200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Where do you guys find all these coupons? I think I am not looking in the right places...

    Kendal - I will gladly help you figure out what to cook if you want, and will even give you my cell number if you want. You can text or call me for ideas...I love to cook.

    Karen and Amber - its what you do after you go over the calories that counts!! If you start back on track the next meal and wait a good week before you do it again then I am betting you will be just fine. Keep up with the exercise ladies and you will rock it!

    WOW Everyone great job on the loss this week!! I'm going to weigh myself Sunday and Monday morning and see where I sit. I should have done well, I've been good and kept up with everything. I'm pretty sure I'm only 40 minutes away from my goal of 300 exercise minutes per week and will blow it out of the water tonight with a 60+ minute work out!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Kristina- way to go on the run! The weather has been crap in my neck of the woods as well which makes it hard to get motivated sometimes. Keep it up though and you will be back down in no time.

    Victoria- I understand fast food cravings and it's terrible how convenient it is. The worst is around that time of the month because I crave salt, fried foods and greasy burgers. You can do it! Great job on the water intake!

    Kendal- given that you have already come so far in your weight loss, 50 by September is totally doable! Keep up the good work!

    Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. I was watching my little brother (3 and a half years old) and didn't have time to do much because he is a busy bee. I did have some exciting news though, I jumped on the scale yesterday morning and I'm down to 206.8 pounds! That's 4 pounds lost since Monday! It's probably a freak thing but I'm going to stick to what I've been doing and hope for the best. Today will be day five of the shred and I've been working in some additional cardio. I can't get past 6-7 glasses of water but I'm still trying. Today begins major job search because they are closing the store I work at. This is my last month with them.

    Sorry I don't have time to post to everyone, but keep up the great work ladies!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Well, im in a bit of a frump, I had the best week calorie and exercise wise that I have had in a long time and I didn't lose anything. What a bummer. I even had a couple days where I did p90x and went to the gym for cardio. P90x kicked my *kitten* this week, I was so sore I had to skip a day of working out cuz I couldn't move, who would have thought all this time of working out I would be that out of shape in certain area's. Not only was I sore the 2nd 3rd and 4th day but I felt like I hadn't slep in weeks from all the working out. It was the strangest feeling, like I was totally exhausted. I did not complete p90x this week, so I am going to just keep trying until I can do a full week in a row, it's definitely tough but it feels really good when your done, and really the time fly's pretty quickly for an at home workout.

    I talked to my husband about feeling frustrated with all the effort this week. It seems its easiest for me to lose weight when I don't exercise, as soon as I add that into the mix it starts coming off real slow, backwards huh? I am kinda torn, should I do moderate exercise and loose weight faster or should I just keep working out as hard as I can and reep the benefits of a tighter body later. I'm impatient and no loss weeks tend to really throw me off since I'm such a goal oriented person not hitting my goals really causes a rapid decline in motivation. Blech, I don't know, I have so many thoughts going through my head and I really suck at expressing them. My husband keeps encouraging me to keep up what I'm doing and keep track of the scale but look at the over all month and not put everything on one week. Easy for him to say, lol, that weekly weigh in is what keeps me going. He is right though.

    I hope next week brings some progress. I am so looking forward to being under 200. 202...I can usually hit 1.5lb loss per week without a problem, but not this week, I'm still....202. Working extra hard = less results, hmmmm. I keep researching all the possibilities to see where I have gone wrong, and nothing...I can't find it. I know people say to eat your exercise calories but I have never done that in the past and it has worked well for me. And the people on the biggest loser don't eat them, they eat a set amount and they do a heck of a lot more exercise than I do.


    Kendal: Awesome that you are getting p90x today! I'm so excited. Did your friend loose the 100lbs on 90x exclusivly and did she use the diet plan? I'm always curious what people eat when they don't use the plan. And great job on your weight loss this week! 2.8 is excellent!

    Kristina: I think I may have forgot to put in my weight for last week, I don't know, but my current weight is 202. Great job with running!

