200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    i have been on mfp for about a week now. I weigh 216 lbs, my highest wt was 241, my goal wt is 170 or lower if possible, dreamably 160, honestly i would be happy in a size 12, but 8-10 would be faboo, currently an 18-20, anyway...would love to be part of this group, i need tons of support, my fiance has been away from home for 17 months now due to an immigration problem he had to leave unexpectedly inwjuly 2009, our wedding was scheduled aug 1 2009 and was canceled, and our daughter was born aug 25 2009, there is a list of hardships since that time, well i survived but now that he might be home soon, i hope, i want to lose weight and get ready to live life again, so please add me as a friend if u r willing

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Wow, it sounds like you have been through a lot, but you have a good attitude about living life. You just have to pick yourself back up when things like that happen! I just joined this group recently and everyone is so encouraging! Good luck, and I hope that things work out for your family to be together!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    How do you guys deal with going back to working out after just one day off? I REALLY have to push myself to get to the gym today and I notice it is a trend to want to go after taking a day off...sheesh.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome to the group! Jump right on into it!

    Lacey- it can be tough to go back after a day off. I try and think about how crappy I feel if I take too many days off... first, it makes it that much harder to go to the gym. second, i hurt SO much more. I try not to take more than 2 days off, because I feel it otherwise.

    Weighed in this morning at 179.0, down 1.6 from last week. Hello 170s, I've missed you so! I frankly can't believe that because my eating has been craptastic and I haven't been exercising enough. I also weighed in later in the day (I slept in), which helped. My goal is to stay in the 170s this week.

    As I mentioned earlier, I need to start training for the half. Plus when I get too lax with my exercise, having a strict training plan helps me out. That means a run or crosstraining tomorrow, and I shall do it! Will print off a training chart tomorrow at work for me to fill in what I'm doing. The half is rapidly approaching and I want to do well in it!

    And, here's the chart for this week. Didn't get everyone's response, but if you still want to check in, respond, and I'll add you to the chart, so it'll be up to date for next week:

    Name/Challenge Starting Weight/Last Week's Weight/This Week's Weight (-lost) (%lost)

    Kristina / 182.4 / 180.6 / 179.0 (-1.6) (0.89%)
    Amy / 220 / 215.6 / 215.6 (-0)
    Kim / 203 / 202 / ?
    Kendal / 219.6 / 216.8 / 218.6 (+1.8)
    Sarah / 210.8 / 206.8 / 207.6 (+0.8)
    Karen / 266.8 / 263.1 / 261.1 (-2.0) (0.76%)
    Lacey / 210.8 / 208.6 / 206.4 (-2.2) (1.05%)
    Victoria / 189 / 187.25 / 188.0 (+0.75)
    Amber / 246 / 244.6 / 241.2 (-3.4) (1.39%)
    Christina / 251.2 / 248.6 / ?
    Bethany / 188 / 184 / 190 (+6.0)
    Debra / n/a / 216.8 / 215 (-1.8) (0.83%)

    I do NOT like seeing all those pluses gals! For some of us, it is the dreaded week 2, and after a really good week one, sometimes you can backslide. All the more reason for a great loss for week 3!

    This week's winners:
    Pounds Lost: Amber with 3.4 Lost!
    % Weight Lost: Amber with 1.39% Lost!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay seeing the chart, I will go work out...lol.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- haha! Whatever is takes for motivation. I'm happy to see the 170s again, but I am not down with the fact that I'm still 4 pounds more than I was at my lowest and that I've been totes slacking, and I can't expect to reach my ultimate goal how I'm currently going. *whips self into shape*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good night Superpals!!! Thought I'd checkin before bed. This looks to be another busy week (*sighs*)...

    Amber - congrats on being Super Star of the week!!!

    Thinking good thoughts for everyone!!!
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, hoping you'll take another new member to your group? My weight is the highest it's ever been following the birth of my second child and I'd love to join such a wonderful group of folks (t'was reading over your old posts and you guys seem like such a tight knit group!). I lost 5 lbs last week (my first week at mfp), but I think that was a total fluke (a great fluke, but a fluke none-the-less). I am committed to being healthy. i don't care what size clothes that is (something tells me I'll know it when I see it!). I want to be an active mom that can run around with her kids... in fact, I want them to tell ME to slow down because they're too tired to keep up :) Good night all!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Lacey- haha! Whatever is takes for motivation. I'm happy to see the 170s again, but I am not down with the fact that I'm still 4 pounds more than I was at my lowest and that I've been totes slacking, and I can't expect to reach my ultimate goal how I'm currently going. *whips self into shape*

    That Is what I had to tell myself....you can't quit or fail in week three, get your @ss to the gym!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi there, hoping you'll take another new member to your group? My weight is the highest it's ever been following the birth of my second child and I'd love to join such a wonderful group of folks (t'was reading over your old posts and you guys seem like such a tight knit group!). I lost 5 lbs last week (my first week at mfp), but I think that was a total fluke (a great fluke, but a fluke none-the-less). I am committed to being healthy. i don't care what size clothes that is (something tells me I'll know it when I see it!). I want to be an active mom that can run around with her kids... in fact, I want them to tell ME to slow down because they're too tired to keep up :) Good night all!

