Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did the elliprical and some weight training.

    Sandy have fun this weekend.

    Amanda Have a great workout.

    Nicole Congrats on being done with the hrm.

    Spicy I have no brought the kids with me, thet have been sick and I don't want them getting other kids sick. I hate when people bring their sick kids.

    Have a great night girls.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! friday and saturday went to zumba, today is my rest day!!! off to the inlaws for dinner!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!

    It's raining cats and dogs here today... Monday & Rainy... Drats :ohwell:

    I did really well as far as exercise this weekend... But I can't seem to stop eating. I was blaming it on TOM, but that has been long gone. I really want to get back in the "Zone" like I was a couple months back. When I was exercising 5-6 times a week sometimes and staying within my calories.

    Sandy - Hope You and Hubby had a Fantastic Weekend Getaway... Did the weather cooperate? :flowerforyou:

    Nicole - Good to hear you are Right on Track Girlfriend... I don't blame you for ditching the HRM, What's the point if you aren't counting as much anymore :wink:

    Megan - The kiddos are still ill? I hope they get better soon :flowerforyou: What is your goal as far as fitness?

    Amanda - I know you are a Busy Beaver :happy: How nice to have something New to work on. The whole Buying process went pretty smooth for you guys :happy:

    I have my gym gear with me... getting on the elliptical and some weights. I'm feeling sore today from the weekend workout and I want to keep this soreness... maybe it will remind me how good it feels when I've completed my workout :happy:

    I saw a movie on DVD this weekend called "Triangle". If you guys :heart: Psychological Thrillers as much as I do... This is a Good one. :flowerforyou:

    Make it a Great Day!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    What a wonderful weekend we had! The weather was so lovely & the lodge was just beautiful!! We had the most wonderful food there as well. I had a roast duck breast & it was divine! My husband had a delicious steak that has ruined him for all others! It was just great! I am truely refreshed & ready to go!!

    I burned 370 calories this morning at step class & another 300 or so planting flowers with MJ. The hubby & I have some heavy yard work to do after the girls go to bed, so I'll definately have some calories left over tonight - which I totally need because I didn't count a thing this weekend!!

    Yvonne, I'm so proud of you taking your gym gear with you & planning to get back on track. I think we all, at one time or another, feel the need for a break. I have to agree with you, I love being sore too!

    Nicole, glad to hear that you kept busy with Zumba over the weekend! I hope that you enjoyed your rest day & your visit with the family!

    Megan, I hope that you had a good weekend & that the kids are feeling better by now.

    Amanda, how are you babes?? Keeping busy with the new house & stuff I'm sure! How nice that the kids now have playmates in the new neighborhood!

    Have a great night buddies!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did the elliptical and some strength training.

    Sandy I'm glad to here you had a nice weekend.Don't worry about not counting cals, you deserved the break.

    Spicy Sounds like you had a good workout weekend, don't worry too much about the food. I always say if I go over my cals I will just have an excuse to work out longer. I know it sounds dumb but working out is kind of relaxing to me. The kids are doing much better. My goal for exercise is to work on my saddlebag area as much as possible. All the women in my family store most of their fat in that area.

    Nicole I hope I see you at the gym one of these times. I have been having to go at night lately. hopefully I can start going to some classes soon.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies!

    I went to the gym - 30 minutes on the elliptical and the other 30 doing some strength training (shoulders, back, biceps, lunges). I'm feeling those lunges :bigsmile: Then I went home and ate 9 Oreo Cookies.... after my dinner :sad: :noway: :huh: :laugh: :ohwell: I'm gonna eventually learn... keep the sweets out of the house. Hopefully, I will get tired soon of spinning my wheels.

    Sandy - So Happy that your weekend was a SuCCESS :happy: What steak was it? Filet Mignon or something... :tongue: Roast Duck Breast sounds very different from your usual, Great Choice :smile: :smile: I'm so glad you left calorie counting behind this weekend :drinker: I love burning calories while doing things around the house... You must wear that HRM constantly :laugh: Every Calorie Counts :wink:

    Megan - Sounds like working out at the gym is becoming your "Get-away". Good for you :flowerforyou: We all need something that is ONLY for US :bigsmile: Which exercises are good for the saddlebags? I have them too, but I will continue to call them "hips" :laugh: GLad to hear the kiddies are getting better.