    Sarah: Congrats on your 4 lbs! That is a great weigh in! The water thing will come, I find when I'm hydrated it's easy to drink a lot of water, but when I'm dehydrated, water is really hard to get down.

    Lacy: You are very consistant on your workouts, I'm sure this weigh in will be great!

    Karen: 3.7 pounds, you guys in these high numbers! Way to go!

    Amy: So far I'm not even getting through every day with being so sore, but I think I will take my rest days when I get there as whatever I feel I need that week, If i am exhausted I'll take them, if not I'll try and do a little something.

    Victoria: Awesome that you also had a loss. Keep up the momentum! Are you still doing P90x? What kind of diet did you or are you using for that?

    Amber: I know it can be tough to drag yourself to the gym, I struggle with this often myself. Go anyways, you can always leave if you really are just too tired. Keep up the good work!

    I know this was a really long post, sorry about that, I probably could have kept ranting cuz I'm completely frustrated and when I'm frustrated I ramble nothings on and on....or at least that is what it feels like.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kim - I too am worried that I wont show a loss this week because I've bumped up the weights and am sore. Not P90x sore, but sore all the same. I think its best to keep going with the P because you are gaining muscle and dropping fat..so while you may not see it on the scale I bet you will see it in the way your clothes fit and how you feel. Also remember that people who keep adding the strength training to gain muscle tend to keep the weight off longer because that muscle is there to support their metabolism longer..I think I've read that anyways.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    awww Lacey! I love the new pic.

    Taylor and I are going to the mountains tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Week 1 in review: 311 minutes total exercise/2744 calories burned. Looking back at my cal intake...I was WAY over Sunday with dinner. And the rest of the week I was over between 30 to 110. Tonight I should be within range. I'm hoping to still show a loss Sunday morning. All in all I am pretty proud of myself with what I've done this week.

    I just have to get through Saturday!

    Kendal have fun with Taylor!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    What day are we doing the official weekly weigh in?
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    It's usually friday, but some people doing it a some point between friday and monday.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    sarah~my official weigh in is sunday. mostly because it holds me accountable on friday and saturday.

    kendal~ have fun in the mountains with your guy. we want details when u get back. lol

    lacey~ even if you dont show a loss this week, you are doing great!!! i love you new pic!!!

    so my day went ok work was kinda hectic and i just got off. the bad thing is i have to be back at 7am so i am fixin to go to bed. i had a huge yummy salad for dinner with spring greens salad mix, baby carrots, some low fat cheese (i kinda splurged on that one. i LOVE cheese) i also took some low fat buffalo chicken lunch meat (the premium stuff, not that cheap processed crap:sick: ) and cut it up and put on top. then i used a low cal vinaigrette dressing and drizzled on top ( kraft sun-dried tomato vinaigrette yummy). it was delicious and very filling and i stayed under my calories for the day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    i didnt work out today but after last nights work out i exceeded all my set weekly goals for exercise. yay!well have a great night ladies and i will check in tomorrow!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Amber: Your salad sounded yummy! I love buffalo chicken on salads!

    Lacey: Your profile pic is TOTALLY cute! You SHOULD be proud of your super-workin' out self! You rocked this week!

    Kendal: Have fun!

    This morning we got up early to go to Gabe's first basketball game of the season. He did really well and had lots of fun. After that, we went grocery shopping (THANK YOU VICTORIA- I saved $$ with the coupons you sent!) and then came home & took the dog out for a walk. I still have to do P90X and run but I'll get it done. Have a great day ya'll.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I like to see what ive done on paper as it were...makes it easier to keep going.

    Amy i forgot to reply about Neil Gaimon!! I've read another book by him...about a spider god, Anastasi maybe? It was great too! I read a lot of youth books too. Have you read the Artemis Fowl series by Eoion Coffer?? They are awesome goodness and Gabe would love them too. Even my dad loves them. I think there are 7 or 8 of them now.
    Girl you are a workout queen!!! Holy moly!!

    Amber the salad sounds fantastico!! Yum. I'm proud of you for meeting your goals.

