Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends

Welcome Amigas Fuerte!!

So here we are! A new name & a new thread!!

We're a strong group of ladies, serious about our health, our fitness & our weightloss. We're here to encourage, strengthen & enlighten each other. We're happy to welcome new members that share a similar no nonsense view.

Let's do this!!


  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello my Strong Girlfriends!

    Today I burned about 350 cals at step & tone class. I really love starting my day on a good foot. I do, however, wish that I would've started my day here, at MFP, as my husband was able to tempt me with some of his snacks & treats. I'm so much better then that! I know better!! I think that my TOM made me weak. But, now that it's outta my system, I have the rest of the weekend to keep strong, work hard & pull it all together!

    I'm really thinking some Tae Bo tomorrow or maybe some treadmill. I need a high calorie burn that's for sure!

    We did this wonderful lower ab exercise in Wednesday's circiut training step class. They're called "throw downs". You need a partner. You lay on your back on the floor, legs together, feet raised straight up in the air. Your partner stands over you, behind your head & pushes/throws your feet back down as you raise them back up again. I forgot to mention that you hold onto your partner's ankles or shoes for leverage. As you get better & stronger, your partner can stop you short from letting you bring your legs all the way up, so that you're only getting a few inches off the ground.
    We did these in a circiut for a minute non stop - only doing this particular exercise 2x or 2mins & I AM SO SORE!! I'm definately going to do more of these, once I heal up!! Maybe during commercial breaks!

    Keep strong my Amigas Fuerte! Let's do this!!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey there my Amigas Fuerte!!!

    I just finished my big burn cardio work out. Today we are going to finish hanging our christmas lights and play outside since it is going to be in the 60s. We are also going to do some christmas shopping online :)

    Sandy-Thank you for starting this new thread!!! Great burn at step yesterday! Keep up the great work amiga :)

    Hope all my buddies have a great weekend and stay strong!!!
  • nicolet04

    ill be back later!!!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Not sure when I'll be is the day Nathan leaves and I have a lot of homework to get done...but I will come back sometime, hopefully soon.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Amigas!

    I hope that you all had a great weekend!!!

    I worked out this morning, I have been doing all different high intensity cardio everyday this past week and it feels so great! AF (aunt flo) is due on Saturday and and I am keeping at the same weight so I am happy.

    I am waiting to call the dentist this morning. I am still in a lot of pain and I tried calling their emergancy line this weekend and it told me on the machine they were open M-F 8-5. Hmmmmm does not sound like much and after hours number when you need the dentist! So I am going to give them an ear full about that and hope that they will fix whatever is wrong with this tooth. Right now I don't care much about what they have to do I just really need the pain to stop!

    Make it a GREAT Monday!!!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I've been sick all weekend & not felt much like being here! While I was starting the new thread on Friday night, I started feeling sick to my stomache & ended up going to bed right after. I spent the reminder of the night barfing my guts out & was down & out all day Saturday. I started feeling a little better on Sunday & by the end of the day, I felt great. Well, now, today is Monday & I feel bleuh again! No barfing as of yet... but just queezey!!

    Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you all & I hope that you're all keeping strong & doing yo THANGS!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    sorry to hear that you have been so sick Sandy! I hope that you get to feeling better really soon!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey My Amigas Fuerte!

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well Sandy.:flowerforyou:

    I've been entertaining friends all weekend. Not eating right and I haven't worked out since Tuesday :noway: . I know I have done some damage.:grumble: Oh well I have to suck it up and complete my 6 hours this week. I haven't weighed and I'm not going to :laugh:

    Amanda - Good for you changing up on the workouts and still having a nice number on the scale while aunt flow is around. :bigsmile: .

    Nicole - Hope you are doing better than I am. :wink:

    I'm trying to set up a wireless router right now. I will be back tomorrow.
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies, gotta make it quick! went to an hour of weights and an hour of zumba today, 700 calories burned! i did HORRIBLE with everything since turkey day! time to fix it! have a super night buddies!!!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member

    Oh.I found you all.This is great.First I would like to say I'm sorry I have not been around.I have been so busy with the holiday's,kids.Everything.I have not been motivated at all.I use to workout all my life and I just haven't for awhile.I'm just going to try this again.You all are so motivating.So Yea!It's time to workout and get motivated and try to stay motivated to workout.I did some stretches and toning today.I'm just starting off real slowly again.I put my christmas decorations up yesterday.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas! Sandy Thanks for the Great New Thread and sending me the link.