    Nicole - It had been a while since I did Zumba too... It reminded me how much I love it. :bigsmile: When is the Hair Show?

    Amanda - So happy you are probably having so much Fun, turning your new House into a HOme :bigsmile:

    I'm going back to the gym today and Giving it my all, to hang onto as many calories as I can :happy:
    Probably 30 on the elliptical and then some Abs, Triceps, Hamstrings...

    Make it a Fabulous Day Ladies!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today, I have to work tomorrow for 5 hours of cleaning at BSU. FUF FUN!!!

    Spicy For my saddlebags I use the machine that is like a reverse thigh master. You have weight on your legs while you try to open them. I try to do low weight and high rep so I don't build that muscle too much.

    I hope everyone else is doing good.

    Have a great night girls.
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! yesterday went to mixed bag and them ran for an am i sore today!!! today i went to zumba. tomorrow and friday i am going to do something light, so i dont overdue it before race day on saturday!!

    u girls r all doing great!!

    megan- hope to see u at the gym soon!

    sandy- sounds like u had a great weekend getaway!!

    spicy- keep up the good work! hair show was last saturday...thank god thats over with!!!:laugh:

    off to get ready to go pick up my race number...then school!!! have A great night!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    :mad: :mad: :mad: I just lost my message!!!!:mad: :mad:

    Anyway, sorry I've not been around!! I've been really busy with kids, errands, workouts & yardwork!! I need to desperately get the diet side of my healthy lifestyle back! I'm struggling with my TOM & I want to eat everything in sight! I will be logging everything that I eat & I won't be eating any kiddy snacks!! I have one month until my beach vacation & I've gotta get my stuff together! We're going to the Outter Banks, NC & I'm really looking forward to it!

    I went to step class on Monday & Wednesday, Tuesday I did BL Cardio Max with some treadmill. Thursdays are usually my rest day, but I really feel like I need to do something! My house needs a good cleaning, maybe I'll crank the tunes, strap on my HRM & get to work!!

    You girls are great!! Thank you so much for being here & keeping me motivated & accountable!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    Sorry I am not here more life is so busy right now! There has not been a day yet where I had five minutes to sit at the computer. I started Jillian's last chance work out yesterday. It is 6 weeks long and I think it is going to be great!!! I am sore from yesterday and today I have to do upper body I think it is. I really enjoy her and she really motivates me a lot. TOM is coming and it does not seem to be bothering me at all this time. Last night Jeff brought out the Lime chips and velvetta dip I ate one and then moved on to my organic crackers and a little goat cheese. I was proud of myself :) Oh and we did decide to bring the puppy to our new house and he has been great. We and Bella could not be happier with him!

    Sandy- It is that time of year that we are all going to be getting busier with the kids I think. My family and I have really enjoyed the neighborhood and we take a walk almost every night after dinner with the dogs and the kids like to ride their bikes. Sorry you are having a hard time with TOM :( Keep strong girl!!!!

    Spicy- I do the same thing, work my butt off and then eat something silly! It is hard and at least you worked for those cookies instead of not working out and still eating them!!!! Keep it up girl it is an up hill battle and you can do it!!!

    Nicole- Good luck with your race on Saturday, Kick Some Butt Girl!!!

    Megan- Great burn with the cleaning! That has turned into my favorite form of exercise lately (Things that have to be done around the house) hahahaha. Keep it up girl!

    Hope you all make it a GREAT day!!!

  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! seems like we r all so busy these days...which makes me feel better that im not the only one that has to make things short and sweet on here:laugh:

    today i did a step class for the first time and then an hour of yoga! now im off to get some stuff for race day!!! have a great night buddies!!!:heart:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!

    I had a great step & tone class today - 338 cals burned. Hopefully I can get some more flowers planted today, but I really need to clean my house.... :grumble: I'm sure that I'll just end up doing both! Tomorrow going to be our major yard work day, with mowing, wedding, etc so we'll be busy! The weather has been so nice! I just love the spring time! Our big maples out front have just gotten their leaves back & everything looks green again!