    The scale showed a good drop this morning. I'm not going to log anything till tomorrow or Monday but it gives me incentive to keep a good meal plan for today!!
  • _Sarah_
    _Sarah_ Posts: 63
    Great job on all the loss ladies!

    Well Saturday's have been my normal weigh in day since I started MFP so I'll stick with that. I'm happy to report that I actually got nine glasses of water in yesterday! And as of this morning I went down another pound!

    Sarah 210.8/205.8 (5.5)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- you're looking SUPER cute in your new pic! Love it--- your glasses are sweet!

    I just wanted to check in quickly. I originally was going to check in Monday morning, but I lost track of time and my monthly "visitor" arrived this morning. Knowing my body's pattern, I'll either be up weight/no weight loss over the next several days. Good thing is that I should be back to where I should be next weigh in. Bad thing: this challenge will have TOMs going on affecting my weight. Blech.

    So my weigh in for this challenge will be my weight on Friday: 180.6 (1.8) for week. Not a shabby loss- I was hoping for more. Though, in reality, it could include some of my TOM gain.

    I did get to the gym yesterday. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the rowing machine. Success. Eating? Less so much. Planned to get just a salad at Whole Foods, but I knew I was risking getting other crap, which I did. Wasn't the worst trip ever, but definitely over my calories.

    I don't know if I'll exercise today. I'm pretty crampy. It snowed last night about 1-2 inches. I'd like to melt a bit and ideally I'd like to go for a longer 4-5 (5 might be pushing it) run tomorrow.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina it is SO hard to stay away from all that awesome food at WF. We don't have one here but if we did this house would be 100% organic. I hit the store up in portland every time I go up.

    I got to the gym this morning and did my thing. Tomorrow I am going to go and do my work out and then hit the sauna and maybe the hot tub pool. I could use a nice hot warm place to sit for 15-20 minutes or so!

    Jeff wanted pizza for dinner tonight so i picked one of the stone oven places in town and we went for an early dinner. I did pretty good I think. I had one very very tiny piece of focacia, like 1"x3" and then four small pieces of margarita pizza and some ceasar salad that was so lightly dressed I could barely taste the dressing. I'm pretty sure I'm within calorie limit. I had about 840 going in to dinner. I can only estimate, but know I am close. Now hopefully I can stay away from anything else the rest of the night since we ate early.

    I've got a red tender throat and am a bit achy..but that could just be from the gym. So I've been gargling salt water all day and am going to chug a few packets of emergenC and tell my body I refuse to get sick!!
    I have a red throat that is somewhat tender and am a bit achy...but that part could just be soreness from the gym. So vie Bengargling with salt water and am going to take a couple packets of emergen-c here soon and tell my body I refuse to get sick!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Taylor and I had a good time today. It was snowing in Boone so we drove down to his house first to pick up his 4 wheel drive truck that has new, really good tires on it (he has his company truck here and he doesn't abuse the privileges). After taking a slight detour to enjoy the "old" way of driving into town, which took longer but was way more scenic, we got to Boone around lunch time and decided to first go to the bookstore on campus. Boone is the small, mountain town where I went to college. The bookstore is the only place I've ever seen a certain "Appalachian Girl" sticker to put in the window of my car (and trust me, I've looked other places for it. I had it once but my stupid, insecure, ahole ex took it off my car) but since it was snowing, the bookstore was CLOSED!!! :noway: :frown:

    By then we were hungry so we started driving around looking for a place to eat. We went to the mall cause I wanted to go to Old Navy ($12 yoga pants) and there's a restaurant called Tucker's that's really good. Unfortunately, the mall was open, but BOTH of those places were closed. :noway: :frown: :grumble: We drove around and finally found a BBQ place that was open so we had lunch there. It was fabulous food. I left a $10 tip on a $20 meal to make sure the waitress knew we appreciated the fact that she made her way to work today (plus the fact that business was slow so she probably wasn't going to make the same amount of money in tips as a normal, busy day). Taylor and I then went shopping on King St (where the old, little shops are in "downtown" Boone). I found 2 pair of ASU earrings (the other reason I wanted to go to Boone) to wear with all the ASU tshirts I wear.

