

  • Today I did 45 mins of circuit training and 35 mins of the elliptical at the Y. Sandy Thanks for the advice and for caring, it means a lot more then you think. Have a great night girls.
  • No workout today. I feel like I'm going to have a mental break down, I feel so depressed. Everything is making me either mad or cry. I know it's not TOM. I haven't had one since January thanks to my IUD. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore. I hope nobody else feels like S... Have a great night girls and thanks for…
  • Today I did circuit training and some cardio at the gym. Sandy Good luck on your eating. I snack a lot during the day too. I don't think snacking is bad, it just depends on what you eat. You'll be fine. you work hard. Spicy I think the interview went good. I will find out if I got the job soon I hope. Thanks for asking. So…
  • No workout for me today. I had a job interview at a payday loans place. I need to get back on track. I've been so busy though. Sandy I know how you feel with the terrible 2's. Mine was terrible 3's though. Amanda You do a lot of packing. Good luck on the dance competition. Ronda Welcome to our sight. Tell us about…
  • No workout today. I've been doing the circuit training section at the gym and i'm trying to do it only every other day and then add my own cardio. I like all the different machines. Nicole Enjoy your rest week. You deserve it. Spicy The kids are great, thanks for asking. Have fun working those saddle bags. That is a tough…
  • No workout today, I have to work tomorrow for 5 hours of cleaning at BSU. FUF FUN!!! Spicy For my saddlebags I use the machine that is like a reverse thigh master. You have weight on your legs while you try to open them. I try to do low weight and high rep so I don't build that muscle too much. I hope everyone else is…
  • Today I did the elliptical and some strength training. Sandy I'm glad to here you had a nice weekend.Don't worry about not counting cals, you deserved the break. Spicy Sounds like you had a good workout weekend, don't worry too much about the food. I always say if I go over my cals I will just have an excuse to work out…
  • Today I did the elliprical and some weight training. Sandy have fun this weekend. Amanda Have a great workout. Nicole Congrats on being done with the hrm. Spicy I have no brought the kids with me, thet have been sick and I don't want them getting other kids sick. I hate when people bring their sick kids. Have a great night…
  • I went to work today from 6AM to 2:30PM. It seemed like forever. I did get a workout in though. I used a bunch of the machines at the gym. I finally got to work my shoulder with no pain. YAY!! Kristin Welcome to our group, jump right in. Nicole How do you like mixedbag? I've been thinking about trying it. I still want to…
  • No workout today. Been doing a bunch of job searching. Tomorrow and Wednesday I will be working at an electronics company doing some labeling. I am going to try to get to the gym after work. Saturday I went to the gym and used some of the cardio machines and worked my glutes and outer thighs. Spicy Awesome cal burn with…
  • No workout today, I went to the doctor. Turns out I have a strained rotator cuff. She said not to do any weight training for a couple weeks and to stretch it daily. Sandy sounds like you had a great workout week, enjoy your rest day. Spicy I know what you mean with the cashews, once you start you can't stop. I am the same…
  • Today I did kickboxing and 30 mins on the elliptical at the gym. No workout yesterday. Sandy the people at the stadium are on spring break so I won't be going back to work for a week. I did not end up taking the kids to the gym, I left them with Nate. They are all sick and I figured it would be better to try when they are…
  • No exercise today, had to work. Yesterday I worked then went to the gym and used the elliptical, the wave, the cybex, and did some strength training. It was fun trying out some of the machines. Sandy sounds like you had fun at step class. Spicy Yard work doesn't sound so fun, great job getting out there and just doing it.…
  • Just to let you know Nicole is the best hair dresser ever. I have never had my hair done this good. Thanks Nicole.
  • No workout today, I went and cleaned at BSU stadium for 4 hours. That was my temp work for today. Sandy Sounds like a great workout today. Amanda Have fun at your friends house. I like kick boxing the most at the gym, I am starting to really like Zumba. The cycling classes are good too. Spicy That rollerblading sounds fun.…
  • Today I used the elliptical at the gym for 30 mins. I was going to do Zumba but my husband didn't want to stay any longer.:indifferent: I guess that is what I get for asking him to come with me. When I got home I did 30 mins of Kick boxing. Sandy You are going to do great on your run. I hope you can find time to run…
  • Today I did Zumba. I was going to stay for kickboxing but Hailee was crying in the daycare. Amanda sorry you are sick, get better soon. Have a great night girls.
  • I finally got a workout in today. I did 45mins of a cycling class and 60 mins of kick boxing. I feel great now. Spicy I wish I could say I am doing good on repair month, I keep finding myself drinking pop. I need help. HAHAHA. Great job on your repair month. I will try harder. Have a great night girls.
  • No workout today I got myself a job at a temp agency. Sandy Sounds like you had a great workout. Keep it up. Have a great night girls.
  • No workout today. It's been a busy week. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a workout in. Spicy You can really see a difference in Nicole. I am not a lesbian or anything but I think her legs are hot. LOL Nicole Don't feel bad we all know how busy you are. Have a great night girls.
  • No workout for me today, It is my daughter Aalicia's birthday and she got all my time. We went to lunch with my mom and grandma then to build a bear. She named her bear Tiller. I have no clue where she got the name. Sandy Glad to here you are feeling better. Great workout. Amanda Sorry you're having trouble with…
  • Today I did Zumba with Nicole and then stayed for kickboxing. My shoulder feels fine today, I think I just needed a good stretch. Sandy Sorry you are not feeling good. Get better soon. Spicy Great job. I love getting compliments. Way 2 go. I don't think I injured my shoulder, I think the muscles were just really tight.…
  • No workout for me today, my shoulder is killing me. Everybody is doing so great. Keep it up.
  • Sandy I've tried avon's waist trimmer it works really good.
  • Today I did NMTZ and 30 on the treadmill. I got a waste trimmer and it makes you sweat like crazy in your mid section. Nicole What is different about Zumba Gold? Spicy Sorry the Hunk didn't work out. Good for you on putting yourself first, You deserve the best. Sanifrey I agree with you. "when mom's not happy NOBODY is."…
  • Today I did not exercize. I went to a job interview at Jakers. It's a restaurant. I think it went good, we'll see. Spicy I got an estimate back from the Y so I will hopefully be getting my membership soon. Sandy Everything is good. No new Dvd's, I have been going to the gym with Nicole though. I really want to try Jillian…
  • Nicole How long did it take the Y to get a hold of you after you turned in your application?
  • I am taking a rest day. Tomorrow I PLAN on doing NMTZ and BFBM. We'll see how I feel. My shoulders are killing me. KZO Great job on the P90X. It sounds rough. Sanifrey How long before you exercize do you eat? Spicy Great walk I can't wait to start walking/running outside. Have a great evening girls.
  • Today I went to yoga with Nicole. 112 cals burned according to MFP. I am going to get a heart rate monitor soon. Have a great afternoon girls.
  • Nicole What classes are you doing tomorrow? I need to bring my app. down and I thought maybe I would do a class while I'm there. If that is ok with you. Let me know.