    I hope you girls all have a great weekend! Keep strong & kick butt!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! took today off so i could rest for the my big day tomorrow....13 miles here i come!!!:laugh:

    wish me luck!!! have a great weekend!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good luck Nicole!! You'll do great!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! did my race today, was able to run 10 out of the 13 miles today, which is awesome considering 9 miles was up hill and i hardly trained for time was 2hrs and 48.5 min!!! now i can hardly off to bed for some much needed sleep!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Here we are - another Monday!! Time to clean up after the weak-end!! I wish my TOM would just come already & be over with!! I have 25 days until the beach!! I gotta get a move on!!
    I had a great treadmill workout on Saturday, I think I burned somewhere around 425 or so, I can't remember now & forgot to check before I started replying! :wink: :tongue: We had a nice party to go to for the kids on Saturday night & we got to dance our dinners off a bit, so that was fun!! I haven't danced at a family oriented party in years! It felt good to just let go & have a good time! It was fun to see all four of us out there dancin'!!
    MJ & I went for a nice after dinner walk yesterday, but that was the only real exercise I got. Most of the day was a rest day with family.

    Great job Nicole!! So very happy & excited for you!! AWESOME!!

    Yvonne, I hope that you survived the weakend!!

    Amanda, are you still unpacking & have you decided about the new workout routine yet?

    Megan, how are thngs with you? I hope your family is keeping healthy!!

    Make it a great day buddies!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!!!

    I just noticed I haven't been around since Wed. :noway: Sorry Buddies :flowerforyou:

    I had a great weekend :happy: for the most part. Last week I was eating everything in sight and I couldn't figure it out... TOM came 1 week early :noway: :grumble: :sad: :ohwell:

    Last week I worked out 4 of 7 days.... and one of those days was a 2 hour workout. :bigsmile: The eating is another story :laugh:

    Sandy - We need another challenge in our Lives :laugh: You have to Feel Marvelous for your Beach Vacation.:happy: Either the "5 Hour Workout Week" or "500 Calorie Per Workout". Your choice and I'm ON IT :happy:
    So Wonderful, to hear the Whole family was Dancing... You are so blessed :flowerforyou:
    Now I'm jealous of your weather :laugh: It has been raining and windy here for the last week almost... I haven't had a chance to rollerblade :grumble: It's supposed to clear up by the weekend.

    Nicole! - You Rock Amiga! :flowerforyou: 10 miles :noway: Are you serious? That is Fantastic :bigsmile:
    No matter how short your "check-in" is, it's always good to hear from you Girl... Your workouts & dedication are admirable. :flowerforyou: I so wish we had a Kettle Bells Class at my gym... I really want to try it.

    Amanda - Hey Girly! SO good to hear you and the family are Loving your new Home :flowerforyou: A new Puppy, a New home, A new You... You have GOT GOING ON!!! :bigsmile: Last chance workout sounds like a killer if it has YOU sore :bigsmile: Is it mostly cardio or strength also? Great that Bella is happy with her little brother :happy:

    Megan - How was the weekend Buddy? Thanks for the tip on the "saddle bags" :bigsmile: I like that machine. Are the Babies all healthly again?

    Today will be no workout for me.... Got Diva Hair. :laugh: I will have to be really careful with calories... :indifferent:

    Make it a Great Day Buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Challenge - let's do the 5 hour workout week!! & leave at least 50 cals on the board at the end of the day!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Challenge - let's do the 5 hour workout week!! & leave at least 50 cals on the board at the end of the day!

    You Got It Amiga!!!!

    5 Hours By Sunday!!! I like "Leaving 50 on the Board"... Doesn't sound like much, but it's a Challenge for me :laugh:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! this week is going to be a nice easy week for me!!! im gonna do yoga twice and thats it!!! my body need a big break, considering i can hardly walk still:laugh: my legs r sooooooo tight!!! this will be a week of getting lots of homework done!!!

    sandy- sounds like u had a great weekend!!! beach vacation...boy am i jealous!!!:wink: sounds like u will be ready for it in no time!!!:drinker:

    spicy- sounds like u also had a good weekend!! and at least u have a good excuse for ur eating!:laugh: now i on the other hand, dont!!:laugh: u have some good challenges in mind!! maybe i will join once my body is back to normal!!! kettle bells is a great class...KILLER!!! im sure u could find a class somewhere around u!!

    hope everyone else had a great weekend!!!
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