200+ Recommitting for the New Year!



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I love the Outlander books! I've only read the first Lord John book although I think my husband picked up the eBooks for that series for me. I think Lord John first appears in the second book or third book... my memory is a bit fuzzy on that. I'm currently reading a mystery called "The Sherlockian". It's not bad.

    Work today was definitely a struggle--it felt like my brain went out at about 2 PM and of course I had three hours left. I made it through but the hubby and I decided to watch a bit of TV and try to unbrain before having dinner or working out. So I'm watching Iron Chef right now and it's making me hungry and I'm trying to work up the willpower to work out after it ends while my husband makes supper. Supper tonight should be pretty yummy... citrus and spinach salad with a sprinkling of nuts and bacon. If I work out, I'll be able to have some chocolate tonight too... totally worth it, in my book.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    D@mn cat just made me lose my post.... (for the love of pets - what we sacrifice for their love)... He's now laying on my lap giving me lovey eyes...

    I checked Wikipedia and Lord John starts appearing in the second book. He's in all the rest of the Outlander books. Diana also made a spin off series of books about him. He's quite a character.

    I love the concept of "will workout for food"... Get that workout in sara!!!

    I was lazy and only did 10 min of stretching today. MFP is really close on cal estimates for me vs the Bodybugg except for jogging on treadmill. 10 min stretches on MFP 35 and BB 32...

    Oh yeah - audible lovers - did you see all the first in series books for $5 or so??? I bought 2 and have already read about 10... Do you have any recommendations from the list?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The Jim butch books about Harry Dresden are freaking fantastic if you like magic, etc. Love. Them. One of my favorite series and I'm pretty sure its one of the list if I looked right.

    Enjoying chilling tonight though I'm over cals...but still around 1600. Can't complain about that. Turkey pepperoni with laughing cow cheese and tapatio is awesome!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well today was a lazy day. i mostly just ran errands with my sister-in-law. i didnt eat much but i do feel guilty about some of it. we had pizza hut buffet for lunch andi had a big salad with about 3 slices of pizza. but the salad was much bigger and yummier than the pizza i had. so i guess that makes it a little better. and for dinner i just had some soup before i had to run out the door for class. it was ok. i think the pizza gave me tummy trouble though. ugh! i definitely wont do that very often. i think i am going to go do a workout video if i can find them. lol good night girls and keep up all the hard and great work!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday! My scale was very friendly to me today, giving me a 1.8 pound loss this week. I'm down to 213.2 (within spitting distance of 210!!!).

    Amber: My stomach doesn't do so well with an overdose of grease. We used to have pizza night out somewhere but now I make my own pizza and it's a lot less greasy!

    Lacey: I love the Dresden books!!!! I'll have to look into the Outlander series.

    Victoria: I did NOT know that about audible, I'll have to look into it! I LOVE reading series' and it's way cool to get the first book so cheap! And I love me some audible!!!! I did get the first book of some series (can't remember the name right now and haven't started reading it yet) for 99 cents on Amazon for my Kindle.

    Today is going to be a weird pseudo-weekend type day. Trav has the day off and wants to be all weekend-y but I'm sitting here trying to get Gabe through his school work and he's chomping at the bit to go play with Daddy. I hate having to be the bad guy/responsible parent who has to inflict school work on the kid while Trav gets to be the fun one who's ready to play. I'm not a bad guy, I swear! Have a good day ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Lacey - I'll get that book. Amy - Outlander is on the sale list.

    Time to get up, face Mr Scale and run my 5 miles. I don't start until 10 today - YEAH!!!
  • sarabaumgarth
    Hello ladies we made it to FRIDAY!!! Oh I just want everyone to know you have to read Friday the way Oprah would say it.....FFFRRRIIIIIDDDDAAAYYYY!!! LOL! It is a lot more fun this way. My goal for the day is to keep the scale put up until weigh in on Sunday. It drives me crazy, because every time I go upstairs I have to go weigh myself....AND IT IS DRIVING ME BANANAS! So I'm locking it up until Sunday!

    Hi and Welcome to all the new girls! I have only been on are a short time and these ladies have already welcomed me and given me TONS of encouragement! Good luck with your journey...its a crazy one BUT make it fun!!!

    Lacey- I was LMAO about the talking scale!!! It was so funny and a great idea! If you ever start to sell them let me know bc I will be the first one in line :) I know the truth hurts but sometimes you have to hear it get your *kitten* in gear!

    Amy- I see you say that you use the px90 workout....which on is it? I was thinking about getting it but I read some scary reviews online. Someone said that you have to take this physical test to see if you can even handle the real dvd workouts. This sounded kind of scary :noway:

    Amber- I am totally with Amy! Make your own. I always got really sick after eating pizza or anything greasy. I would have heartburn none stop for days, and it made me horrible stomach pains, and even chest pain sometimes. I have quit eating anything like that. We make our own pizzas now. It is super easy and its a lot easier on your wallet! I feel just fine after eating it. My husband LOVELOVELOVES pizza hut pan crust and I have finally converted him over to the homemade kind!!! That's all he ask for now :happy:

    All you reading girls...what are these books you are talking about. I have never heard of them....someone will have to please give me some details about them??? I LOVE A GREAT BOOK!!!