    I'm going to take this opportunity to START FRESH... The new Month along with a new Thread seems like the perfect time. :bigsmile: I really like the way I look in my clothes and out of them :blushing: for the most part. :laugh: However, I want to see a little less 'fat jiggle' around my saddle bags, bra line and flanks(muffin top) and arms.
    I'm on a new journey... Body Fat % Loss. I've lowered my weightloss to 1/2 lb. per week, which gives me 1400 calories with a deficit of only 250 :noway: . You guys know how much I love cardio. It's gonna take me some time for me to switch to more weights and less cardio, but I will get there. Today, instead of 60 minutes on the elliptical it will be 15 min to warm up, 15 stretching, 30 weights. I'm gonna try to not where my HRM :noway:

    Suzanne - Hi Amiga! Glad you found us :bigsmile: Keep up that attitude and you will eventually end up back in full swing. You don't have much to lose... keep you eye on the prize.

    Nicole - Hey girl - I am soooo with you. This Holiday just wacked up my whole routine. You did great with your workouts. :happy: You had "cushion" before the holidays, you couldn't have done too much damage. :wink:

    Sandy - Thankfuly you got in a good workout before your hubby "tempted' you. Are you still feeling "blah"? Was it something you ate?

    Amanda - Sounds like everyone in the house is Healthy :bigsmile: Take advantage :laugh:

    Did anyone get some great Bargains this weekend? I think I got a deal yesterday on a 8 Gig, Sony MP3 for my son... $69. I will check the price today and see if I did.

    Make it a Great day Amigas Fuerte! :bigsmile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I'm feeling a little bit better today, I just have a bad headache, but as long as my oatmeal stays down, I'll be happy. Today is the first day since Friday night, that I've tracked anything. The only good thing that came outta this stomach virus is that it did get rid of all the junk that I ate Thursday & Friday. My weight is holding pretty steady, however, I've not been drinking much water, sooooo.. well, you know what that means!
    As far as exercise, I may take another day off today & save a good workout for step aerobics tomorrow. I need to sit & pay some bills & clean out my kitchen sink anyway!!

    Spicy, I love your new attitude & goals! They sound great & I know that you'll succeed! I was just reading that Jillian said to lower your sodium to 1500 & increase your water intake to help you "lose" a belly bulge. Belly fat is all about diet & cardio, so that's where I'm going to focus. She also said that the best inner thigh exercise is the old time Jane Fonda style leg lifts. They work the best without bulking up. Interesting....

    Nicole, I hope that you've got your groove back. I agree that the holiday week threw me way off too. I was headed down a very bad road right before the stomach virus. However, I don't recommend it as a way to get back. How's the zumba coming? Any new outfits for you?? I really want to go back to a class. I haven't since the first initial free class, but I really want to get back! Maybe next week, as I don't think I could handle it this week & besides the hubby has to work late & there's no sitter at the evening classes...

    All you other ladies, keep it up, keep your focus & keep going!!

    Well, I better get moving! Bills aint going to pay themselves!

    :heart: Sandy
  • passionhi
    Good Morning Buddies!!!!!!

    This holiday really tested my determination. Thanksgiving was at my place, so you there was tons of left over food, especially cake(s). And I ate lots of cake. But I made myself workout, or at least walk an hour a day. I also bought the "cardio max" dvd; so my little girl ( she loves exercise with mommy) and I did that fri, sat, and sun. Amazingly I did not gain anything, whew.... But now I am on a mission to lose at least 8 lbs by the end of this month. I am thinking about buying the "30 day shred" too. I will let you all know if I do or not.

    Sanifrey-thanks for the link. And I luv the new profile pic. you look gorg.

    Spicy-work it out girl!!!Doesn't if feel good to have the holiday behind you, so you can look forward? I am with you on the starting fresh. Just thinking about it gets me motivated.

    Nicole-you are the Zumba Queen!!! Keep it up girl, you are well on your way!!!

    Have a great day ladies!!!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Amigas!