    Taylor drove me up to his grandparents' home after that. They are currently at their beach home, so I didn't meet them, but I got to see where he spends a LOT of his free time. He really loves anything to do with the great outdoors- backpacking, hunting, hiking......By then it was about 5pm and we needed to get back home.

    So that was my day :happy:

    I've been looking over this P90X stuff and I have a confession. I'm absolutely terrified to start P90X. I don't think it would be so bad if Taylor wasn't staying with me. No one would be here to see me fail. Its a lot of information too. I feel like I haven't comprehended a simple bit of the program.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: It's a bummer that the places you wanted to go were closed but I'm glad you had fun with Taylor anyway. Do not let the P90X stuff intimidate you. The program is hard but it isn't confusing. Which one are you planning on doing? I am doing P90X Classic. Victoria was doing the Lean program (which I think has more cardio but I figured I'd do the Classic one as I do extra cardio anyway). They also have the P90X Doubles workouts (but I think that might KILL anyone who tried to do TWO P90X workouts a day!) Once you pick your program, you just follow the schedule in the booklet. I would recommend that you do the fitness test before you start the program and take pictures and measurements so you can track your improvements. You can customize each workout to your abilities. For me, I can't do that many pushups off my knees, so I do all my pushups "girlie" style. You also decide how many reps and what weight you lift so there really isn't any pressure to do exactly what the people in the DVDs are doing. You aren't going to fail! Oh, on a side note, I completely ignored the P90X diet plan. I have upped my protein intake and cut down on precessed foods but I just can't get down with chicken and brown rice ALL the time. :tongue:

    Lacey: I TOO adore Whole Foods. When we lived in Monterey, we were Whole Foods-aholics. Moving here has cured us though :sad: The Spider God book Gaiman wrote was Anansi boys (really great story there!). I'll have to look for the Artemis Fowl series (I've heard good things about it before but haven't read it). I also need a new series for Gabe to read when he finishes Harry Potter (he's almost done with the 6th book). I just got a new Kindle and Gabe is inheriting the old one, so maybe that can be his inaugural Kindle purchase. :smile: I hope you get to feeling better! Gargle, gargle, gargle!!!

    Kristina: A little bit of exercise helps me to ease my cramps. Maybe it could help you too. Feel better!!!!

    Sarah: Great job staying hydrated AND on the weight loss!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - Tony's motto is "do your best and forget the rest!!!" You can't fail as long as you try.. It's a great workout. The Yoga is brutal and I did fall over several times. The rest are just regular workouts - Tony will show you modifications. Trust me that I did the modifications. The workout grows with you and you will be sore from doing them. Take notes and you will see improvements. Kepno X, Ab Ripper X (I could only do 1/4 of the amount they did when I started), and Cardio X were my favorites. I haven't tried the plyo workout. Yoga gets better the more you do it - remember mood and lower the lights. Stretch X is another brutal workout - it's hard to believe you sweat as you stretch but you do... Your trip sounded fun and the earrings are cute!!!

    Lacey - ADORABLE!!! Great job on sticking with your workouts this week. My MIL and several former patients save the coupons and I was mailing them to a military base in Japan. Then it dawned on me that Amy is on a German military base and I could just mail them to her. I'd much rather send them to someone I know... At the PX (not sure if that's the correct name) overseas, coupons can be used up to 6 months after they expire... So what is the series by Eoion Coffer about?

    Kristina - ouch - TOM sucks!!!! thanks for doing the table and keeping track of things!!!

    Sarah - WTG on the weight loss!!! I'm proud of you getting more water in.. Good luck on the job search.

    Karen - WTG on your weight loss!!! I freaked out the first week I logged - I was shocked the calories I'd been putting into my body. Grocery shopping takes so long now as I read all the labels to get the most bang for my buck/calorie...

    Amy - between you and Lacey, I'm going to have to try a book by Neil Gaimon... Which one should I start with? Glad you liked the coupons. I just found another stack but I have to see how old they are. Glad you enjoyed them and I'm sure more will be coming soon...

