Lemon Water???



  • lorettasnewbeginning
    When life gives you wives tales, make lemonade!
  • tabithaseeley
    My mom send me that same info in an email. My mom is no liar. :angry:
    No one said your mom was a liar but without proper research backing it up whos to know
    Dude, that's my mom you're talking about. :explode:

    Your anger seems illogical. All thats being said is facts are facts, with out scientific research to support what "Your mom says" then why would anyone believe it just on the simple fact it's your mom?
  • ladytap
    ladytap Posts: 36 Member
    I drink a cup of hot water with lemon juice every morning and love it. I read this the other day on an article Titled "12 Foods all Nurtitionists Eat: http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/12-foods-nutritionists-eat-142000310.html

    Water with lemon
    "A lot of my dietitian friends start their day by drinking water with lemon, and it's my morning ritual as well. Unless you're eating mostly whole, plant-based foods, the pH balance in your digestive system is probably on the acidic side. Lemon is very alkaline and helps bring the body back to an ideal balance, which is important for overall health. Plus, downing a big glass of water right after you wake up is a great way to get your digestive system moving." -Carolyn Brown

    This is also a great link about certain foods (lemons included) and your metabolism: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/shannon-kadlovski/boost-metabolism-food_b_873851.html
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    No, but if you add raspberry ketones and a dash of fairy dust it works wonders for weight loss...
  • SassyLion
    SassyLion Posts: 11
    I drink at least one cup of hot lemon water a day. It helps me so much! It removes all of the toxins. I lose more weight when I drink it, so at least once a day. I don't have time in the mornings, but many people do that.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I've heard this. I actually do it, but for a different reason. Ayurvedic science (ancient Indian/yogic health system) suggests it because lemon aids with digestion and gets things moving in the mornings. :)

    Activate Your Innards: The Ayurvedic philosophy believes the first item you ingest sets the mood for the remainder of the day. With that thought in mind, drink a glass of lukewarm water flavored with a fresh slice of lemon or lime. Here, the Ayurvedic reasoning is twofold. The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Secondly, lemons and limes are high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.


    I activate my innards with a cup of coffee and a cig ...clears em right out...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I drink at least one cup of hot lemon water a day. It helps me so much! It removes all of the toxins. I lose more weight when I drink it, so at least once a day. I don't have time in the mornings, but many people do that.
    what toxins does it remove that your body naturally does not?
  • megganxrose
    megganxrose Posts: 30 Member
    No bad will come out of it! And it's delicious, I throw lemon, lime, cucumber, and sometimes mint in my water bottle every day (I replace it every third day)
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    I put lemon or lime in my water all of the time...I have a soda stream so sometimes I even make it bubbly water. It does absolutely nothing for weight-loss, but it tastes great and the bubbly water I do in lieu of soda and beer (sometimes)...which in a round about way I guess does help me lose weight.
    I do this all the time. Love my bubbly water with a wedge of lemon squeezed in it. So refreshing in the hot weather.
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    My mom send me that same info in an email. My mom is no liar. :angry:
    No one said your mom was a liar but without proper research backing it up whos to know
    Dude, that's my mom you're talking about. :explode:
    Your anger seems illogical. All thats being said is facts are facts, with out scientific research to support what "Your mom says" then why would anyone believe it just on the simple fact it's your mom?
    Humor is lost on some people.
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    I've heard that too. I've probably drank gallons of it, lol...but no weight loss. But I do like to add a little lemon to my green tea in the morning while I work.
  • tabithaseeley
    My mom send me that same info in an email. My mom is no liar. :angry:
    No one said your mom was a liar but without proper research backing it up whos to know
    Dude, that's my mom you're talking about. :explode:
    Your anger seems illogical. All thats being said is facts are facts, with out scientific research to support what "Your mom says" then why would anyone believe it just on the simple fact it's your mom?
    Humor is lost on some people.

    Humor? What's that?
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Has anyone ever tried drinking lemon water first thing in the morning to help aid in weight loss? I heard it is supposed to help. Any thoughts???

    I tried pushing myself away from the dinner table. It did wonders for me.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Has anyone ever tried drinking lemon water first thing in the morning to help aid in weight loss? I heard it is supposed to help. Any thoughts???

    I tried pushing myself away from the dinner table. It did wonders for me.

    soooooooooo where do you eat dinner now?
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    I tried pushing myself away from the dinner table. It did wonders for me.
    My mom would not approve. Food only at the dinner table.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    FYI - the citric acid in lemons (and really orange juice) is hard on tooth enamel. Be sure to drink it before brushing your teeth if you plan on drinking it every morning.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Just to note...the water doesn't aid in weight loss either, but it helps get hydration in your system after X hours of no hydration. This helps stave off hunger cravings, which in turn could prevent you from eating a quick snack or thinking you need to eat a larger breakfast than your body actually needed. A lot of people also like cucumbers added to their water as well...it's really just a flavor thing, since many people hate plain water.