    Hmfishy welcome!! We have a six week challenge going right now where we give our weights sometime over the weekend and set our own goals...it ends February 12th I think. Anyways jump right in!! I too want my overactive four year old daughter to not grow up with her mom on the couch!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    today was super strenuous physically at work. i am so worn out tonight but tomorrow i plan on loading up both of my dogs and going to the park to walk. then i will do some chores and cook dinner and then off to class. wow busy day! i am feeling pretty good about my weight loss this week. i know not to expect it every time like that but i dont care how much it is as long as it is going DOWN! lol. maybe i will dig in the fridge in the morning to see what ingredients i have for an omlet. sounds tasty just thinking about it. it will probably have some leftover baked pork chop cut up into it and some yummy weight watchers cheese (i will have to be careful there. i love cheese) and made with only the egg whites. i wonder if i have any onion......

    welcome to the group to all the new ones. hope you have some success with us. we are like a family in this group. at least it seems that way to me.

    lacey~ get those calories to burning girl *craks whip for you and kristina*

    victoria~ thanks it feels good

    well girls its been a long day and i am tired. good night super pals!!:yawn: :heart: :flowerforyou: :yawn: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm up at 4:30 am - sleep is not happening. Somehow, i've kinked up my back. I can stay in 1 position with no pain but changing positions is killing me. I should get up and take some Excedrin. I tried stretches last night but seems worse now. I'm just hoping I can run in the morning.

    Kristina - good luck starting your training. I signed up for the race this weekend!!!

    Lacey - burn, girl, burn. Hope you got your exercise in.

    Kendal - you must have been kicking like a superhero during KenpoX!!! Hope you feel better soon

    Amy - loved the Rome pics!!! Drooling with jealousy...

    Amber - enjoy your dog walk. Way to keep at it. Now I'm craving omlets...

    Welcome hmfishey!!! We enjoy having new members give some added spark to the group. Tell us about yourself - age, goals, family, etc. Congrats on your first successful week!!! Not all weeks will be so good but even 1/2 to 1 lb a week will eventually get you to your goal.

    It's time to get out of bed, apply icy/hot, take the Excedrin, and chill for an hour before my run. I have to leave at 8:30 today and weather permitting, I'll get home at 7:30 tonight. We got 4" of snow last night and are expecting 2 more today. My 7 clients are all over - 3 did counties with 175+ miles driving. At least I'll get 3 more hours of American Gods in. If I have the energy, I've got an 8pm workout with mom then BL. Have a sweet Tues. PS 18 days until Vegas!!! I'm looking forward to the break...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hello Super Pals! I'm back from Rome (pics are on my facebook for those of you who are fb friends - if you aren't, I'll gladly add you). The weather was gorgeous (in the 60's and sunny every day). I walked my @ss off. We walked and walked and walked for over 12 hours on Saturday and slightly less on Sunday. My hip flexors are still quite sore (all those freaking stairs in the Vatican). But we had the BEST time. This was my second trip to Rome and it was even better than the first. Gabe was a super-trooper and never melted down or freaked out even as we went into the 12th hour wandering around Rome. The first time I went to Rome was during a Holy Year (2000) so I did the whole, walk through the special doors thing and have my sins forgiven (I'm not really religious, I just go with the flow). I didn't realize until this trip that those "special" doors to St. Peter's are CEMENTED shut between Holy Years (the next one is in 2025). We had delicious Italian food and cappuccino and I'm sure I ate as many calories as I burned walking all over the place. Gabe became addicted to gelato and, thus, we ate a lot of it (every time he'd get kinda cranky, Trav would stop at a gelato place and hook us up with another cone). Anyhow, it was awesome.

    I'm back to real life today (although starting slower than usual - I'm kind of exhausted). I'm doing Week 3 Day 1 of P90X (Chest & Back & Ab RipperX) and I've got to get a run in as well. My eating is under control (I have almost no food in the house though, so I'm gonna have to go to the store at some point). I'm just jumping back in and pushing for a loss.

    Have a super day ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    With the magic of pain meds, I'm feeling much better!!!

    Kristina - thanks for the chart. I hate those "+" numbers too. Cracks whip on self.

    Welcome chwalon!!! Sorry we missed you before... Congrats on your loss so far. Good luck to your fiancé.

    Debra - we've missed you. Thanks for checking in!!!

    Bethany - hope you're feeling better.

    Sarah - how are you doing???

    Karen - it sucks when trying to be helpful backfires. Hope the rest of your weekend went well!!!

    I guess it's time to get up and run. Only 2 miles on today's schedule!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I'm glad you're feeling better. Excedrin is my drug of choice too. Have you done any stretching for your back? Trav has back problems and he swears by the pigeon pose from yoga to loosen things up. How are you liking American Gods?? It's been a while since I read it, so I downloaded it on my Kindle and read it on the plane, on the Metro, while waiting for stuff to happen while on vacation and I'm almost finished with it. I'd forgotten a lot of it but I really do love that story. Shadow is a really neat character and the things that happen to him along the way are nuts!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies! The workweek begins for me!