    Amber - I'm drooling over the salad. I like your new picture too!!!

    Hi Kim!!! I feel you on the P90X soreness. We should develop a modified P90X program that would let us do some other workouts as well. Remember that the soreness is water in your muscles - adds to weight... I've found I lose weight more with the lighter workouts. I don't know which to suggest - It's a catch 22... Maybe alternate lighter and harder workouts. I only did P90X for the month of Nov... It exhausted me and then Holidays messed me up for Dec. This month I decided to return to running and will do some of my fav P90X workouts on the non-running days.

    By the way everyone - thanks for the fast food thoughts!!! I did resist :) I was bummed/cursed with car trouble this week and still have to take it back next week for 2 new tires. I managed 30 min workouts the Fri and Sat... Today, I'm planning a 3 mile run as soon as I'm done catching up here. We had a Twilight-fest yesterday and watched all 3!!! I got Eclipse for Christmas and DH wanted to see it. That's why I haven't checked in for several days. Friday we went out to celebrate DH birthday. 27 days until Vegas - I'm soooo excited to learn that we will be there for the Superbowl - can you say party??? The total (including us) is up to 12 people in our Vegas group. I may go crazy trying to get everyone organized. I'm leaning towards 1 group meal and 1 group activity each day. Then people can go do whatever they want on the rest of day.

    WOW ladies - we have been posting fiends!!! If we keep this up, we may actually flip the tread. This post will make 137 of the 500 needed. Have a nice relaxing day... See you tomorrow.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Good morning!! Weighing in at 208.6 this morning, same as yesterday....but am still going to wait until tomorrow morning for my final number. So looks like tomorrow night will be my splurge meal night instead of tonight...bummer dude.

    Victoria wow that's a lot of people to make plans for!!! You should send them an email with two options of things to do as a group and two places to eat and have them check one for each day and choose the ones with the most checks. Or something. That IS hard to organize....wow!!
    We are having a lunch meeting next week to talk about our trade show week down there and get some sort of game plan together, we're cutting it super close not talking about it yet.
    If superbowl week is anything like march madness in Vegas, it will be a freaking crazy mad house!!! Have fun!

    Amy I've tried to read books on my iPad and cannot do it. It hurts my eyes after a while.

    Kendall that sucks all those stores were closed from the stores, but at least you had a great day and found some earrings to go with your college shirts!

    Today i am planning on grocery shopping and working out and hitting the sauna for a nice hot sweat!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Enjoy your sweat in the sauna. I Love me some dry heat! I used to have the kindle app on my IPhone but the glare from the screen is painful. The kindle doesn't have the back lighting - it really IS just like reading a book on paper. I LOVE it.

    Victoria: I :heart: all things Neil Gaiman. All of his works are different from each other but they are all dark fantasies. The first book of his that I read was Neverwhere which is a story about another world below London and all the far-out beings that live there. I flew though it and even forced myself to watch the BBC miniseries (didn't do the book justice but tried really hard). Coraline was a fabulous (but short) children's book that is pretty similar to the movie. The Graveyard Book is his newest and is about a boy who lives in a graveyard and the creatures he encounters there (it's YA fiction and VERY good). Stardust was a great book (that was made into a pretty OK movie with Claire Danes) that is about a young man in search of a fallen star for his sweetheart (it's a fantasy quest into another world). American Gods is a FAB book about the forgotten gods and is full of action and suspense on top of a REALLY great story (maybe you should start with that one). Anansi Boys is a modern story about the children of the African spider god -it's a great piece of modern mythology. You really can't go wrong with any of them, but maybe start with American Gods.

    Well, it's Sunday and I have made it through the first weekend in I don't know how long without going over my calorie limit! I logged everything, I exercised (today I did P90X Plyo) and I feel really GOOD about myself. None of the niggling Amy-bashing that normally lives in my head during a weekend of excess. So I'm gonna call it a score!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Amy - American Gods is downloading as I type.

    3 miles done on treadmill at 13:40 pace... See you all tomorrow.