    I just read a thread that was so close to how I woke up feeling today. I just thought it was such a coincedence (sp).

    Check it out. :happy:
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Thank you.You all are so nice.It is one of the last warmer days so I took a walk a little outside a few more times and a little toning and stretching.I am still starting off real slow.In a few days I will start off slowly with Jane fonda's stress reduction program and a little toning.Then work my way up to fat burning for dummies and Jane Fondas favorite fat burners.I am older and have to start off slowly.I just need to stick with this now and try and get motivated.I will.Have a happy day.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Amigas!

    I just read a thread that was so close to how I woke up feeling today. I just thought it was such a coincedence (sp).

    Check it out. :happy:

    Great thread there, Amiga!! I'd have to agree with it all!! Seems like I can't get any lower then 142 without bouncing right back up to 145 a few days later. .. I like the idea of fitness goals. Even thinking of participating in an upcoming 5K in March!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    Great Info Sandy. Thanks.

    Wow a 5k... You go Momma! I'm not a runner, but I will be on the side lines cheering you on :bigsmile:
  • nicolet04
    hey buddies!! today i went to an hour of yoga and then i decided to switch it up a little and went to kickboxing...600 calories burned!
    that was a great link spicy! i actually must started reading a book called "the gabriel method" that kinda fits along with that. its about the mental part of weight loss and figuring out why we r "fat." so far its good, but i just started reading it last night.

    suzanne- great job on getting some exercise in!!! starting slow is always good, so u dont injure urself! anything is better than nothing at all!:wink:

    spicy- great idea about starting fresh! i think we all need that! i think ur plan sounds fantastic, u know they say that weights is the thing that will totally transform ur body! i did not shop at all, i wanted to, but money would be nice first:laugh:

    sandy- im glad that u r feeling better!:flowerforyou: i think another day off would probably be good for you! zumba is great, im making a new shirt this week!!:bigsmile: a 5k would be awesome!!! i was thinking about doing a triathalon, but i just cant give up the zumba yet:laugh: have "fun" paying ur bills:laugh:

    passion- great job this weekend! i was too scared to weigh myself, ill have to see how i feel friday:laugh: my daughter loves to workout with me also, its so good to know that we r teaching our kids that exercise is a positive thing!

    have a super night!! biggest loser tonight!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today is a great day! I was able to get back into exercise & went to step aerobics. I felt a little queezy during the warm up, but was able to hang in there & burn 350 for the workout. It feels good to be active again! Hopefully I can stay on top of my food diary today & do well there. I'm also trying to get back into drinking my water. It just tastes so bad lately... I'm sure it's all in my head, having to do with the stomach virus and all.

    Anyway, I'm glad that you're all doing well & keeping active!

    Nicole, great burn with the yoga & kickboxing! I bet that was a fun change up for you! Did you enjoy BL?? Did you vote?? I think we have an hour left to do so today! I loved seeing Tara from last season! It looks like she put a little bit of weight back on from last year's finale, but she still looks good & looks like she's keeping active. That's the most important thing! I hope that they start a new season rather quickly, I love the motivation!!!

    Spicy, my dear, where are you today?? Must be hard at work!! What's on your workout agenda for today?? Is your weather still nice for rollerblading?? It's definately too cold in Pittsburgh now for anything like that!! I saw this woman jogging today - in shorts!! Her poor legs were all red from the wind & cold. Really?? I mean really?? Check the forecast lady!! She looked totally ridiculous!!

    Amanda, how are things going with you? What's your workout schedule looking like lately?? Did you see that the BL has some new workout dvds?? One is called The Last Chance Workout - I gotta have it!!!

    Passion, how are things?? I hope that you're keeping that great motivation & attitude up!! How are the workouts coming along?

    Suzanne, keep going!! You mentioned that you're starting out slowly. Are you dealing with an injury? I see that you want to lose 17lbs, that's a great goal & totally achievable!! Just find your focus & set yourself up for success!

    Amy, how are things?? I know school is busy! Are you still making time for you & your health?? I've been thinking about you lately,, as I'm considering starting the couch to 5 k program (C25K). You found that on itunes as a podcast, right?? I really need to see how that works.

    Well, buddies & amigas - keep going & make it a great day!

    :heart: Sandy