    I was 178.8 this morning, sort of shocked by, as I expected it to be higher, with me weighing in so late in the day yesterday (which usually boosts a lower number). I'll take it though. Come on get back to your lowest and keep going!!

    Today is going to be a bad bad bad eating day, which I hope to lessen the effect of by getting a good exercise burn. It's currently raining out, but if it clears up later, I might try for a run. Otherwise, it's to the gym I go! I bought myself a Kindle and am loving it. I just started the Hunger Games Trilogy, and blew through the first book in a day and am already 1/4 of the way through the second. Can enjoy reading it on the Kindle at the gym. Nice fast read, while I'm also reading The Brothers Karamazov, which, to say the least, is a bit slower. Good, but time consuming.

    It's Ann Arbor restaurant week again (LOVE), and I try to cram in as many good restaurant deals as possible in a week's time. I think I'm only doing 2 lunches this week though, indian today and unsure of on Friday. Also, my 2 roomies are coming back into town for one's doctoral defense and they're staying with me. We'll probably go out to eat one night, so it could be an ugly week in terms of that. Tonight is Applebee's trivia. Always killer on the calories

    So, my goal for today is to make a spreadsheet for half training. Also, a week or so again, Groupon (love it!) had a special deal for Pure Barre in town, 5 sessions for 30 bucks. I signed up (well, I'm waitlisted) for one on Sunday. If I love it, they're also running a special deal that if you're a new client, you can do 10 days for $20.. unlimited classes. My coworker went to one yesterday and loved it. Good for your core and strength training, which I really need to add to my exercise regime. I'm looking forward to trying out and I'll let you know what I think of it. I hope I don't completely hooked. I think otherwise, sessions are lke $20 a pop, which I'm not down with.

    hmfishy- Welcome to the group! We are pretty supportive here, so jump right on into the conversation! We hope you stick around :) Congrats on the first week loss. The first week tends to often be good for people, cause your body is shocked, you lose water weight, etc. Keep up with it. The losses might not come as quickly, but as long as you're committed, it will come off. Welcome again!

    Amber- egg whites are your friend. I now and totally used to just eating them, making for really low calorie,. high protein omelettes (reduced fat cheese- I too am a cheese fiend, and veggies). Congrats again on the great loss last week and being the week's winner!

    Victoria- I hope you feel better. I still need to sign up for the race. Did you happen to notice if there's a cut off when the rates go up? I should do so in the next couple of weeks. It'll help with my motivation. Yay for our second half together!! *twirls*

    Amy- your pics are gorgeous. I'm insanely jealous, but so happy for you that you got to go! Great job with all the walking!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - thanks for the remind...I just got my plane ticket booked for my Vegas trip (i'm going to be there a week...ugh) and I need to start looking at groupon and livingsocial for deals to snap up.
    Good job on getting the spreadsheet together.

    Victoria - I hate backpain....Since I've been working out mine is better but every once in a while I will turn the wrong way and bam! Hurts for weeks.

    Amy - pics are rad!!! I'm jealous still!

    As for myself...I did end up going to work out...did 45 minutes of cardio. Tonight I am doing the bootcamp class again. I am dreading it but know I will love it and it will inspire me to keep up with the harder work outs the rest of the week.

    So I have this goal to get me to my tradeshow in Vegas (300 exercise minutes per week)...and then I am planning some sort of training starting in June for the September Warrior Dash - probably the outdoor bootcamp class and running..I need one between March and June. I guess I am liking overall 90ish day thing. But I am at a complete loss as to what to do between March and June.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Hunger Games trilogy (and my Kindle is my best friend).

    Lacey: You go girl! With your boot camp self.

    I'm working toward my recent low, Kristina, I promise. I ran for half an hour and did P90X Chest & Back and Ab RipperX. Although, I just wanted to nap. I didn't nap though.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    caught up on the posts and will update yall later
  • hmfishy
    hmfishy Posts: 22 Member
    Good day all!
    I've been looking at my calories/food choices and they're so bad when my husband is around! I can hear a little voice in my head (not the one that tells me to kill.... just kidding) telling me "he's in town, tell him to bring home McDonalds" or "yay! we get a treat!". I've GOT to be the same person with as without him. He wants to lose weight too, so I could be a role model...if onyl I didn't secretly want him to bring me bags of M&M's :)

    It's -15C here right now (feels like minus a million), I envy those of you able to go for runs and excercise (I have two babes under 2 that would not do well with me on the elliptical). I want to try to learn to run again when the kids are older and my husband is home - every time I try my knees buckle on me,or I end up limping for days and so it's just not worth it. Someone suggested maybe I need better shoes.

    Anvy - I LOVE your Zombee's hate fast food thing - that is SO my sense of humour! :)

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you - espeically those of you that take trips to Rome, Vegas and the like! Can't wait to live vicariously through you (ha ha) Right now a trip to get the mail would be exciting (TOO COLD TO GO OUTSIDE!).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    This is SUPER SUPER Sad....I JUST got the whole zombies hate fast food thing.

    And my husband and I watch zombie movies together, and that new tv show on A&E All. The. Time.