muscle on my body isnsoremthis morning, wow. I did lunges yesterday for the first time in ever. Maybe 15 to 20of them and omg. It Is a good sore though.

    Since I have toweigh in tomorrow morning I think I might just bundle up and take a nice long walk around the little town I live in...or if I go into town to the gym do only cardio for an hour. Nothing duper strenuous.

    Ok, the fam want pancakes, so I am going to log two of them and get going.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I would like to join in. I need to recommit! I started MFP in January of 2010, and lost 30 pounds in the first 3 or 4 months. After that I kept going up and down, but pretty much stayed at the 30 pound mark. Since Thanksgiving, I have completely been off track. I have not exercised or logged my food except maybe 2 or 3 times. I'm afraid to weigh myself, but I'm ready for a new start!

    It looks like you start on Mondays, so I will weigh myself in the morning. I look forward to getting to know you all! :flowerforyou:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: Welcome! The ladies here are great motivation and I love having them around to pick me up when I fall down (which happens A LOT).

    Lacey: I'm with you girl! My back, biceps and abs are sooooo sore that it hurts to laugh or cough.

    Day 2 back on the wagon is winding down and I did good today! I did a 30 minute tempo run on the treadmill and did the P90X plyo DVD. It was hard to slog through the workouts as my body is sooooooo sore but I got it done! Now I have a wicked exercise-induced headache. I don't know why it happens but I tend to get headaches after any kind of strenuous exercise. I've tried drinking more water, drinking more caffeine, eating more protein but nothing helps (except Excedrin and some sleep).
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Karen- welcome! Our group has been together (well, some of us, others have joined and stayed along the way) back in October 2009. We've had our ups and downs, but we've stuck together and everyone is a great support! We do 6-week challenges, and everyone checks in sometime between Friday morning through the end of the weekend with their weekly weigh-in and how they are coming along with other goals they've set. Enjoy!

    I haven't worked out this weekend, but my eating is much more on track. Perfect? No-- but MUCH better. I've got a lentil barley soup in the crockpot, which I started later than I wanted, so it might be a late dinner for me. Should be pretty good calorie wise today.

    As I mentioned earlier, I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. I was on the right track again before heading off for the holidays, but the pants are feeling snug and I know the weigh in won't be pretty. I'll make a loss goal off of that, as well as add some other goals I want to achieve during this challenge.

    I'm trying to enjoy my last day before heading back to work. I cleaned up my place a bit today. I still have some unpacking to do. Trying to relax, as I know work is going to be a bit unpredictable this week. When I first started the position, there was a lot of "well, we can work on this in the new year". As it's now the New Year, I'm freaking out a bit. There's just still so much I don't know how to do. But I know I'll get there. I'll tell you one goal I definitely will have this challenge: don't let the stress from work and hours stop you from eating properly and getting out and exercising!! Do what you have to to make that still happen. You feel better stress-wise and emotionally when you move your body and eat better.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey ladies!!! Happy New Year!!! Yesterday was a lazy day but I managed a workout today. All of the Christmas decorations are stored away for next year. Eating was so-so over the weekend. My calves are killing me from step aerobics Fri. So I skipped my jog today.

    Welcome Karen!!!