

  • The important thing so to watch what you eat, and log it. That way you can learn what your eating habits are and also learn what you can do to correct them.
  • :wink: Humor? What's that?
  • First off Great job keeping up with fitness! That is a problem alot of people struggle with and your are doing an amazing job pushing yourself. But if you break down weight loss into two different categories diet and exercise, Diet accounts for over 50%. Try reading this article for some more insight to the importance of…
  • Your anger seems illogical. All thats being said is facts are facts, with out scientific research to support what "Your mom says" then why would anyone believe it just on the simple fact it's your mom?
  • No one said your mom was a liar but without proper research backing it up whos to know
  • Vanessa, If I were you, I would switch it up. If you continue to do the same work out over and over again, your body will get use to it. You have to keep your body guessing. I would start looking at other work out routines to supplement some of your fitgirl 101 dumbell days. Try going to they have GREAT…
  • Here try reading these... Lots of good information, the key is moderation and cutting out calorie adding cream and sugar.
  • Here try reading these... Lots of good information, the key is moderation and cutting out calorie adding cream and sugar.
  • Coffee 8oz black = 2 calories I drink it every day! Healthy caffeine like black coffee in the morning not only gives you a kick in the butt to get your day started but also helps boost your metabolism early in the morning. Not to mention there have been alot of studies that link coffee to positive heart health benefits,…
  • I agree water in the morning is very important, but studies have shown that caffeine in small doses (i.e 8 oz cup of black coffee, or a green tea extact vitamin) with in an hour of waking up helps jump start your metabolism. It also helps give you a skip in your step early in the day, which personally is my favorite use of…