    Well gals I really need to get back to bed...its 3am here! I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours...SUPER :) Well you all have a WONDERFUL FRIDAY! Enjoy the weekend!!! And *^*KEEP UP THE HARD WORK*^*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Despite TOM, I'm back down to 189. Yeah!!! My exercise is done with 5 mile treadmill run at 13:57 pace. I'm looking forward to bumping it up to 6 miles for Sunday.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok I'm weighing in at 217.6 today. Thats down .4 from last week. I did an hour and 15 minutes of YogaX last night. I'm glad I stuck through the crappy first 45 min to get to the balance/stretching part. Thanks for letting me know it got better!

    sarabaum- I just started P90X this week (well, restarted it from about 3 weeks ago). Its tough but its manageable. The whole point is that you should really push yourself and commit to the exercise. You can't half-*kitten* it and hope to get immaculate results. My knees and hips have been popping and creaking, but its not too bad. If I'm uncomfortable, I stop and find a modified way of doing the exercise (or wait till the next one starts to jump back in).

    Victoria- wtg on the run!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi everyone! I weighed in at 256.6, so that's a 1.4 pound loss. This means I have lost 10 pounds since the start of this challenge! I'm so excited to be losing again. I went 9 months without losing, so this feels really good. Thank you all for the motivation!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yay Karen!!! thats great!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Happy Friday!!! Its been kind of a long week for me, so I'm happy to see it go. Tom is on his way out, the scale is headed in the right direction and tonight Jeff and I get to have a dinner by ourselves for the first time in ever - can't remember the last time honestly now that I think about it. It is also a good hair day, and a good clothes day.
    I still am experiencing sinus headaches but took two advil the moment I walked into my office, so I am sure it will be short lived.

    Taking last night off from the gym was a good idea. I got to hang out with Gracie and snuggle her up and slept great again last night. Yeay for that!

    Tomorrow I will do an amped up work out to make up for not going for two days and then I'm taking Sunday off in the hopes that the scale shows me some goodies Monday morning. And because it is a good hair day and clothes day, I'm not going to the gym at lunch like I'd planned. It is an excuse but I'm good with it and thats what matters I suppose.

    Good job Amy, Karen and Kendal and Victoria on the wieght loss!! WOOHOO!

    Sara - stay away from the scale!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I LOVE good hair days (they are so few and far between!). WORK IT girl! Enjoy date night.

    Karen: You are rocking the joint!

    Kendal: Yay for the weight loss! AND super-yay for sticking it out for more YogaX. You did awesome!!!!

    Hey, do any of you readers use Goodreads.com to find books to read or keep track of what books you've read? I love it cuz I can see what my friends are reading and I have found quite a few books I wouldn't have otherwise read that way. Anyhow, if any of you are on it, friend me - my screen name is the same over there that it is over here (Anvy1221) and I'd love to see what you're reading too! Have a great night!
  • izzycoyote
    Hello everyone,
    I've had a great week, but going into my anniversary weekend, which will involve restaurants....LOL

    anvy1221- I'm using 10k Training, which is an intervals app. Great app, but terrible customer service:). It has me doing intervals 3 times a week, which I'm tryingtryingtrying to do. I enjoy it, but (as always) life gets busy and I haven't made running a habit yet.

    Laceylala - Hi there, fellow Oregonian! Where did you move from?

    Have a great weekend!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ohh I was born in the left armpit of Oregon - Klamath Falls...then moved to Merlin and then to Medford where my family still lives. I've lived in Hillsboro for a year too.

    Now personally I'd like to move to Southern California. I just think it is absolutely gorgeous beautiful down there. ANd I don't even care that there is so many people either. If I could, I'd sell everything I could, pack my fam up and head south to the SUN.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh oh! And book readers - get Water for Elephants!!! I read that book about three years now. It was effing rad. I want to get the audiobook too. I should get it next month with one of my credits...

    Amy I've not used that site. I like that audible.com has a "my library" page that keeps track of all your purchases so you can click on an author and bring up more, etc. Actually how I've found most of the books I've listened to is by the reader. Clicking on their names because I like how they've read the books...awesome!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    You know...a scale really ought to just have symbols and sayings like the 8 ball. Like when you've gained weight it could just show you two middle fingers. And when you've lost weight it could show you a big person and an arrow to a little person...and on the days that its WAY off from the last time it should just simply tell you "get off this thing and put it up for a week"
    Really. It should.

    Lacey...I love this idea!! A lot better of an idea than me taking it out to the fence row and having target practice! The scale is evil!!

    I got a 7 mile run in yesterday and this morning the scale rewarded me with a 4 pound jump :noway: :noway: :noway: WHATEVER!!

    Deb - THAT BLOWS. I'd Office Space that damn scale and have your husband tape it so you can post it on MFP and youtube!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Water for Elephants is a fan-freaking-tastic book!!! Personally, my favorite place on earth is Monterey, CA - but Southern California is nice too.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've never been to Monterey. I just like anywhere in CA that is warm and a beach.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Happy Friday, Ladies!

    Work went a little faster today and I got a whole bunch of small tasks that have been hanging around for several weeks completed and off my list! I'm pushing to get a lot of stuff done between now and next Friday so I've got to keep motivated in my professional life as well as my personal life. It can be a bit rough staring at a computer screen all day, though! I got a promotion a few months ago and now I spend a lot more time staring at spreadsheets than I used to.

    I had a great workout today, about 30 minutes of EA Sports Active 2 on PS3. I don't know if anyone else in this group has tried it but I like it. Anything that gets ya moving and active, right?

    Amy: Awesome job on the loss this week!

    Victoria: Great job getting back down to 189! You can totally hit 6 miles on the treadmill :)

    Kendal: Sounds like you got in a good workout! I've been seeing a lot about P90X on these forums and it sounds like a very challenging program.

    Karen: That's awesome! You go!

    Lacey: Taking a day or two off from the gym can be a good idea. Relax and recharge!

    izzycoyote: An anniversary weekend is definitely an excuse to indulge ;)

    Hope everyone has a great night tonight!